The potato has long been a leader ineveryday and festive table. It is served as a separate dish and used as an ingredient. In order for the garnish to have an appetizing look, you need to know why the potatoes turn black after cooking and what to do to avoid it.
Rinse and clean the product before cooking.Potatoes are better to put in salt and hot water, and not in cold. So the product saves more vitamins and nutrients. The liquid in which the potatoes were boiled can be used to cook vegetarian soups and decoctions.
Если варить «в мундире», то блюдо будет намного more useful. But it should be borne in mind that on the surface of the tubers and in the skin there is a glycoside solanine - it is a toxic and bitter substance. If the potatoes are germinated, then it must be thoroughly peeled. In the case when the product grows in fertilized soils, after cleaning it should be held in cold water for about half an hour.
Probably every hostess was thinking aboutwhy boiled potatoes turn black. The reason for this is chemical. The tubers contain the amino acid tyrosine, which begins to oxidize and form the pigment melanin. It is he who paints potatoes in a dark color.
On an industrial scale, this problem is solved withusing sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide), which process the product. This substance has reducing properties. At home, potatoes can be dipped in boiled water and cover with a lid to prevent oxygen from entering.
При варке картошка становится мягкой из-за того, that the polymer molecules of protopectin are destroyed and pass into molecules of pectin, which is soluble. In this case, the cations of magnesium and calcium are derived from the tubers. If the water is hard, then this process is much slower. Therefore, it is necessary to lay potatoes in dishes earlier than sour seasonings and products, otherwise it will remain stewed and tough.
In an attempt to find an answer to the question of whyblackened potatoes after cooking, you need to have an idea about the cause of this phenomenon. Darkening after cooking is different from that which is formed on the raw product. There is a method that allows you to determine which tubers will turn black. To do this, process the potatoes with a solution of sodium nitrite, in which diluted hydrochloric acid is added, and then lubricate with caustic sodium. Within a few minutes, the treated area will begin to turn red.
Housewives are not only interested in why the potatoes turn black when cooking, but also if it is dangerous to health. Experts say that such a product can be safely eaten.
Садоводы рекомендуют соблюдать правильные fertilizer proportions. Synthesis can be broken if there is a large amount of nitrogen, but not enough potassium. This will lead to the accumulation of proteins and amino acids. Therefore you should take care of a sufficient amount of potassium.
To avoid darkening, you need to keep the potatoesbefore the onset of frosts in a dry and cool place. Then the tubers will have time to dry and cool. If you immediately place the product in the basement, then physiological changes will occur and the tubers will darken during cooking. In the case when it is impossible to do this for some reason, it is necessary to hold the potatoes before cooking for some time in cold water.
To understand why potatoes turn blackafter cooking, it will be useful to learn the rules of its storage. Darkening can be caused not only by overcrowded soil, but also by insufficient ventilation during storage. This leads to the fact that the potatoes do not have enough air, and it begins to "choke". To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly air the room and carefully examine the vegetables that are there. Do not store foods that have started to rot or are damaged.
Temperature and humidity also matter. Sweat can cause rapid growth of mold that absorbs oxygen. All wet tubers should be thoroughly dried.
The answer to the question of why potatoes turn blackafter boiling, non-compliance with the rules of harvesting and transportation may become. Collecting potatoes, you can not throw them and allow it to be damaged. When storing it is very important to ensure that the conditions are always optimal.
If the product is frozen, defrost it must be in cold water. When the ice crust will form around the potatoes, you need to change it and add a little salt.
To make it easier to clean the potatoes "in uniform", after cooking it is necessary to pour it with cold water.
Experienced chefs advise you to add a little vinegar to the water while cooking the potatoes. This will not only prevent darkening, but will also help ensure that the product does not fall apart.
Potatoes "in uniform" will not be boiled soft, if the water is salted a little more than is required for ordinary cooking.
Those varieties of potatoes that are considered mealy,they are often boiled hot, so pickle with cucumbers or cabbage and then some more vinegar should be added to the water. It is better to boil such a product over low heat so that the starch swells evenly.
One explanation for why the boiled potatoes turn black may be that it is “old.” In this case, when cooking, you can add a small amount of milk.
If potatoes will not be prepared immediately aftercleaning, it is better to keep it in cold water, which added a drop of vinegar. Salt it should be at the beginning of cooking, so more vitamins and useful components will be saved.
We have already figured out why it turns blackpotatoes after peeling. This is due to the fact that the compounds that are contained in the product interact with the air, and this, in turn, causes an oxidation process. This can be avoided if you fill the roots with water and vinegar.