/ / Canned fish at home

Canned fish at home

Fishing trips are always pleasant anda memorable adventure. And if you bring a big catch, then there is a holiday in the house. But it is not enough to catch a lot of fish. The main task is to make canned fish from home. To have the opportunity to eat salted, smoked fish or delicious sprats of their own making. There are a lot of cooking options.

Each fisherman has his own special recipe forwhich obtained canned fish from the fish at home with a unique taste and aroma. This dish can treat friends and friends. Yes, and under the joint viewing of football matches, the fish goes away just "with a bang."

Consider the option of cooking canned fishat home, to taste like "Sprats." For it, any small fish (saika, sprat, sandballs) is useful, 1.2 kg of which will require two hundred grams of vegetable oil, a mixture of bell peppers, a glass of strong tea leaves and a tablespoon of salt.

Delicious sprats are obtained by mixingseveral varieties of fish, but one species is enough. Well rinse the fish under running water and carefully remove all the insides, and some, for example, saiki, remove the head. Prepared semi-finished products put in a thick-walled pot, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix the vegetable oil and the tea leaves. This liquid is filled in fish carcasses. Stew for at least 3 hours on low heat with the lid closed. Then open the saucepan and continue cooking for another half an hour. During this time, all excess fluid will evaporate. We spread the prepared sprats in pre-sterilized glass jars with a capacity of half a liter. We cover with iron lids. We boil for 15 minutes and roll. But it is better to close it with a plastic lid. Cool, then remove the refrigerator for storage.

Can cook canned fish from the domesticconditions with the addition of vegetables. The delicious dish comes from putasu or sprat, but any other one will do. To make such a yummy it will take five kilograms of gutted fish, one kilo of onions, beets, bell pepper, two kilograms of carrots, four kilograms of tomatoes, a liter of vegetable oil, four tablespoons of salt, fifteen tablespoons of sugar, a liter of water and half a glass of vinegar 9 percent.

Tomatoes grind to a paste in a blender and mixwith fish. Stew in a thick-walled saucepan for at least one hour. Vegetables are purified from seeds and peel. Beets and carrots are grinded on a large grater. Bulgarian peppers and onions cut into half rings. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil. We combine vegetable and fish mass. Add sugar, salt, water and oil residues. We extinguish one more hour. We pour vinegar into the dish, cook for five minutes, after which we lay out according to the prepared glass jars. We close with plastic covers. We enclose the cans in a thick towel for a day, letting it cool down slowly. We store in the refrigerator.

Inexpensive canning will be marinated sprat.Prepare it very simply. Five hundred grams of sprats will require a hot marinade, consisting of salt, a mixture of peppers, sugar, laurel and mixed with 1.5 cups of vinegar 3%. We connect all components with a liter of boiling water and boil for five minutes. Mix the marinade with the vinegar. The resulting liquid is poured into the sprat. Tightly close the container with a lid. We wrap in a thick towel or blanket. We leave it to cool down. Then drain the solution, warm it to a temperature of approximately 80 degrees and refill the fish. Repeat this procedure three times. We put the pickled pickles in cans, pour marinade and store in the refrigerator.

A fish prepared in any way can beto use as an independent dish. It will become an excellent component of the snack for the festive table. Especially delicious turns any dish from canned food. To quickly prepare a salad, you can use a minimum of products. We connect a couple of boiled eggs, fresh herbs, mayonnaise and canned tuna. We spread this mixture on the slices of the loaf and get a delicious snack.

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