/ Can zucchini be frozen for the winter?

Is it possible to freeze zucchini for the winter?

Although the courgette looks not so goodpresentable, it is eaten with pleasure around the world and cooks from it hundreds of different dishes. But the most important thing is that it is very useful. Zucchini is one of the most dietary products, as it normalizes the water-salt balance, contributes to the removal of excess liquid from the body, its caloric value per 100 grams of the product is only 24 kcal. Despite the fact that its season lasts from May to October, it is not easy to find a fresh zucchini in the winter months. Therefore, many are interested in whether it is possible to freeze zucchini for the winter. Of course you can. You just need to know some secrets.

How to freeze zucchini

can I freeze zucchini
The most important thing is to choose them correctly.For freezing, it is best to choose zucchini medium ripeness. Young contain too much liquid, and mature seeds have large seeds and coarse skin. And, of course, they should not be spoiled. For freezing, only quality fruits are left.

It is also important to know if it is possible to freezezucchini just like that, without further processing. After the vegetables are selected, they must be washed and dried on a towel. And only after that you can proceed to the next part. Depending on how they are planned to be used, zucchini is cut into cubes or rings, and also rubbed on the croup

do zucchini freeze

Already prepared vegetables should be divided intosingle portions, decomposed into clean and dry bags. Of these, you need to remove the air as much as possible, tie it and send it to the freezer. Instead of polyethylene bags, you can use special containers. They are not only more convenient to freeze, but they also save space in the freezer. Do the zucchini still freeze somehow? Yes, you can, for example, spread out the rings on the board, put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and only then decompose into packages.

Frozen semifinished products from courgettes

But experienced housewives are already asking a little differenta question, and whether it is possible to freeze zucchini so that them without preparation to use for preparation of dishes? Indeed, at home, you can make such semi-finished products. The simplest thing is to grate the zucchini along with the carrots. Then in winter it will be possible to cook delicious pancakes from this mixture, only adding garlic, flour, eggs and spices to taste. And if you add crushed green herbs to diced squash, then they can be used to make soups and stews.

Another interesting variant of such a semi-finished product- it's fried courgettes. Fruits clean, cut into rings and fry on both sides in vegetable oil. Dry on a towel to remove excess fat. Then, p

how to freeze zucchini
After placing it on the board, freeze it and put it incontainer. At any time they can be obtained, heated in a microwave and served with yoghurt sauce. And they will not be different from freshly fried.


Of course, knowing how to do this is no longerthere will be a question whether it is possible to freeze zucchini. It will only be necessary to determine the right amount of vegetables and serving size. But most likely, no matter how many of them were frozen, this will not be enough. After all, after defrosting zucchini to taste almost do not differ from fresh ones.

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