/ / How to cook a roll of banana: recipes

How to make a roll of banana: recipes

If you want to please your familytasty and easy to prepare dessert, then try making a banana roll. There are a lot of recipes for this delicacy. However, almost all of them include only readily available ingredients and are prepared very simply. We offer you a few recipes of such a fragrant and delicate dessert.

Banana roll in a hurry

This recipe can be called very simple.He will be able to even beginner culinary. In addition, the preparation of this product will take you no more than a quarter of an hour, so that you can make it, even if the guests are already on the doorstep, and at home there is nothing for tea.

roll of banana


Products for this delicacy are used mostsimple. However, the taste of the finished dessert will certainly delight your household and guests. So, we will prepare a banana roll from such ingredients as 200 grams of non-brewed condensed milk, three tablespoons of flour, an egg, a teaspoon of baking powder, a bag of vanillin. These products will be needed for the test. Cream for a roll we will prepare from 150 grams of condensed milk and 80 grams of butter. Also for the filling we need one big banana.

banana roll recipe

Cooking process

First, you can turn the oven on 180 degrees.It will just warm up by the time our dough is ready. Then, in a deep bowl, combine the egg, flour and condensed milk. Add the baking powder and vanillin. We mix it well. It is important that the dough is not very thick.

On a rectangular baking sheet we lay paper forbaking and a little oil, so that after baking cakes can easily be removed. Fill the dough. We level it with a shovel so that the finished cake turns out to be even. We send in the oven for 7-9 minutes.

While baking cakes, you can do cream. To do this, we combine in a deep bowl of condensed milk and butter. Beat the ingredients with a mixer at a low speed until a homogeneous consistency.

Let's return to our cake.Before you remove it from the oven, you should take a clean kitchen towel, wet it and squeeze it well. Pay attention that the following actions should be done quickly, so that the cake does not break, and our banana roll is not only delicious, but also beautiful. So, take the base for our dessert from the oven and put it on the prepared wet kitchen towel. Carefully remove the paper. Pretty well spread the cake cream with condensed milk and butter. Then, at the very edge of the cake, we spread a whole peeled banana. We roll the dough, forming a roll. Then gently shift it onto the plate. On top, cover the dessert with the remaining cream. You can also decorate it with nuts, grated chocolate, berries or fruit. So, a gorgeous banana roll with condensed milk is ready! Bon Appetit!

banana roll with condensed milk

Chocolate-banana roll

This recipe is also very simple to prepare.If you love pastries with a chocolate flavor, then you will definitely like this roll. So, we will prepare this delicacy from products such as flour and black chocolate - 100 grams, granulated sugar - 100 grams and one tablespoon, 250 ml cream 35% fat, grated lemon peel - a teaspoon, half of the juice lemon, four eggs, four bananas and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

chocolate banana roll


To start, whip 100 grams of granulated sugar witheggs and lemon peel until the formation of a light foam. Then add the cocoa powder and flour. Mix the ingredients well to make a dough of a homogeneous consistency. Covered with a parchment parchment. Fill the resulting dough and send it to a preheated oven, as in the previous recipe. Then lay out the finished cake on a wet towel, sprinkle with a spoonful of sugar and roll into a roll. Leave it for a few minutes to cool down.

While it is possible to be engaged in a stuffing.For this, the chocolate should be finely chopped or grated. Mix the cream with a mixer until a strong foam forms. Bananas are ground with lemon juice in a blender until a puree-like mass is formed. Then add the chocolate and whipped cream to them.

During this time, the cake should already cool down.We unfold it and evenly lubricate the filling. Then again turn off. So, our banana roll with chocolate is ready. If desired, it can be additionally decorated. You can do this by sprinkling dessert with grated chocolate, powdered sugar or chopped nuts. You can also cover it with glaze. The culinary product can be served immediately. However, the dessert will be tastier if given him some time to brew. In this case, the cake is best soaked in cream. You can also slightly change this recipe if you want to have pieces of a banana in the finished roll. So, for this you should make a cream of condensed milk with chocolate. It must be applied to the finished cake and rolled into a roll of banana, as was done in the previous recipe. In a word, do not be afraid to experiment and surprise your household and guests with delicious and delicious desserts! Bon Appetit!

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