/ / Bomb cabbage: recipe. Instant Pickled Cabbage

Bomb Cabbage: Recipe. Instant Pickled Cabbage

Сочная, хрустящая капуста в маринаде всегда к place on any table, including at the holiday. In addition, it is also very useful, because in this form retains most of the vitamins and minerals. Pickled cabbage, or bomb, cooked no more than a day, while the taste is not much inferior to fermented. Below are eight recipes for cooking bombed and quick pickled cabbage, which are characterized by ease of preparation and excellent taste of ready-made dishes.

Bomb Cabbage: Traditional Recipe

Bomb Cabbage is White Cabbagequick marinating. The technology of its preparation is somewhat similar to fermentation. Vegetables are still cut and tamped into the jar, but do not have to wait until the fermentation process starts. Enough to fill the cabbage with boiling marinade, and in a few hours it will be ready.

bomb kale recipe
Step by step cooking bomb cabbage is as follows:

  1. Cabbage is cut (500 g per 800 g jar).
  2. Grate carrots (100 g), and a large apple is peeled and cut into small-sized slices, minced clove of garlic.
  3. Prepared vegetables are tightly packed into the jar.
  4. Preparing a marinade for cabbage from water (120 ml), vegetable oil and vinegar 9% (35 ml), sugar (2 tablespoons), salt (12 g), a few peas of pepper and bay leaf.
  5. All products for the marinade (with the exception of vinegar) are placed in a pan for further boiling on the stove. Vinegar is added to the marinade at the very least, after boiling the liquid.
  6. Vegetables in a pot filled with hot marinade.

After this, the bank is covered with a lid, it costs 12 hours (night) on the table, then hides for 3 hours in the refrigerator. After cooling, the bomb cabbage can be eaten.

Best Pickled Instant Cabbage: 3 Ltr Recipe

The following recipe for bomb cabbagehas a lot in common with the previous one. The only difference is that in the second case, a three-liter jar of cabbage is marinated, so the number of ingredients changes. In general, cooking technology is preserved.

instant pickled cabbage for 3
Bomb Cabbage whose recipe is offeredbelow, involves the preparation of the marinade from this number of ingredients: oil and vinegar (140 ml), sugar (85 g), salt (55 g), 6 black peppercorns, bay leaf (3 pcs.). All ingredients are placed in a pot of water (500 ml) and brought to a boil on the stove. Hot marinade is poured into a jar of rammed cabbage. Vegetables must first be cut (2 kg of cabbage, 350 g of carrots, 4 large cloves of garlic).

One day after marinating it turns juicy andcrispy bomb cabbage instant. Reviews of this recipe are great. If you clearly maintain all proportions, the cabbage turns out to be tasty, fragrant, moderately sour, with a pleasant sweetish aftertaste.

Korean Fast Pickled Cabbage

Vegetable on this recipe is cut arbitrarily,mixed with carrots and garlic and filled with hot marinade. Also preparing and bomb cabbage, the recipe of which is presented above. Meanwhile, red hot pepper is added to the marinade, so it turns out to be spicy.

marinade for cabbage
First, cabbage (3 kg), carrots (0.4kg) and garlic (2 heads). All vegetables are laid in layers in a large saucepan. After that, a marinade is prepared from water (1 l), oil (1 tbsp.), Sugar (180 g), salt (75 g), red pepper (¼ tbsp). When water boils, add 70% vinegar (4 tablespoons). Vegetables in a saucepan pour boiling brine, put a flat plate on top, on which to put the goods. After 4 hours you can try cabbage.

Bomb Cabbage Recipe with Peppers and Cucumber

For those who want to make not only tasty, butand beautiful cabbage, specially prepared the following recipe. To vegetables (½ head of cabbage and carrots) red bell pepper and cucumber are also added. Then all the ingredients are tamped into the jar and poured marinade. To make it boil water (0.5 l) with salt (12 g), sugar (40 g) and vinegar (2.5 tablespoons). After that, pour the marinade into a jar of chopped vegetables.

cooking bomb cabbage
Bomb cabbage, the recipe of which, as you can see,pretty simple, will be ready in 20 hours. Before the marinade cools, the pot should be on the table in the room, after which it can be sent to the refrigerator.

Pickled cabbage with beets

For the preparation of pickled cabbage all vegetablesyou need to cut quite large. The head of cabbage is cut into large pieces of square shape, carrots and beets are cut into plates, like the head of garlic. In addition to these vegetables, it is necessary to prepare a few celery branches. All ingredients are packed in a jar in layers: first - half of the cabbage, then - garlic, beets, carrots and whole celery sprigs. Then repeat the layers again.

delicious pickled instant cabbage
Marinade for cabbage is made from water (1500 ml),salt, sugar (3 tbsp. spoons). When the liquid boils, add the juice of half a lemon (you can whole, if you like sauerkraut). Ready marinade pour vegetables in a jar. Cover with a silicone lid and leave in the room for 24 hours, then rearrange the jar in the refrigerator.

Marinated Cauliflower

Disassembled cabbage (1 kg) folded intopot or jar. Add sliced ​​carrots, sweet peppers, celery stalks, hot peppers to taste. Next, you need to cook marinade for cabbage. To do this, boil 3 cups of water with vinegar and sugar (3/4 tbsp.), Salt (20 g), bay leaf and peppercorns. After the marinade boils, it should be poured into a jar (pan) with vegetables.

Immediately after cooling, a container of cabbage is sent to the refrigerator for 48 hours. After the time the pickled inflorescences can be eaten.

Georgian Pickled Cabbage

To pickle cabbage with this recipe,You will need almost the same set of ingredients as in the previous versions. It will be a cabbage (2.5 kg), large beets and garlic (2 heads). You will also need red pepper (½ tsp.) And any greens, you can even frozen.

instant bomb cabbage reviews
Кочан капусты разрезают на 8 частей.It is marinated in this form, but when served it can be ground at its discretion. You need to cut a head out so that the cabbage does not fall apart. Then the cabbage and sliced ​​vegetables are folded in a pan in layers and marinated. To prepare it, boil 2 liters of water with salt (50 g) and sugar (100 g). You can also put spices and spices to taste, and at the very end of the cooking pour vinegar (200 ml). On the cabbage filled with marinade put the oppression for a day.

Delicious marinated pickled cabbage becomes much better after a week of storage in the refrigerator. But it can be served on the table the next day after pickling.

Marinated Red Cabbage Instant

You can marinate not only white, but alsored cabbage. To do this, it is necessary to cut (1.5 kg), add carrots, garlic (3 slices) and a tablespoon of salt. Cabbage with other vegetables should be well mixed with salt and tamped in a jar. Now you need to cook the marinade. To do this, boil 500 ml of water, adding salt (25 g), sugar (2 tablespoons), peas (1 tablespoon), cumin and pepper (½ tsp) to it. After boiling the liquid pour in 160 ml of vinegar (apple) and add laurea. Pour the cabbage with cooked marinade and leave the jar on the table under the lid.

Bomb cabbage, the recipe of which you are currently reading, will be ready already 4 hours after cooking. Meanwhile, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

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