/ / Nest of minced meat - a festive version of cutlets

Nests of minced meat - a festive version of cutlets

Cutlets from minced meat are loved by many.But after all, sometimes the most favorite dish is "boring", and you want something new, original, but no less delicious. A perfect alternative to cutlets can become nests of minced meat. This dish is not only delicious, but also looks impressive.

Options for making nests from meatforcemeat there are many, we will consider only a few of them, and the culinary specialists, using their imagination and taste, will be able to create their own recipes for this dish.

For example, let's prepare nests from stuffing withegg. To do this, we need any (for your taste) minced meat in the amount of 500 grams. A piece of bread or a loaf, a glass of milk, which we use to soak the bread, one medium onion and carrots, five eggs, salt and seasonings. To lubricate the mold, you need a little vegetable oil or any fat.

We start to prepare nests from stuffing.As small as possible cut the bulb, and carrots we'll rub on the smallest grater. Bread soak in milk, and then squeeze out excess liquid. We put in a bowl of forcemeat, bread, shredded vegetables and break the egg there. Mix everything well, salt and add spices. You can put the greens.

We divide the forcemeat into three equal parts and we mold from it"Koloboks". Then in the upper part we make a wide depression, forming a nest. We put our products on a baking tray, which is not forgotten to oil beforehand. In each nest neatly break one raw egg, slightly salt and send our nests from the stuffing to the oven. Bake for about forty minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Such nests can be baked in the microwave.

The beauty of this dish is that it is possible, choosinganother stuffing, to prepare more and more new options. For example, in the previous recipe, you can replace the raw egg boiled, cut into halves and laid in a nest of minced protein up. Or make a filling of chopped boiled eggs and greens with the addition of oil. And you can prepare nests of minced meat with mushrooms.

For this dish you can use fresh,salted or dried mushrooms. When using dry mushrooms, they must be pre-soaked and boiled. Boiled or salted mushrooms should be cut into small pieces and fried with onions, without forgetting salt or pepper. In the filling you can add grated cheese and sour cream. The nests themselves are prepared in the same way as in the first recipe, then they are filled with the finished stuffing and baked in the oven.

And if you want to cook an exotic dish, thenstuff nests, prepared from minced meat, can be pieces of pineapple and kiwi. You can decorate such a dish with berries of cranberries or cherries, after removing the bones from it.

Nests with minced meat can be prepared from pasta.To do this, you should buy pasta in the store, which are already formed in the form of nests. For five of these "nests" we need two hundred grams of ready-to-eat meat mince. To prepare the sauce, we need to take two spoons of tomato sauce, a spoonful of mayonnaise and sour cream, one hundred and fifty milliliters of cream, fifty grams of cheese and as much for sprinkling and seasoning.

Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in a bowl, salt and season it to taste. It is good to add in the sauce a dry or fresh, finely chopped basil.

Then we take the macaroni nests, put them insaucepan or deep frying pan. We fill the holes of the nests with minced meat, sprinkle cheese on top and pour the prepared sauce. Cover the dishes with a lid and simmer on low heat for about twenty minutes from the beginning of the boil. Also, these nests can be baked in the oven or cooked in a microwave oven.

If you could not buy ready-made nests from pasta,You can make them yourself using spaghetti or a long vermicelli. In this case, the pasta must be pre-cooked, and then twisted with a fork, forming the nest of the right size. In the ready-made nests put the stuffing, sprinkle them with cheese, pour the sauce and cook for ten minutes in the oven or on the stove. Serve these nests best with a vegetable salad.

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