Popcorn is a low-calorie and veryA nutritious dish, but its main advantage is the possibility of cooking at home. To do this, you need a container for frying, corn and several ingredients to taste. And in just a few minutes the dish will be ready.
Showed the world of popcorn American Indians,which hundreds of years before the opening of the continent, the grains on the rocks were warmed. After such a kind of frying, delicious crispy flakes formed. In Europe, this dish was born in Ukraine. The locals made popcorn from homemade corn and called it burrs.
However, not all types of grains are idealfor frying. Therefore, before making popcorn from corn, you need to choose the right culture. Culinary experts advise to fry only wild varieties, as their grains have a more different and elastic shell. Usual corn, intended for cooking, is not suitable for popcorn. Grains of such varieties quickly burst, not having had time to be properly cooked.
It is commonly believed that popcorn ishigh-calorie dish, which makes it unsuitable for a diet. In fact, this is misleading, since 100 grams of fried grains contain only 300 calories. As for nutrients, three-quarters of them are carbohydrates, the remaining proportion is divided between fats and proteins.
Popcorn from plain corn contains littlemore calories than from the wild. The energy value of this dish is up to 520 calories. Also in popcorn contains iron, riboflavin and thiamine, but the most important component for the body is fiber, which is about 15 percent of the total mass of the product.
On the influence of popcorn on the human body godifferent rumors. For example, Madonna herself has repeatedly claimed that it was he who allowed her after the birth to bring herself in perfect shape. In addition, nutritionists around the world in one voice say that fried corn kernels do not have a lot of calories, but they are very nutritious. They also contain a lot of fiber, which significantly reduces the risk of cancer of the stomach and various heart diseases.
You can fry the grains in any heat-resistant dish.Popcorn from ordinary corn, as a rule, is cooked in a frying pan. To do this, it is heated, pour a couple of spoons of vegetable oil, add a pinch of salt or sugar, and then grains. It is important that before the corn begins to "clink", the lid was lowered into the pan. Fry only over low heat. On average, one serving takes up to 10 minutes.
Make a delicious airy delicacy without muchwork can be done at home. For this purpose, a high saucepan with a lid is optimal. Before you cook corn popcorn, you need to dry the grain well. Inveterate cooks are also advised to hold them for about an hour in the freezer so that the pressure on the fire is stronger.
Many people prefer a sweet treatsalty. But how to make corn popcorn, that it is caramel and literally melted in the mouth? To do this, you need a small pot, and preferably a small cauldron. On a quarter of a glass of corn comes 4 tablespoons of oil, 2 tablespoons of water, 1/2 spoon of soda and a glass of sugar. Also, it is not superfluous to add a little lemon juice.
Fries such popcorn in the traditional way onoil with a closed lid. To prepare the caramel will need another saucepan, in which water and sugar are mixed. Cook the mixture until a homogeneous, sticky mass, constantly mixing. Once the caramel is ready, it needs to quickly add soda. Then, from the sweet mass, foam is formed, which should be mixed with popcorn. Cool down the dish will be on the order of 5-7 minutes.
Its feature is a long listingredients. The recipe includes corn kernels, syrup, vanilla, salt, sugar, butter and chili. To begin with it is recommended to make an acute refueling. Mix 1/2 cup sugar, 25 grams butter, 50 ml corn syrup, 2 tablespoons water, 1 spoonful of vanilla and a pinch of pepper. All this mass is cooked on low heat for about 20 minutes.
In the East, fried corn grains takenuse with raisins or nuts in a sweet form. Such dishes are very appetizing and satisfying. Before making popcorn out of corn in an oriental way, you need to make the icing and other ingredients.
For 1 cup of grains you need 1/2 cup of nuts andraisins, 300 grams of chocolate and 2 spoons of butter. Corn is roasted simultaneously with nuts. Then raisins are added, popcorn is poured with melted chocolate. Served on small plates in the form of cakes.
To make popcorn from ordinary corn, it is necessary to dry the grains on the battery well, and before cooking to cool in the freezer (about an hour).
The lid at the pan (pan) should fit snugly to the edges of the container.