/ Fried chicken with cream in a frying pan: how to cook

Fried chicken with cream in a frying pan: how to cook

Куриное мясо используется в русской кухне с ancient times. Chicken meat is cheap and tasty, and to some extent also dietary. Some vegetarians, the so-called Pollotarians, allow themselves to eat only poultry.

Universal meat

Chicken meat has a good nutritional value, contains a lot of protein, vitamins and trace elements. Many athletes prefer chicken to other kinds of poultry and meat.

Chicken with cream in a frying pan

Of chicken there are a lot of differentdishes in many cuisines of the world. Separately prepare legs, wings, fillets and hearts. Often the chicken is cooked entirely, baking in the oven. But also this bird can be disassembled and cooked in the same oven, even in a frying pan.

Cream is not only a dessert

There are many recipes for chicken in various sauces. For example, very well matches with chicken fillet cream sauce. It's very tasty and inexpensive!

Cream is rarely used in Russian cuisine, unlike the French, where no cream can do without a dish: whether it's roast or dessert.

We used to see cream in pastry shopsproducts, but modern multiculturalism allows you to try the food of different countries of the world. So why not cook such a wonderful dish as a chicken with cream in a frying pan?

First, we'll deal with the cream. They should be the correct fat content, necessarily more than 30%, otherwise the saturation of the taste of the dish will suffer.

By the way, you can sometimes replace cream with sour cream of high fat content, but you should know that it gives sourness, which is not present in cream, so it's up to you.

The best spices for chicken

I wonder what else is needed to make a chicken with cream in a fry pan just perfect?

Chicken with cream in a frying pan: recipe

Looking for spices! First of all, nutmeg.It is combined with cream in the best way. In principle, you can do only them and salt, if you do not plan to add to the chicken no more ingredients. If you want to add to the chicken fillet, for example, mushrooms, then for this season seasoning curry is suitable.

Chicken fillet with cream in a frying pan will perfectly match with white wine or wine vinegar. These ingredients in a certain proportion need to be added to the meat.

Main recipe

You will need a basic recipe, for cooking a dish on which you will need:

  • chicken fillet;
  • fatty cream;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • nutmeg.

Based on this recipe, you can prepare a variety of different dishes, adding garlic, mushrooms, wine, cheese, etc.

This dish, like a chicken with cream in a frying pan, allows you to modify and supplement the recipe. The chicken fillet, cooked in a creamy sauce, turns out to be soft, with a taste of spices.

Let's step by step try to prepare such an amazing invention of French cuisine, like chicken with cream in a pan.

Chicken with mushrooms and cream in the pan

To start, take 500 grams.chicken fillet (you can take a pair of breasts, from which you want to remove the skin). Then we need 100 grams. cream of 33% of fat content, on a pinch of salt and nutmeg, and also 20 gr. butter.

Since we are preparing a dish calledchicken with cream in the pan, the recipe for it without a good pan would not be perfect. It is better to take a non-stick coating. If you do not possess such, take the usual.

Melt butter on low heat,then carefully cut the sliced ​​fillet into small pieces. Fry on all sides, salt. While the chicken is roasting, stir the cream with nutmeg. When the fillet has a golden hue, you can add the sauce. Stew chicken in cream for five minutes and can turn off the fire. Your dish is ready!

Mustard sauce

For the holidays, you can cook a special sauce based on cream with mustard.

Mustard beans are also very fond of the French and are often used in their kitchen. Let's see what you need to cook chicken fillet in a mustard-cream sauce.

Chicken with cream in a pan: photo, recipe

Take half a pound of fillet, half a cup of fattycream and a third glass of white wine. On a pinch of black ground pepper and salt. Two tablespoons of olive oil and the same Dijon mustard (grains). Do not forget a teaspoon of dried tarragon.

Start cooking

Wash, cut into small fillet pieces,salt and pepper. Fry it in butter until golden brown using medium heat. When the fillet is ready, put it on a plate and pour the wine onto the pan. Let it evaporate a little over low heat. Then add mustard to wine, mix. Do not forget about the cream, and then also mix. The next step is to add tarragon and turn off the heat. All is ready! Now you can serve chicken with a creamy mustard sauce.

Mushroom Sauce

The following recipe, which is perfect for a dinner party, is, of course, chicken with cream and mushrooms in a pan.

The main rule of this dish is thatingredients should not interrupt the taste of each other. Proportions are very important here. By adding the wrong amount of mushrooms, you interrupt the taste of the cream, and if you overdo it with the cream, you will not feel the mushrooms in the dish.

So what do we need for chicken with mushrooms in a creamy sauce?

First take two chicken breasts (peeledskin), a pinch of black pepper and salt, a tablespoon of olive oil and an average head of shallots, 200 gr. mushrooms, 50 grams of vermouth or dry white wine, half a cup of heavy cream, green onions.

Chop the chicken fillet, salt and pepper and put in the pan. Fry in olive oil until cooked, then shift the breasts to a platter.

Cut the shallots and sauté them in the pan,where the chicken was fried, until a characteristic flavor appeared. While onion is fried, chop the mushrooms. Add to the pan to the onions. Fry until the mushrooms shrink in size. Then add the wine, stirring, fry over low heat until the wine has evaporated.

Cream chicken fillet in a pan

Cut the green onions.Add cream and chopped onion to the mushrooms in the pan, stir and cook until the cream boils. Then in the same pan, transfer the cooked chicken fillet and simmer together with the sauce for two or three minutes. Your cream chicken with mushrooms is ready!

Let's sum up ...

As you can see, there are many fillet recipes.chicken in cream sauce. Most of them come from France. However, this does not prevent residents of Russia and other countries from constantly preparing such dishes for various holidays.

If you want to surprise your familywith something new, you can cook a dish like chicken with cream in a frying pan. Photos, recipes, cooking secrets, etc. were presented in this article.

Bon Appetit!

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