/ / Alcoholic drink "Belis" - liquor that everyone loves

Alcoholic drink "Belis" - liquor that everyone loves

belis liqueur
The famous alcoholic drink "Belis" - liquor,produced in Ireland since the 70s of the last century - became popular not long ago. Still, it would be more correct to call this blend of whiskey and coffee liqueur "Irish Cream" (Irish Cream), since Baileys is just the most popular brand that owns about half of the market for the sale of this drink and has been producing the product since 1974 of the year. The percentage of alcohol in it is quite small - 17%, so it is suitable for use in its pure form, and for mixing cocktails. Many also like to add a couple of tablespoons of fragrant liquid, the color of white chocolate to coffee. The product exists in a variety of taste variations, which appeared somewhat later than the classic drink. So, today you can find the mint, chocolate and coffee flavors of Beilis.

Alcoholic cocktails with the addition of "Beilis"

Many can’t do without BaileysPopular alcoholic cocktails: the most famous of the bottom - "White Russian", the recipe of which is given below, "Shot B-52", "Irish Dream" and other combinations. Traditionally, Irish cream is mixed with stronger vodka or, which is especially suitable for women, they are simply whipped with ice, decorated with cream and chocolate, sometimes with the addition of ice cream or, for example, a banana. Let's make the most famous cocktail on the basis of liqueur - “White Russian”, which you can find in the menu of bars and nightclubs from Tokyo to New York. To feel the atmosphere of the nightlife of the capitals, we need:

- 60 ml of Baileys liqueur;
- 60 ml of vodka;
- 100-120 ml of milk.

popular alcoholic cocktails

Mix the ingredients in a shaker and thoroughly.shake, fill a small glass (bartenders usually call it "Rox") with half ice and pour the mixture. A couple of minutes, and the "White Russian" is ready. Dear ladies, remember that this cocktail, although it has an extremely high taste, is extremely high in calories. In one portion can contain up to 450 kcal. Therefore, it is better not to abuse.

baileys at home

Cooking Belis: Homemade Liquor

By the way, at home you can pamper yourself not onlydelicious cocktails, but also the drink itself, while not necessarily buying it in the store. Quite right - you can cook the Baileys at home. To do this, stock up on the necessary components. We will need:

- 1 glass of cream - fat or not, depends on your preference;
- 400 gr. condensed milk (about 1 can);
- 1.5 glasses of Irish whiskey (note that many are not wise and add vodka instead of whiskey);
- 1 teaspoon instant coffee;
- 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup;
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar or vanilla powder on the tip of a knife.

If you make Belis from these ingredients at home,the liqueur is no worse than the original. So, put all the ingredients in a blender and whip at maximum speed for 30 seconds. Pour into a bottle or carafe, close the cork and put in the fridge. Liquor can be stored for 2 months. But the taste and endless possibilities of preparing a variety of cocktails will not give your favorite alcohol a gulf. Show your imagination: cut fruits in a high glass, such as bananas, and add a couple of Belis teaspoons. Liquor will only help to shade their taste. You can sprinkle nuts on top. You can also add ice cream. Just do not forget about the moderate use of alcohol.

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