/ How much to cook the beets until cooked in a saucepan?

How much to cook beets until cooked in a saucepan?

Beetroot is a delicious and healthy product, but complex incooking. Everybody knows the taste of borsch or vinaigrette. In addition, raw beet and its juice are very useful. But most often it is used in a cooked form.

Beetroot juice

Often, inexperienced mistresses can not properly hercook, so that the vegetable has become soft, but it has not turned into a gruel and has remained elastic. There are a lot of questions around the preparation of this product. How to choose a sweet, delicious root vegetable; how much to cook beets to readiness; as when cooking to improve the taste and preserve all the useful properties of the vegetable, etc. In general, the preparation of beets has many characteristics.

Average time of beet preparation

Указать точно, сколько времени варить свеклу до preparedness, difficult. It depends on several factors: the age and size of the vegetable, as well as the way it is cooked. The average cooking time varies from twenty minutes to three hours.

Beetroot in a pan

There are three popular ways to cook beets:

  1. In hot water. The cooking time is one hour.It directly depends on the size of the vegetable. The smaller the root, the faster it will be cooked. But along with the positive side, there is a negative side. A lot of useful substances in this way is lost.
  2. In cold water.The cooking time is two hours. It also depends on the size of the root. This method is the most common, as the beet retains many useful substances after cooking, so it is very useful.
  3. Professional way.They are usually used by cooks in restaurants. The cooking time is half an hour, regardless of the size of the beets. For cooking, put beets in boiling water for twenty minutes, then for ten minutes - in the cold. A sharp temperature drop will allow the vegetable to become suitable for use as soon as possible. But while root crops lose vitamin C.

How much to cook beets until cooked in a saucepan?

As a rule, the housewives cook the beetroot in a saucepan.This method of preparation is traditional. But despite this, many do not really know how much to cook the beetroot in a saucepan. Specialists say that this takes at least 50 minutes. Vegetables should be washed thoroughly with a brush so that no dirt remains on them. Put in a container, pour a large amount of cold water and put it on a strong fire.

boiled beetroot

After boiling, add freshly squeezed lemon juice (from a single fruit) into the water and reduce the heat.

A few minutes later the vegetables should be checked forreadiness. To do this, pierce the beets with a knife or fork. If the roots are still solid, they are worth several more minutes to cook and check again. When the beet is cooked, it should be poured in cold water for ten minutes. Now everything is ready!

Baking in the oven

This method is very popular, as the baked beet is very tasty, besides it keeps all its useful properties. Preparation time - 50 minutes.

beetroot baked in the oven

First you need to wash thoroughly with a brush and dry the vegetables. Cut the tail and the tail first. Bake best in pure form on a baking sheet.

By the way, to calculate the required amount of finished product it is important to know that when baking, one third of the root mass is lost.

It is best to take medium-sized vegetables forthe oven should be heated at 200 ° C. The beets are then placed on a sheet of foil lined with foil so that the root vegetables are 3-5 cm apart.

Microwave cooking

Cook in the microwave is the fastest way,so now many mistresses use it. Vegetables should be washed with a brush and dried. Then put in a microwave suitable for a microwave oven. Fill the container with cold water and loosely cover it. Set the timer for seven minutes. After this time, check the readiness with a knife or fork. If the beet is not ready, put another few minutes.

Despite the fact that in this case cooking technology is the same as when cooking, the taste and appearance of the finished product, as in baking.

How much to cook beets in a pressure cooker?

In our time, we can not ignore the preparation of food using modern kitchen appliances. Therefore, you should consider how and how much to cook the beets in the pressure cooker.

Initially, the roots should be thoroughly washed with a brush. Then cut them into two halves and put in a pressure cooker. Pour over to the top with cold water and close the lid. Enable the "beans" program.

The cooking time is 40-50 minutes. And the main plus of this method is that the root crops do not lose nutrients and retain the aroma, as before cooking.

Preparation of beets for salad

Beets are used not only for first courses.Therefore, one can not but consider how much to cook beets for salad. And first of all it's important to choose the right product. Buy should be no signs of sluggish beets of dark red color. Before cooking carefully, it should be washed with a brush, put in a saucepan and filled with water.

Vinaigrette with beets

The cooking time for medium heat is1,5-2 hours (and if it is shallow, then an hour). To make the color of root vegetables not fade, it is recommended to add vinegar into the water at the rate of: 1 g of water - 7 grams. Alternative to this - lemon juice (per liter of water - 20 grams).

Helpful Tips

And finally, we offer some useful recommendations that will help the housewives cook the root quickly and without loss:

  • To keep the useful substances of beets, it must be brought to a boil at maximum heat, then the temperature should be switched to a minimum.
  • To shorten the cooking time,add twenty-five to thirty grams of table salt in boiling water without vegetables and stir it for five minutes. Oxygen evaporates and you can add beetroot. To preserve the sweetness of root vegetables, a little vinegar and sugar are added to the water.
  • To remove the beetroot smell, you need to put a crust of rye or black bread in boiling water for half an hour before the food is ready.
how to cut beets
  • Cooked vegetables in a pan with a lid are stored for no more than two days. With longer storage, they lose useful properties.
  • If from the long-term storage of raw root crops wrinkled and became dry, they should be doused with boiling water and put for swelling in warm water.
  • The liquid remaining after cooking can be used as a diuretic or laxative. To do this, add to the broth a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice or a pinch of cinnamon.
Young beetroots
  • Before cooking, the tail of the root vegetables should not be removed. They do not allow the juice to flow out. If cut, the root will lose useful substances, color and taste.
  • When washing vegetables, it is important not to damage the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to wash with a brush carefully.
  • In addition to the roots themselves, you can use a young beetroot top. These leaves contain a lot of vitamins. In addition, they give a special taste to salads and cold soups.

There are many ways of preparing beets.When using each of them the main thing is to keep all the useful substances contained in the root crop and its taste. Then any dish prepared from it will turn out to be excellent!

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