/ / Macaroni, Panakota is a recipe for the people!

Macaroni, Panakota is a recipe for the people!

Италия и Франция – не просто страны-законодатели fashion, but also unique European representatives of exquisite types of cuisine. The most famous restaurants offer a variety of dishes, born in the territory of these countries. Many dishes were so good that they spread all over the planet. Among them there are delicious desserts. Among them, special attention deserves the Italian dessert of Panacota, the recipe of which is quite simple.

To create this exquisite culinarya masterpiece will be required: milk, cream, sugar, vanilla pod, almonds, mint green. Since gelatin should be swollen, it is pre-soaked for 30-40 minutes in cold water. Then the dishes are heated so that the gelatin is dissolved, but not boiled. A vanilla pod is an ingredient required by the real Panacota. The recipe can be simplified by adding conventional vanilla sugar. A pod of vanilla, divided into two parts, is placed on the bottom of the pot, milk is also poured (1 glass), sugar (100 g) and cream (1 glass) are added and brought to a boil. The vanilla is then removed and the dissolved gelatin is added to the remaining mass. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and removed from the fire. If vanilla sugar is used, it is added together with gelatin. When the mass cools down, it is poured into separate molds and set to freeze for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator. At the end of this time, the finished Panacota is obtained. The recipe, as you can see, is simple. A dessert, decorated with almonds, berries and a mint leaf will look very elegant and beautiful on any table.

Experienced cooks offer to serve this easydessert, the recipe of which is given above, frozen in beautiful vases, or glasses, and some turn them upside down. Berry sauce from 300 g of berries, mixed with sugar and cognac and held for 1 hour, gives the dessert an exquisite look and piquancy.


Another easy dessert, the recipe of which comes fromItaly, has an interesting name for Macaroni. It has become so popular in France that today it is considered a true French dish. Many people, meeting this name confuse it with ordinary pasta, but this is not so. Macaroni - air meringue, cooked on the basis of white almond flour.

The same way, dessert Macaroni, the recipe has such,that it can only be reproduced by an experienced hostess or chef of one of the restaurants in France, but you can always try. It should be noted that the taste of this dessert varies depending on the recipe. The article will give a concrete classical example. For cooking you need a protein from 3 eggs, sugar - 30 grams, powdered sugar, almond flour - 120 grams. To make the dessert more vivid and interesting, it is added with flavors and dyes.

To the products used, specialrequirements. Eggs should not be cold, so they must first be taken out of the refrigerator and warmed to room temperature. At the same time, fresh eggs that have been recently taken down by the chicken are also unsuitable, since the Macaroni dessert recipe will be spoiled: meringues can crack or break during cooking. It is better to use eggs 1-2 days ago.

In the course of the almond meal sifted together withsugar powder directly on the baking paper. In a separate bowl, whites are beaten, gradually adding sugar, waiting for the appearance of a thick, non-falling foam. Then it is necessary to mentally divide the flour mixture into three parts and three times to sprinkle it on the proteins, stirring the resulting mass with a spatula. The result is a dough, which is placed in a confectionery bag. From it, on a parchment paper, laid on a baking sheet, form balls about 3 cm in diameter. They are allowed to stand for 30 minutes, and then placed in a preheated oven to 150 C. Then remove, cool and make a layer of any cream. In this way, they get Macaroni, which is nicheen no worse than the Panacota recipe.

It is worth remembering that the preparation of any dish should be approached with care and the desire to bring joy to loved ones. Otherwise, any, even the simplest, masterpiece can be spoiled.

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