/ / Is it possible to freeze chanterelles and how to do it correctly?

Is it possible to freeze chanterelles and how to do it correctly?

Perhaps the most delicious species of mushrooms arechanterelle. True connoisseurs of dishes containing this vegetable component can appreciate the stunning taste and aroma of forest mushrooms. Of them, soups are prepared, they are added to salads, to second courses. Today, there are many recipes for snacks that contain forest mushrooms in their composition.

Is it possible to freeze chanterelles
Unfortunately, to be content with these dishes fromfreshly picked chanterelles are impossible throughout the year, so they need to be harvested somehow for the winter, like all other seasonal vegetables, fruits and other vegetation. The most commonly used method of conservation, which is good for anything, but not for mushrooms. In this case, we are talking about a possible infection with botulinum toxin, which is most often due to the home conservation of fungi. That production, which can be found in the store, surprisingly causes even greater confidence than domestic canned food, because it is the industrial method that uses the boiling point well above 100 degrees. At home, this can not be done, this is the danger of the product.

In this connection, the question arises whetherto freeze chanterelles? Not only it is possible, but also it is necessary, after all it is one of the most safe methods of their storage. And, despite the low temperatures of the freezer, it is in this form in the mushrooms that useful substances remain.

how to freeze chanterelles for the winter
How to freeze chanterelles for the winter?Most people prepare the product for storage in a very simple way: wash, peel and cut into small pieces. The most sophisticated housewives often have a question: "Can I freeze chanterelles in boiled form?" And this will be given the same affirmative answer "yes." In this case, they must be prepared for the preparation process, then cooled, put into specially prepared dishes and sent to the freezer.

Can I freeze chanterelles fried?This question may seem strange, because freshly-frozen mushrooms can also be cooked in a fried dish, but this question is relevant for those who use fried mushrooms in their salads most often. You do not have to deal with tedious cleaning of a small portion of chanterelles, just get the prepared semi-finished product from the freezer, defrost it and add it to the salad.

how to freeze chanterelles
Can I freeze chanterelles marinated? The answer to this question will be exactly the same as in the previous version.

Whenever you prepare a forestproduct to storage, carefully treat the dirt, carefully removing them. The same applies to mushroom hats, and adhering or prigorous leaves and pieces of grass. Otherwise, you risk getting poisoned due to harmful substances, and a small piece of unnoticed dirt can affect the quality of the dish and your reputation as a housewife.

If you do not know how to freeze chanterelles onwinter, then just use our tips or ask the inveterate mushroom pickers who will give you a couple of tasty and interesting recipes. Bon Appetit!

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