/ / Peach cake: recipes with photos

Cake with peaches: recipes with photos

Summer is a wonderful time ... Fruit, sea, heat ... Sometimes inthis time you want something sweet and light at the same time, summer. A perfect option for dessert can be a peach cake. Even if you cook it at a different time of the year with canned fruit, it will not be less than summer.

Peach Sponge Cake

This cake is very simple to prepare, no intricate products are needed. However, it turns out very tasty.

peach cake


  1. Eggs (better to take large) - 4 pcs.
  2. Sugar - 135 g
  3. Flour - 135 g
  4. Oil (refined vegetable) - 35 ml.
  5. Vanilla.
  6. Two spoons of boiling water (table).

For impregnation:

  1. Two tablespoons of brandy.
  2. Peach syrup - 75 ml.


  1. Sour cream (at least 30% fat) - 350 g
  2. Sugar - 155 g.
  3. Vanilla.

Filler - peaches (you can take fresh or canned) - 250 g

Cooking sponge cake

So, let's start cooking a cake with peaches.Eggs must be whipped with vanilla and sugar. The mass should become white and at the same time significantly increase in volume, as well as thicken. Without ceasing to beat, add two spoons of boiling water, and then slowly pour in the oil. The mixture should turn into a homogeneous fluffy mass, which will not be so thick, but very airy.

Then sift the flour right into the beaten eggs andgradually mix gently, starting from the edge and ending with the center. If the egg mass was well, properly whipped, then baking powder is not needed. The resulting dough is poured into a baking dish, which is pre-covered with cooking parchment.

peach cake recipe

Отправляем наш бисквит выпекаться в духовку.At a temperature of 180 degrees, the base will be ready in half an hour. The finished biscuit should cool in the form, only then it can be reached and cut into three shortcakes.

Creamy peach filling

For the preparation of the cake, we need impregnation. It is made from peach syrup and brandy. This mixture is processed cakes with a teaspoon.

Canned peaches should be choppedcubes. They must be drained beforehand so that the extra syrup is gone. Cake with peaches can be prepared with fresh fruit, then the dessert is also very tasty.

Теперь можно перейти к приготовлению крема.For this, fat sour cream should be whipped with vanilla and sugar until strong peaks form. Sometimes sour cream purchased in the store, stubbornly unwilling to whip. In such cases, we recommend adding a special thickener for cream. Just carefully before use, read the dosage on the bag.

So, all the preparatory stages are over, you canstart picking a cake with canned peaches. On one of the soaked cakes lay out half of all the chopped fruit. Next, apply a third of the cream of sour cream. From above we cover with the next biscuit cake. Again put the peaches, cream and close the biscuit with cream.

peach cake photo

Готовый торт со всех сторон обмазываем кремом.Decorate as you wish. You can sprinkle the top layer through a cocoa strainer, and sprinkle some white chocolate on top. Before serving, the cake should stand in the refrigerator and soak.

Peach Cheesecake

With peaches you can make a delicate cake with cottage cheese.

Ingredients for making dough:

  1. Half a pack of butter.
  2. One egg.
  3. Flour - 0.2 kg.
  4. Sugar - 120 g
  5. A bag of baking powder.

For filling:

  1. Cottage cheese - 0.4 kg.
  2. Sour cream - 200 g
  3. Sugar - 130 g
  4. Two eggs.
  5. Half a lemon.
  6. Vanilla.
  7. Canned peaches

Cooking cheese cake

Cake with peaches and cottage cheese turns out very juicy, tender and tasty. For such a dessert, you can take apricots and other fruits.

Butter should be rubbed with sugar,then add the egg and mix. Further parts gradually introduce flour and baking powder. Knead the dough well. Once it is ready, roll it into a ball and shift it into a detachable form. Gradually stretch it along the bottom and mold the sides. Then send for half an hour in the fridge.

canned peach cake

And in the meantime in a basin to connect sour cream,cottage cheese, vanilla, starch, eggs, sugar, juice of half a lemon. All the ingredients are first mixed, and then beat until smooth and poured into a dough mold. And on top to put the halves of peaches, they partially have to plunge into the curd mass. Cake with peaches must be baked for about an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Prepared pastries should cool down, after which it should be sent for an hour in the refrigerator. The taste of this dessert is fully revealed chilled.

Lovers of light cottage cheese baking such a cake with peaches (the photo is given in the article) will really like it. Have a nice tea party!

Cake without baking

A cake without baking with peaches is anotherwonderful quick dessert. Such a treat is convenient to cook in summer. When it's hot outside, there’s no desire at all to turn on the oven. Then comes to the rescue cake with peaches, a recipe that does not even imply baking.


  1. Pack of oil.
  2. "Jubilee" cookies - 260 g.
  3. Fresh or canned peaches - 0.8 kg.
  4. Curd mass - 0.5 kg.
  5. Gelatin - 30 g
  6. Cream (only fat - more than 30%) - 0.5 l.

Cooking a cake without baking

For the preparation of the cake, you need to chop the cookiesso that it turns into a fine crumb, which is mixed with warm oil. We will need a split form. It must be covered with parchment or cling film. At the bottom of the form is laid out the dough from the cookies and carefully tamped. Next, send the cake to the fridge for freezing.

peach sponge cake

Вскрываем консервированные персики и даем им drain through a colander. Then send the fruit into a blender and turn them into mashed potatoes. Peach juice is slightly heated and dissolved in it gelatin. The resulting syrup should be divided into two equal parts. Pound the curd mass and combine with peach puree. Put the whole curd mass on the cake, line it up, and spread the peach puree on top. Cake for the night must be placed in the refrigerator. And before serving, be sure to remove the film.

Such a light and beautiful dessert is good because even the most inexperienced housewife or a person who does not like messing with dough can cook it.

Peach Shortcake Cake

To make a peach cake we will need:

  1. Oil - 130 g
  2. Flour - 0.2 kg.
  3. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Peaches - 0.4 kg.
  5. Salt.
  6. Water - 2.5-3 Art. l

The oven should be heated to 200 degrees in advance. We get the oil out of the fridge and let it warm up. Canned peaches should be peeled and cut into small slices.

Put oil, salt, sugar, flour in a saucepan.Oil mash with a fork, and then mix with flour to obtain a large crumb. Add cold water, quickly stir the ingredients and knead the dough. It will not be thick, but it should not flow.

peach cheesecake

Prepare a baking sheet, we cover it with paper.Spoon the dough on the parchment. Level it so that the cake was no more than five millimeters thick. Put peaches on dough. Sprinkle the fruit with powdered or sugar and bake for twenty minutes at 200 degrees. A thin layer of dough will be baked quickly, and the peaches will be covered with caramel.

Peach log


  1. Sugar - 1.3 cups.
  2. Flour is a glass.
  3. Salt.
  4. Two proteins.
  5. Vanilla.
  6. Eggs - 4 pcs.

For the preparation of glaze:

  1. Spoon sour cream (dining room).
  2. Two spoons of cocoa (table).
  3. Oil - 35 g

For filling:

  1. Two spoons of flour (dining rooms).
  2. Two yolks.
  3. Seven spoons of sugar (tablespoons).
  4. A glass of milk.
  5. Pack of oil.
  6. Two peaches.

Step-by-step recipe

Four eggs, beat in a cool foam, adda glass of sugar, vanilla and flour. Beat again. The resulting dough is poured into a parchment form, set to bake for twenty minutes at 200 degrees. Ready to get the cake and cool.

The temperature in the oven must be lowered to 140degrees Squirrels whip in a cool foam and a quarter cup of sugar and salt. The resulting mass is transferred to the culinary bag. Next on the baking sheet with parchment squeeze the small balls. We bake them for half an hour.

Peaches should be washed and cut, then put in a saucepan, sprinkle with two spoons of sugar and boil on low heat for twenty minutes. Remove from heat and wipe through a sieve.

cake without baking with peaches

Next, prepare the cream.A quarter cup of milk, beat with five tablespoons of sugar, flour and yolks. And the rest of the milk is boiled and gradually introduce a yolk solution. The whole mixture is constantly interfere. It should thicken, but not boil. Next, remove from heat and add the butter, whip the entire mixture vigorously.

Sponge cake cut into two parts.The lower part is soaked with peach filling. We coat both cakes with cream and let them stand for ten minutes. Half of the finished meringue should be laid out on the bottom cake, covering it with the second one, smeared with cream. Top with the rest of the meringue.

Next, prepare the chocolate icing.To do this, mix sour cream, cocoa and sugar. Put the saucepan on a small fire and bring to a boil, stirring. After removing from the heat, add oil and stir everything again. On top of the cake iced.

How to decorate the cake with peaches? As a rule, on the top layer lay out slices of drawings. Patterns of canned fruit look beautiful. Decorations of fresh peaches can be poured with a layer of jelly.

Instead of an afterword

Peaches are wonderful fruits.And cakes based on them are a real celebration of taste. All proposed recipes are excellent simple variants of summer dessert. In fact, recipes for peach cakes are a great variety. Try it yourself to make one of our proposed desserts and please your loved ones with an unforgettable taste.

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