/ / Patties with onion and egg in a frying pan: recipe

Patties with onion and egg in a frying pan: recipe

Baking for a long time is considered the most deliciousdish in the Russian feast. Especially everyone likes pies with eggs and green onions. To prepare this dish, there are many recipes: in the oven, in a frying pan, in the multivark. Knowing its basis, you can cook them with different tastes and in different ways.

fried egg patties

Recipe for pies with onion and egg

Among all recipes for pies are the main ways of cooking: frying in a frying pan and baking in the oven. The quality of the finished products will depend on the following components:

  • the dough should be kneaded by the rules and up to the desired consistency;
  • the products for the filling and dough must be fresh.

Обычно начинка из лука с яйцом для пирожков is prepared from green onions mixed with dill or other herbs. In order to make the dough products very tasty, you must choose a young and fresh onion in the store. Eggs for the filling of many housewives prefer from domestic chickens, because they have a yolk more vivid, which makes the cut of pies very beautiful, and the taste - more saturated.

pies with onions

Patties on the frying pan

Жареные пирожки с луком и яйцом, по мнению many, deservedly are considered the most delicious, but high-calorie dish. Their calorific value increases due to the use of vegetable or butter for frying. But the high fat content of the product is compensated by the satiety, divine taste, appetizing and ruddy golden pies.

The best test for cooking is kefir, as it is very lush, tender, and yet universal, suitable for any baking with savory stuffing.

fried pies

Ingredients for cooking

To prepare pies with onions and eggs in a pan, the following ingredients will be needed:

To mix the dough, you need:

  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 40 g of butter;
  • 10 g of yeast in dry form;
  • 20 ml of olive oil;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • half a kilo of wheat flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt with a slide or 2 without a slide.

To prepare the filling, you will need:

  • boiled chicken eggs 6 pcs .;
  • packing of young green onions 1 pc .;
  • salt to taste;
  • other spices are also to taste.

When all the necessary products are bought and ready, then you can proceed to cooking.

patties with onions and eggs baked

Preparation of pastry dough

To prepare delicious and mouth-watering patties with onions and eggs, it is recommended to follow the following instructions:

  1. The first step is to put milk on the fire, but do not bring to a boil. Then it is necessary to cool it to about 40 degrees (slightly warmer than room temperature).
  2. In warm milk add sugar, salt and yeast. Mix well and leave for about 25-30 minutes until a large number of bubbles appear on the surface.
  3. Chicken egg whisk with a little sugar, gradually adding a soft butter.
  4. Combine the resulting egg-and-oil and yeast mixtures. Stir to a homogeneous consistency.
  5. In a container with a deep bottom, sift the flour through the sieve (leave it for a small pile). In the middle of a flour mountain make a hole and pour the mixture obtained earlier.
  6. Start the batch. This process should be done carefully, so that the dough eventually had a smooth structure without lumps. At the end of the mixture add olive oil.
  7. The container with the dough, after it was mixed, is covered with a cotton cloth or a film with small holes so that it can rise and not become airborne.

Filling for patties with onion and egg

While the dough is infused, it is possible to prepare a filling for pies.

  1. Eggs must be boiled until ready (so that the yolk is dry).
  2. Cooled eggs cut into small cubes. Green young onion cut into small rings and combine with eggs, salt and with spices.
  3. For the taste, you can add melted butter.

After the filling is prepared, you can proceed to the formation of pies with onions and eggs and their frying.

  1. The dough is divided into small parts, which are rolled out in a thin layer.
  2. On the rolled out "flat cakes" laid out prepared filling in the middle.
  3. The edges of the patty are torn and laid out on a hot pan.
  4. It is better to take a frying pan and use sunflower and butter for frying.
  5. Products will be ready when they are covered with a delicious golden crust.
pies in the oven

Patties baked in the oven

Baking in the oven is considered classica method of preparation of pies. It is more effective and less caloric. A large number of onions and egg delicacies are prepared immediately, which do not require individual roasting from each side.

To prepare the test you will need:

  • 200-300 ml of fresh milk;
  • 20-30 g of yeast in powder form;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • 60-80 gr of butter;
  • 3-4 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • 500-600 gr of flour.

The filling for patties with onions and eggs will be prepared from:

  • 4-5 large stalks of green onions;
  • 5-6 pieces of chicken eggs;
  • salt and other spices.
baked pies

The process of cooking patties in the oven

  1. Pour the entire amount of dry yeast into the warmand cooled milk to room temperature. It is cooled so that the yeast can comfortably multiply and give off a lot of gas for the splendor of the dough. In too hot or cold milk, yeast will not give the desired effect.
  2. In the yeast mixture add sugar and half of the whole flour.
  3. After thoroughly mixing the resulting liquid, cover the dishes with a towel or a napkin and wait for the opara to rise.
  4. While the dough is preparing and the yeast wakes up, in a separate container, whip the eggs (whites and yolks better beat up separately) with butter and salt.
  5. Mix the egg and yeast mixture. Sprinkle the second part of the flour and knead the dough. It should be smooth in consistency and plastic in sensation.
  6. The resulting dough is divided into small pieces (about 50 grams). Each of them must be rolled up to a size of 0.3-0.5 cm.
  7. The filling should be prepared by this moment: boiled eggs, cut into small cubes, are combined with salt and finely chopped greens.
  8. In the middle of each rolled piece of dough spreads a tablespoon of filling. The edges of the patty with a bow and egg are torn.
  9. Grease the pan with oil so that the products in thethe baking process did not stick and did not burn. Lay the prepared semi-finished products with the seam down on the baking sheet. Top with a yolk, thoroughly whipped to a liquid consistency, so that the crust of pies has acquired a golden hue.
  10. The next batch to cover with a towel from a cotton material and to allow to be insisted and ascend. Approximate waiting time is 30 minutes.
  11. While the patties are infused, the oven warms upup to 180 degrees. Put the baking tray with dough products in a preheated oven for about 35-40 minutes. To bake turned rosy, not burnt and not burnt in the process of baking, you must constantly inspect it. To do this, it is better to have an oven with a glass door.

Put the cooked pies on the dish and leave to cool a little.

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