/ / Homemade recipes. Sauerkraut: Recipes for a 3-liter jar

Homemade recipes. Sauerkraut: Recipes for a 3-liter jar

One of the traditional dishes of Russian cuisine issauerkraut. Recipes for a 3-liter jar are quite simple, and cooking does not take a little time. But as a result of the effort, it turns out not only tasty, but also a very healthy dish that everyone can cook. The main thing - to comply with the proportions and basic rules. At the moment there is a recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar with beets, carrots, onions and, of course, in cold brine. All these dishes are incredibly tasty and look very appetizing.

sauerkraut recipes for 3 liter jar

Recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar for the winter

Virtually every housewife knows the recipe.cooking this snack. In addition to the traditional method, there are many others, for example with beets or apples. So, how to prepare the classic sauerkraut. A recipe for a 3-liter jar requires for the preparation of the presence of the following ingredients:

  1. White cabbage - 3 kilograms.
  2. Carrots - 3 pieces.
  3. Sugar - 2.5 tsp.
  4. Salt - a few tablespoons.
  5. Water - 1 liter.

How to cook

First you need to clear the cabbage from badleaves, and then finely chop, preferably a thin straw. Carrots should also be chopped. This is best done with a coarse grater. Vegetables must be mixed well and then put into a container. For pickling, you can use not only three-liter jars, but also barrels, buckets and tubs. The main thing that the tank was not made of metal.

When the vegetables are prepared, you can proceed tobrine preparation. To do this, in a deep container you need to pour all the water, and then add sugar and salt. The saucepan with the solution must be put on the fire and boiled. Ready brine should be removed from heat. Marinade should cool down completely.

recipe for sauerkraut in 3 x liter jar with beets

When the liquid has cooled, it is necessary to pour it intocontainer of vegetables. Cabbage dishes should be closed with a lid, preferably very tight, and leave for three days in a warm room. In the process of fermentation, vegetables should be mixed. This is how classic cabbage is prepared. Recipes for a 3-liter jar may differ by several components. However, the result is a very tasty and original snack.

Recipe for sourdough cabbage with beets

The recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar with pickle and beets is very good, and the dish will appeal to anyone who prefers extraordinary, but easy to prepare snacks. In this case, you will need:

  1. White cabbage - 3 kilograms.
  2. Beets - 1 kilogram.
  3. Water - 1 liter.
  4. Salt - a few tablespoons.
  5. Sugar - one glass.
  6. Table vinegar - one glass.
  7. Allspice - 5 peas.
  8. Black pepper - 7 peas.
  9. Bay leaf - 3 pieces.
     recipe sauerkraut in 3 liter jar

Basic cooking steps

In this case, shred the cabbage is not necessary.It is better to divide it into small squares. To do this, head to be cut into two equal parts. Each of the halves must be divided into another 4 pieces. Each part should be cut in half, and across. The result should be squares.

Fresh beets should be thoroughly cleaned, washed,and then cut into thin slices. All vegetables need to mix. Now you can make a pickle. To do this, in a deep refractory tank, you need to pour water, and then bring it to a boil. After that you can add salt, spices and sugar. The brine must be boiled for another 10 minutes. At the end of the cooking, it is necessary to add vinegar. Boil the brine need another 1 minute.

Vegetables need to spread on banks and pour the marinade. In order for the souring process to be successful, the cabbage with beets should be left in a warm room for about 4 days.

That's all. Ready sauerkraut.Recipes for a 3-liter jar can be completely different. But the taste of the snack is simply unique. Serve sauerkraut, cooked with beets, can be in its pure form or seasoned with vegetable oil.

recipe sauerkraut in 3 x liter jar with pickle

Sauerkraut with apples

This recipe is not very different from the classic.The composition of this snack includes a sour apple, which gives the dish a little spice. To prepare sauerkraut in this way you will need:

  1. White cabbage - 2 and a half kilograms.
  2. Carrots - 100 grams.
  3. Sour apples - 150 grams.
  4. Salts - 65 grams.

Stages of preparation

Recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar withsour apples differ from the classic just a few ingredients. First you need to prepare vegetables. Cabbage and carrots should be cleaned and washed if necessary. After that, all the vegetables should be finely chopped. Cabbage is better to grind thin straws, and fresh carrots - on a coarse grater.

Apples also need to be peeled.First of all, you need to remove the core with stones. After that, the apples should be cut into slices. All chopped vegetables must be mixed in a deep container. Here you need to pour salt. All components should be carefully grind so that juice appears. Do it best with your hands.

After that, in the snack you need to add apples andmix again. The resulting mixture should be decomposed tightly on the banks. If the cabbage is brewed in a bucket or a barrel, then it is worth pressing down everything from above with a load.

Капусту следует на сутки оставить в комнате, а then rearrange to a cooler place. After 6 days, the appetizer will be ready. From it you can make a good salad with herbs and vegetable oil. This dish is ideal for boiled potatoes.

 recipe for sauerkraut in 3 x liter jar for the winter

Crispy Sauerkraut Recipe

To make this snack, you will need:

  1. White cabbage - 2 kilograms.
  2. Carrots - 1 piece.
  3. Salt - one tablespoon.
  4. Bay leaf - 4 pieces.
  5. Black pepper - 10 peas.

Cooking method

First you need to prepare vegetables. Cabbage is better to chop very thin straws, and fresh carrots grate on a large grater. Prepared vegetables should be mixed in a deep container.

At the bottom of each can is worth putting black pepper,as well as bay leaf. This can also be done after the first layer of vegetables. Tanks need to be filled with cabbage. In this case, each layer must be carefully sealed.

Now you can make a pickle.To do this, you need to pour water into the container and bring it to a boil. Here it is necessary to add salt. Ready brine can be removed from the heat and cool. Marinade should be poured into cans with vegetables. In this case, you need to make sure that all the air comes out of the cabbage.

Now banks can be put in a warm place.After a day, the process of fermentation will begin. From now on, cabbage should be mixed regularly. After several days, a tasty snack will be ready. If the room temperature is low, it may take longer. But in the end it turns out sour and crispy sauerkraut. Recipes for a 3-liter jar are completely different. However, this sauerkraut is prepared without the addition of water and vinegar.

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