/ Marinated tomatoes with lemon acid. Recipe

Marinated tomatoes with lemon acid. Recipe

Tomatoes with lemon acid can be harvesteddifferently. In this article, we will present two ways of making a tasty home snack. One of them involves the use of whole tomatoes, and the other - cut.

tomatoes with lemon acid

Step-by-step recipe for tomatoes with citric acid

The appetizer prepared according to this recipe is very tasty and aromatic. Marinated tomatoes have a pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness, and the brine can be drunk with cups.

Having once tasted marinated tomatoes with citric acid, you will never again cook them with table vinegar.

So, to make a delicious homemade snack, we need the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes are small in size - about 3-5 kg ​​(as much as they fit into a three-liter jar);
  • sugar beet - 4-5 large spoons;
  • salt fine - 3 dessert spoons;
  • citric acid - 2 small spoons;
  • garlic denticles - 6-8 large pcs .;
  • pepper fragrant peas - 10 pcs.

Preparing ingredients and dishes

Before you make tomatoes with citric acidfor the winter, they should be properly processed. Small tomatoes of the same size are thoroughly washed and dried. Also, separately clean the cloves of fresh garlic and rub them on a small grater. After that start preparing the packaging. As her, we decided to use a three-liter glass jar. It is thoroughly washed with baking soda and sterilized carefully over the steam. As for the tin lids, they are simply boiled in a bowl of water.

tomatoes with citric acid

The process of forming the billet and preparing the brine

Tomatoes with citric acid are very delicious. But this is only if they were correctly marinated.

After the main ingredient has been processed, it is densely packed in a pre-sterilized jar. At the same time, be sure that tomatoes do not break.

Once the pot is filled with tomatoes, it is poured with steep boiling water and left in this form for ¼ hours.

After a lapse of time, all the liquid is poured into a large saucepan and placed on a stove. Bringing the water to a boil, add to it beet sugar, table salt and citric acid.

After dissolving the spices, the ready marinade is poured in again.jar with vegetables (right up to the top), where previously added grated cloves of garlic and peas of sweet pepper. After that, the container is rolled up and immediately turned upside down.

After wrapping the workpiece in a thick blanket, it is kept in this condition for a day. After that, pickled tomatoes with citric acid are removed to the cellar.

Serve a vegetable snack at the dinner tablepreferably after a lapse of a month and a half. During this time, tomatoes with citric acid are well marinated, will become very juicy and tasty. You can consume them with alcoholic beverages, and with any hot dishes. For example, a delicious dinner is made, consisting of fried potatoes with mushrooms, fresh herbs and home marinades.

Tomatoes with citric acid for the winter

We make cut tomatoes with lemon acid

Cut tomatoes marinate much faster than whole. However, harvesting such vegetables is much longer.

So how to realize the recipe for tomatoes with citric acid? For this we need:

  • tomatoes of any size are sweet - about 4-5 kg ​​(as much as it will fit into a three-liter jar);
  • sugar beet - 4-5 large spoons;
  • salt fine - 3 dessert spoons;
  • citric acid - 2 small spoons;
  • garlic denticles - 3 large pcs .;
  • pepper fragrant peas - 5 pcs .;
  • laurel leaf, dill umbrellas, currant leaves, cherries and horseradish - add to your liking.

Preparing the ingredients

Before you prepare tomatoes with lemonacid for the winter, they should be properly processed. Vegetables are thoroughly washed, dried and cut in half. Garlic cloves are also cleaned separately. As for laurels, umbrellas of dill, currant leaves, cherries and horseradish, they are properly rinsed and scalded with steep boiling water.

We make brine

To tomatoes with lemon acid turned outas much as possible delicious, you should separately prepare brine for them. Drinking water is strongly boiled on fire, and then add beet sugar and small salt. After dissolving the ingredients, the marinade is removed from the plate, citric acid is poured in and mixed well.

a recipe for tomatoes with citric acid

How to form a blank and sterilize it on a plate?

Tomatoes with lemon acid should be formedin a three-liter jar. Her pre-sterilized, and then spread out the peas of black pepper, whole garlic cloves, laurel leaves, dill umbrellas, currant leaves, cherries and horseradish. After that, the container is filled with sliced ​​tomatoes and poured over a hot marinade.

Covering the can with a tin lid, it isA deep saucepan with water (so that the liquid reaches the shoulders) and put on the stove. After boiling, the preform is sterilized for ¼ hour. After this time, the container with tomatoes is taken out and rolled up. If the amount of liquid in the pot is reduced, then it should be added to the boiling water.

Having rolled tomatoes with boiled lids, theirturn upside down. At the same time, make sure that no bubbles form in the jar. If air gets inside, then the lid does not fit tightly. In this case, it should be removed and another one used.

How to store and what to use?

Withstood canned tomatoes at room temperaturetemperature during the day, they are removed to a cool room. Keep such blanks in the heat is not recommended, because in this case, they can "explode".

Eat sliced ​​tomatoes, marinated withcitric acid, should only after 3-4 weeks. This time should be enough to make tomatoes completely soaked with brine, they became as tasty and aromatic as possible.

pickled tomatoes with citric acid

Serve tomatoes with marinade can be to anyfirst or second courses. To do this, the vegetables are spread in a small kremanka, and the brine is poured into a glass. To serve such a snack to the dinner table is desirable in a cooled state.

An open jar with cut tomatoes should be kept in the refrigerator no more than 1,5-2 months, otherwise they will be covered with mold.

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