/ / Home-made halibut recipe in the oven with a garnish of young potatoes - subtleties and cooking secrets

Homemade halibut recipe in the oven with a garnish of young potatoes - details and secrets of cooking

Halibut is a very versatile fish, but also tasty and very useful. It can not only be fried in a frying pan or baked in an oven, but also smoked at home or steamed.

The fish is not very high in calories:approximately 129 kcal per 100 g of product, which allows using it for medical and dietary nutrition. And how many delicious ways of preparing this product - not to consider.

halibut with greens

Ways of preparation of halibut

To bake halibut in the oven,it needs to be cleaned and cleaned internally, rinsed in running water and dried with kitchen paper towels. It is desirable to use the cooled product. The dish will turn out delicious and appetizing.

Fish can be prepared in one of the following ways:

  1. Remove the insides and head and bake whole on a baking sheet.
  2. Cut into small pieces and cook under a "coat" of vegetables or hard cheese. Halibut in the oven with cheese turns juicy and very tasty.
  3. Roll the portioned pieces into foil or parchment paper, adding white wine.
  4. Prepare the fish in a tomato or sour cream sauce.
halibut with lemon

How to quickly and deliciously bake halibut with a garnish of potatoes

Halibut in the oven with potatoes - simple, butA delicious dish that is very easy to prepare. He is not ashamed to serve even to the festive table. For cooking, we recommend using fish fillets or serving steaks. You will need:

  • 900 g of halibut;
  • 600 g of young potatoes;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 2 large bulbs;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 80 g of butter;
  • large table salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • a great pinch of dry basil;
  • 5 sprigs of fresh parsley;
  • oil for lubricating the mold.

How to bake halibut in an oven

halibut in foil

Lubricate the large fireproof form with vegetableoil. Switch on the oven to 185 ° C. You can also prepare halibut in sour cream in the oven, but then we recommend you to cook garnish separately.

Onion cut into thick half rings, thoroughly crush it with your hands, so that it starts to juice, and put the baking sheet in the center.

Prepare the fish:if necessary, rinse and dry, generously season with a mixture of ground pepper and salt, sprinkle with dry basil. Put the halibut on the onion cushion and spread the thin slices of butter on top.

Peel the peel and husks of vegetables, crush the garlic with a knife (so it's better when baking will give its flavor and taste) and decompose in random order in shape.

Young potatoes and carrots cut, folded in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Add a little sunflower oil and stir the vegetables to make them covered with oil film.

Spread the vegetables around the fish, level and place the form in a hot oven. Then halibut in the oven bake evenly.

When the vegetables are ready you can getbaking tray. This time will be enough to prepare a small fish. And thanks to the cream butter, it will remain juicy and will get a crusty crust.

Serve the fillet of halibut, baked in the oven with potatoes, you need to be portioned accompanied by fresh greens and a salad of vegetables.

Halibut in original sauce

If desired, you can bake halibut in the ovenentirely. The recipe, proposed below, is perfect for daily meals for the whole family. Moreover, the fish prepared for it is also worthy of a festive table. On a large baking tray, you can bake several carcasses at once, which greatly simplifies the cooking process.

For preparation it will be required:

  • a small halibut chicken;
  • 65 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 2-3 lemons;
  • 50 ml of soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of chili sauce;
  • 50 g of butter;
  • large salt - to taste;
  • some black ground pepper;
  • 5 sprigs of dill and parsley.

How to bake whole halibut

glazed halibut

Prepare the fish for baking: clean it, without damaging the skin, remove the insides and cut from the head of the gills. For an aesthetic appearance, the head of the fish is recommended not to be removed.

Wash the fish and carefully dry it with kitchen paper towels. Lubricate it with a softened butter. Well season the carcass with salt and a mixture of ground peppers and briefly put aside.

In a separate bowl, mix the soy sauce witha small amount of vegetable oil, add chili and liquid honey. Stir and grease generously the fish, leaving a little mixture for lubrication and glazing during baking.

Large cut fresh herbs, and put it in the abdomen of the fish. Enough thick rings to cut one lemon, and the second, on the contrary, as thin as possible, almost transparent rings.

Put thick slices of lemon into the abdomen of the fish. Part of the thin rings put on a baking tray, lay on them a fish and place the remaining slices on top.

Grease the halibut with the remaining sauce and put inpreheated oven for at least 25 minutes. After 12-15 minutes, the mold should be removed. Once again, go through a brush with sauce over the surface of halibut, return the form to the oven and bake until cooked.

Prepare halibut in the oven entirely, serveit to the table in this form, without dividing into portions. To do this, take a serving dish, decorate it with fresh herbs. Lay out the ready fish, spread out slices of fresh lemon, half of the cherry tomatoes, fresh or lightly salted cucumbers cut into strips. Halibut in the oven is ready.

Helpful hints and tips

halibut with butter

If you intend to bake halibut in the oven in its entirety, try to buy a gutted and brushed carcass, this will save you not only strength, but will shorten the cooking time.

To potatoes during baking became golden and appetizing, it is necessary to season it with small amounts of turmeric or sweet paprika. It is these spices that can transform root vegetables.

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