/ / What to cook for dinner - a few quick and simple options

What to cook for dinner - a few quick and simple options

Regardless of how the day passed - in the writingsor on vacation, at home or at work - the evening of most women begins with the same thought of what can be cooked for dinner, that it is useful, satisfying, tasty and at the same time simple in performance. Of course, men often also prepare for their loved ones, for the family or for the company. But women think about this issue much more often. That there are only women's forums on which whole branches are dedicated to the topic "What to cook for dinner".

what to cook for dinner
According to one famous proverb, dinner is neededto give to enemies. On the other hand, you can cook it light and delicious, so that even with friends it will not be very desirable to share. So, the main rule of a healthy dinner is a minimum of calories. Of course, it would be ideal to drink a glass of juice, yogurt or kefir and go to sleep, but few can boast of willpower, sufficient to fall asleep on an empty stomach. Therefore, dinner will still have to be cooked. Best if it will consist of several dishes. For example, salad (or garnish), main course and dessert. Instead of the latter, you can use fresh fruit - this is useful, and you do not need to cook.

what can you cook for dinner
To prepare a salad quickly and tasty (andthe main thing is to make it useful), you should use fresh vegetables. In the summer it can be cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, all kinds of greens. All vegetables need to be washed, cut, podsolit and season with vegetable oil - that's the whole salad. In winter it is better to take beets or carrots, grate, add garlic, prunes and season with sour cream. You can make a salad of grated radish. In general, the main secret of the salad is to cook from what was at hand with a minimum of heat treatment (or better even without it).

Now about the main course.Thinking about what to cook for dinner, many women hope that they will be invited to a restaurant or, in the worst case, a pizzeria. But every day at a cafe you do not like, and home food is much more useful. It turns out that you can cook a plush dish yourself, not worse than in a restaurant without spending a lot of time on it, or a lot of energy.

The most simple and delicious option for dinner is a chickenbottle. It will require a chicken carcass, a bottle (its size should be such that the chicken, "riding" it, fit in the oven in height), salt, spices. The bird should be rubbed with salt and spices, poured into the bottle water, pepper, bay leaf and other spices for flavor. Then the chicken "put" on the bottle and sent to the oven to bake. In the meantime, the dish will be prepared (because the process does not require any intervention), you can do other things or relax. After about an hour, you can start serving the table.

cook quickly and deliciously
Being in meditation about what to cookfor dinner, do not forget about pasta. Correctly cooked quality pasta with spicy sauce is an excellent dish, which can be cooked literally for 20 minutes. And it is tasty, and satisfying, and useful.

Unfortunately, many, not knowing what to cook ondinner, buy semi-finished products. Of course, at one time this may be a way out of the situation, but constantly eating half-finished products of doubtful origin is not only harmful, but also dangerous for health. No matter how delicious the dumplings or pizza from the supermarket are, they will definitely not be prepared from quality and fresh products.

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