/ What to cook in the summer for dinner? Okroshka is the best option!

What to prepare in the summer for dinner? Okroshka is the best option!

What to prepare in the summer for dinner?Many housewives ask this question to themselves, who want to please their loved ones with a tasty but light and nutritious dish. However, on a hot summer evening, not everyone will want to spend a lot of time at the stove. In this regard, experts recommend that you prepare at this time only cold soups that easily fill the supply of liquid, satisfy hunger and refresh.

Fast dinner in the summer, or how to make okroshka on homemade kvass

Necessary ingredients:

what to cook in the summer for dinner

  • fresh medium-sized cucumbers - 3 pcs .;
  • boiled sausage - 120 g;
  • fresh young potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • large onion - 1 pc .;
  • parsley and dill freshly picked - a large bunch;
  • carrots small - 1 piece;
  • eggs small chicken - 3 pieces;
  • leek - 2-3 arrows;
  • fresh radish - 3-4 pcs .;
  • salt iodized - 0.5 small spoon;
  • ground pepper - at will;
  • mayonnaise and sour cream - to taste;
  • homemade kvass - to taste.

Processing of main products

what to cook for dinner in the summer
Thinking about what to cook in the summer fordinner, you are sure to recall the standard set of fresh vegetables that grow in the garden of any gardener. However, frying them during this period is undesirable. After all, in the summer evenings you want to enjoy only a light and refreshing dish. Thus, you should take potatoes, chicken eggs, carrots, radishes, cucumbers and onions, and then wash them well and clean them. Further, all listed products, except for onions, radish and cucumbers, must be boiled in boiling water and cooled in the air. After that, they need to cut into small cubes, combine with chopped boiled sausage and finely chopped herbs - parsley, dill and leek.

What to cook in the summer for dinner from those vegetables,which you can always find in your own garden? Of course, okroshka! After all, this dish is not only very tasty and satisfying, but also refreshingly in hot weather. In order to prepare such a cold soup, it is required to combine all the processed and chopped products into one large bowl, namely potatoes, fresh cucumbers, leeks, boiled sausage, dill, radish, carrots, eggs, parsley and onions. All the ingredients should be mixed and then spread over the plates. After that each separate portion should be flavored with iodized salt, sour cream, ground pepper and mayonnaise.

fast summer supper
It is also worth noting that you can cook the okroshka in the summer for dinner only if you have home or purchased kvass. After all, this drink is the basis of such a cold dish.

Thus, adding to each portiona plate of a glass (can be more) fresh kvass, okroshka with sour cream and mayonnaise should be mixed, and then proceed to a meal. Now, wondering what to cook for dinner in the summer, you know that the best option is a cold soup based on a refreshing drink.

By the way, in addition to this dish, if okroshka notcompletely satisfy your hunger, you can make a summer salad with fresh greens, olives, cucumbers, bell peppers and tomatoes. They are also recommended to add cheese "Feta", mustard, a little honey, iodized salt, walnuts and vegetable oil.

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