What vitamins are in a peach and why is it useful?The answers to these questions you will receive from the article. Also we will tell you about whether it is possible to use such a product for pregnant women and how it should be stored correctly.
What vitamins are in peach? Before answering this question, it should be said that the peach is a sweet and juicy delicacy, which quenches thirst well.
If you managed to get really ripe and juicy fruits, then remember that you will enjoy not only their unsurpassed taste, but also nourish your body with useful substances.
Knowing which vitamins in peach are contained, you can safely use the fruit as a home doctor.
What vitamins are in peach?According to the experts, this product has a very rich composition. It contains pectins, water, essential oil, malic, citric and tartaric acids, as well as sugar. In addition, this fruit includes in its composition such trace elements as potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium and selenium.
What vitamins are found in peaches? They are rich in vitamin C, E, A, K, B1, PP and B2.
Now you know which vitamins in the peach prevail. It should be noted that due to this rich composition this product shows high therapeutic properties.
Peaches are not only used fresh.From them they prepare compote, jam, jam, jam and stuff. Fruits and freshly squeezed juice from them are very useful for constipation, since they contain fiber and pectins. This is especially true for pregnant women. After all, with such a problem, future women in labor face very often.
Experts argue that eating peaches is better in fresh form. Also from them you can squeeze juice and drink it several times a day (before eating 50 ml each).
Including peaches in your diet is very useful in anemia, because they contain a large amount of iron. Also, these fruits are an excellent diuretic.
With the regular use of peaches and nectarinesyou can get rid of toxins. Such fruits prevent the development of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine. They also help in the fight against harmful microorganisms and microbes.
Peaches have an excellent effect on the human body. They well strengthen the immune system, and also quickly restore strength in beriberi.
Despite all the sweetness, the caloricity of peachesnot very high. According to experts, 100 g of this product contains about 35 kcal. Therefore, using such fruits, do not be afraid of excess weight.
What vitamins in peaches for pregnant women are the most relevant? Experts argue that the entire vitamin complex contained in these fruits is necessary for normal fetal bearing.
Also, peaches are very useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. After all, they contain a huge amount of potassium.
These fruits are useful not only for their use in food, but also in the process of their use as a medicinal product and for cosmetic purposes. Let's consider some national recipes:
About what vitamins in peach and nectarineare contained, we told above. However, it should be noted that these fruits have contraindications to eating. They should not be included in your diet for people with diabetes, as well as with ulcers and gastritis.
With special care, these fruits should be given to children, especially in large quantities. After all, they contain allergens and can cause harm to health.
Before buying peaches and nectarines, they should be properly chosen. Such fruits quickly deteriorate, so they are not stored for long in a store or in a warehouse.
When buying peaches, pay attention to their colorand smell. The color of the fruit should be bright, and the skin - without any dark spots, dents or scratches. Peaches should be elastic and smooth. In this case, their smell should be fun.
Buy these fruits should be as much as you eat for 3 days, otherwise the fruit will spoil.
All the peaches purchased should be placed in a plastic bag, and then cleaned in the refrigerator.
Before consuming a juicy and sweet fruit, itsshould be removed from the refrigerator. Do this preferably for half an hour before a meal. So peaches are slightly "warmed", and this will help them become more succulent and tasty.
If you decide to freeze fruits for the winter, then they should be removed from the skin. This is due to the fact that the peach skin is not easily frozen, and also has a bitter taste.