/ / Recipe hummus: unusual and tasty

The recipe for hummus: unusual and tasty

Hummus is a traditional Israeli dishKitchen, gaining popularity in Russia and other countries. The traditional recipe for hummus consists of chickpeas, sesame, herbs, spices, olive oil, garlic and lemon.

Absolutely unique dish hummus is known stillsince ancient times. Currently, from the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries, the hummus recipe has spread throughout Europe and flew across the ocean.

This dish is obtained by mixing chickpeas,steamed, sesame seeds mixed with sesame oil (sesame paste), garlic, lemon juice, spices and seasonings, so cooking hummus at home usually does not cause problems.

Hummus is very nutritious, contains vitamins of the groupB, antioxidants and many proteins of vegetable origin, so that the high dietary properties of this product are due to its natural qualities.

Prepare hummus for breakfast - healmost indispensable. In families where they once met this dish, breakfast is very rare without it. As a rule, in the morning, the appetite is not very good, and this dish is very tasty and nutritious, so that the hostess, having fed her husband and child in the morning, can be sure that they will not get hungry for a long time. This appetizer fits perfectly with white bread, but you can combine it with pita bread, crackers, or even with chips - that's what your friends and family will wish.

Hummus may well be submitted not only tobreakfast, but also for lunch and dinner. It emphasizes the taste and aroma of meat dishes, canned and fresh vegetables, it can be served to steaks or shish kebabs. If you put it in a plate evenly, and in the middle - mushrooms or meat (fried or stewed), then there will be a real holiday at all.

However, hummus can be used not only inas a snack, but also as a main dish. Therefore, in many families this traditional Israeli dish enjoys well-deserved love. But in Russia this snack is not so widespread as in Europe and the Middle and Middle East, it is impossible to buy it in stores, so we will fill this annoying omission and try to cook hummus on our own, especially since it is not difficult and will not take too much time.

So, the recipe for hummus.To implement it, you will need the following components: one glass of dry pea chickpeas (you can replace it with ordinary peas, but not exactly what you need), soda (optional) - a small pinch for cooking and a partial spoon to soak peas, sesame seed (the so-called tahina) - three or four large spoons, a clove of garlic, a spoonful of salt, half a lemon juice a half, half a teaspoon of ground zir, a third of a small spoon of ground hot red pepper, coriander ground Werth spoon, half a cup of sesame or olive oil.

Preparation of hummus takes place according to the following"Scenario." Peas pour water, add soda and leave to swell for a whole night. After that, it should be washed, cleaned again, poured fresh, without soda, with water and put for another hour for three, after which, once again rinsing it, pour fresh water and put the peas to boil, adding a small pinch of soda, or you can not add . DO NOT salt water, otherwise peas will not soften. Foam must be removed. After boiling, you can cook chickpeas until ready (if the dense skin will not be removed - in this case it is difficult to obtain a homogeneous mass, but this dish is much more useful for the body), or half-ready (this is if you plan to peel the chickpea from the peel).

It is better to remove the peel - so it will be more tender and tastier.Therefore chickpeas cook for about an hour, rinse with cold water on a sieve, put it in ice water from the refrigerator and simply peel off the skin with your hands. Peel the peas with fresh water and cook for an hour and a half - until cooked.

From cooked peas cook mashed potatoes, leavinga handful for decorating dishes. Add tahin and mix well. If it is too thick, you can add water from the cooking of chickpeas. Now the resulting mass of consistency of mayonnaise can be flavored with lemon juice, spices, garlic and salt. "Saddle" can vary according to taste and individual preferences. After this, add a little olive or sesame oil and mix again.

Before serving, lay the hummus on the plate, in the middle make a groove, where you need to pour the oil - olive or sesame. All decorate with greens, so it will not only be more beautiful, but also tastier.

Serve with tortillas or lavash. Forks-spoons are not needed here: you just need to scoop a piece of flat cake hummus from the plate and send in your mouth! It was a recipe for hummus. Bon Appetit!

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