/ / The most delicious recipe: patties with onion and egg

The most delicious recipe: patties with onion and egg

It seems that nothing so pleases lovers to eat deliciously, like fresh, fragrant homemade pastries. And pies with a heat-hot, ruddy, raise and the most gloomy mood. Here, try for interest!

recipe patties with onions and eggs
Pies of unleavened dough

We offer at first such a recipe:pies with onions and eggs from a batterless (unleavened) dough. The ingredients are as follows: for a 500 g flour test, a glass of sour cream (fresh, high fat - from this dish will get tastier), 2 eggs, as many tablespoons of oil, 1 - sugar and a half teaspoon of salt. Each owner has such a supply of food. Pick them up will not be difficult. Consider our recipe for "Pies with onions and eggs". Of course, it is best if there are feathers of green. For pies will require a bundle of gram in 400. And 5-6 eggs. Another desirable bunch of fresh dill - for flavor and better taste. But if there is no green onion, take a normal, 2-3 onions. Eggs boil hard, chill, brush, finely chop. Onion (which is available), too, cut, if green - fry a little, bulbs - traditionally, until golden brown. Use sunflower oil. As the recipe emphasizes, pies with onions and eggs are delicious when the stuffing is sharp. So add, pepper, you can add spices. Dill crumb fresh, forcemeat mix well. But back to the test. Sift flour, pour in sour cream, add butter, salt and sugar, beat in eggs and thoroughly knead. Then roll into a bowl, cover with a towel and leave for half an hour in the cold (you can put it in the refrigerator). After this time, separate small pieces from the main body, roll them into bread rolls about half a centimeter thick and cut out the appropriate mug size. Put the stuffing, connect the edges, put the finished product on the baking sheet, sprinkled with flour. Now, specifies the recipe, pies with onions and eggs should be smeared with beaten egg mass and put in a hot oven. The time of baking is 15-20 minutes (watch how brighten up so that you do not overdo it!). Get it - and on the table, for tea!

patties with onion egg rice
Patties fried

And now yeast dough.We'll make pies with onion, egg, rice. To do this, a glass of rice from the evening soak to make it softer. You can then put it on a water bath, a bay, as for porridge, with steep boiling water. Or just separately boil until done. Then rinse. Bow and eggs prepare as described in the previous recipe. Mix the minced ingredients, salt, pepper, sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley. By the way, if we compare caloric content, the patty with onion and egg contains not much lower calories than with egg and rice. But back to the test. For him, you should put the spit: in warm water or milk dissolve the yeast (for 1 kilogram of flour requires 2 and a half glasses of milk or whey and 30 g of yeast), add half the cooked flour, mix well, lest the lumps turn out. Of course, sow flour in advance. Opara should rise, for this, put it in a warm place for about an hour or a little longer. Then report the rest of the products: butter - 3 tablespoons, sugar - 1-2 same, salt - 1 spoon, tea. And hammer 2 eggs. Mix again, pour in the rest of the flour and mix the dough thoroughly until it begins to lag behind the sides of the bowl or pan.

calorie patty with onion and egg
Cover the stock again and keep it warm."Reach" another hour and a half. The amount of product will increase in volume. After that, the dough is added again, left for the last time on the “income”, then you can work with it. Put the whole mass on the kitchen table, divide into small pieces weighing 50-60 g, roll into mugs, and let stand for about 15 minutes. Now roll them into cakes with a thickness of a centimeter, put the stuffing, close up, leave for 10 minutes to lift. Pour vegetable oil into a pot or a deep frying pan, heat it up and fry the patties in it, turning it to brown. Put ready-made on a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

Eat for health!

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