/ What is hidden energy? Drink toning up - than it is dangerous to health?

What is hidden energy? Drink toning up - than it is dangerous to health?

Since ancient times, people have used differentNatural stimulants for raising mood and energy. The most common was caffeine. In the eastern countries drinking strong tea, in the United States added to the dishes nuts and plants yerba mate. In South America, residents knew stronger stimulants, such as "coca bush", kata and ephedra. A similar effect was exerted by plants - ginseng, aralia, eleutherococcus.

energy drink
Approximately 30 years ago in Hong Kong beganproduce the first energy. Instantly won the hearts of millions of people. In 1984, in Austria, the company launched a popular product Red Bull. So far, this is one of the most sought-after beverages in the world. Today they are sold in any outlet, on sports grounds and even in fitness centers.

If you believe advertising, then these drinks helpovercome fatigue, activate the brain. But simultaneously with the active advertising of the product there is a fierce debate in the media and in the world of scientists on the topic of the damage done by the energy sector. The drink, it turns out, causes a strong dependence, similar in strength to drug addiction.

For example, in France, Denmark and Norway, thistonic product is equated to biologically active additives and is realized only in pharmacies. In our country, energy is freely sold. The drink is not allowed to be consumed only by persons under the age of 18, but such an inscription is indicated only on the bank. In fact, any teenager can buy it.

The label also indicates in black and white thatThe use of more than two cans per day can cause side effects from the side of the central nervous system. In practice, cases of lethal outcome associated with excessive acceptance of tonic products have been documented. Let's try to figure out what this "life-giving water" consists of.

energy drinks title

Chemical composition

Despite a huge number of diverseenergy drinks, they all consist of the same components. A mandatory ingredient is sucrose, a high-calorie product that is used in confectionery products. In power engineering, glucose and caffeine are also present, a psychostimulant, which is dangerous to humans in large doses. There is also the theobromine - a strong psycho-stimulating substance, excitingly acting on the nerve endings.

Do not do without the taurine of energy.The drink contains in large quantities glucuronolactone, the effect of high doses of which has not been fully studied. In the composition there are also L-carnitine (the effect of high dosages is unknown), and a tropical plant of guarana (a natural stimulant containing many organic substances, one of which is caffeine). Ginseng is used to overcome fatigue and stimulate physical and mental activity. Excessive use of energy causes feelings of anxiety, increased pressure and insomnia. Included in it are various artificial colors and preservatives. As you can see, the composition is not the safest contain energy-drinks.

Names of the most famous invigorating products

Today there is a record number of differentpower engineers. The buyers are mostly young people and teenagers, who are exposed to the influence of commercials. Producers are only at hand - the proceeds from the sale of non-alcoholic products are estimated in billions. The most famous and popular brands are Monster, Red Bull, Fuze, Red Line, Full Throttle, Bookoo, Rush.

Energy-drinks: harm to health

energy drinks harm
There is an opinion that they allegedly raiseefficiency and energy. At once I want to refute this myth. Drink not only does not have a positive effect, but, on the contrary, it sucks forces out of a person. A short time after a drunk energy man feels a rush of energy and energy, but very soon this state is replaced by irritability, weakness and poor health.

As a result, the central nervous system is greatly depleted, there is a shiverin the body, arrhythmia and at times a disturbance of consciousness. Arguments "against" a lot. But it's up to you whether to consume or not. In rare cases and small doses, when you need to activate the brain and cheer up, you can let you drink one jar. Measure is needed in everything - take care of your health!

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