/ / How to freeze cauliflower so that it remains delicious

How to freeze cauliflower so that it remains delicious

how to freeze cauliflower
Progress brought to our homes an excellent thing -fridge. Yes, not just a refrigerator, but an assembly with a full-fledged possibility of freezing. We no longer need to wait for the cold to frost the pelmeni or stroganina. We can already in the summer put in cherished boxes of your favorite fruits and vegetables. How to freeze cauliflower and other garden delicacies, we will tell you further.

We know from childhood (thanks to school) that waterduring freezing crystallizes and expands. As a result, a small "explosion" can occur if the liquid was in an enclosed space, so we freeze ice either in open containers or in plastic bags that can stretch. It is this nuance that affects so much the process of how to freeze cauliflower, mushrooms, berries or fruits, since they all consist mostly of water. Moreover, defrosting depends on this.

For example, berries and greens are very watery.Naturally, the crystallized juice will rupture all the walls of the cells. During defrosting, it will flow out all by turning beautiful once fruit into an incomprehensible puddle. If you decide to use frozen foods in the recipe, then add them to the dish undiluted, then all the valuable will get into the food.

how to freeze cauliflower
So, the rules for freezing products depend on the laws of physics. Some of the vegetables are suitable for normal, and some will need additional processing.

Accordingly, the question arises:Is it possible to freeze cauliflower without additional treatment? Practice shows that yes, but some housewives recommend slightly boil the vegetable in boiling salted water (blanch). The only condition for any kind of freezing: the product must be exceptionally dry!

How to freeze cauliflower and other vegetables

Disassemble cabbage head for inflorescences and rinse inrunning water. Allow the vegetable to dry well, then send it to the freezer. It is desirable to arrange all the inflorescences in one row, then they will not stick to each other and do not collapse in the future. After the inflorescence freezes, they can be transferred to a plastic container or a plastic bag, and stored in the freezer until the right time.

We know how to freeze cauliflower, sotry to process in this way sweet Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, peas and mushrooms. All vegetables are cleaned, washed, cut into small pieces and thoroughly dried. Only after this they are sent to freeze, and then they are laid out in containers.

Is it possible to freeze cauliflower
Potatoes, aubergines and kidney beans perfectly preservetheir quality after freezing, only if they have been pretreated beforehand. Vegetables can be slightly blanched in boiling water or vegetable oil.

In addition to the question of how to freeze colorcabbage, no less interesting is the following: how many vegetables are stored in this form? Correctly processed foods can hold in your freezer for up to six months, except for those that were prepared with the addition of oil. As practice shows, after three months, vegetables lose much in taste, although the quality and benefits remain the same. Experts recommend to use in cooking unfrozen vegetables, because in this case, all the juices and nutrients will remain in the prepared dish.

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