/ / Baklava Armenian: a recipe with a photo

Bakhlava Armenian: recipe with photo

Historically, people living nearbypeople borrowed all the best that is in the kitchen from each other, and gave the dishes their own national flavor. Today it is difficult to say who invented baklava or baklava. The Greeks consider it to be their national delicacy, the Turks their own, and representatives of many other peoples inhabiting a vast expanse from Central Asia to the coasts of the Marble and Mediterranean seas will find themselves offended if someone doubts that their ancestors came up with a nut pie with sweet honey filling.

Without entering into disputes about the origin of this delicacy, we want to tell you how the Armenian baklava prepares.

Traditional Armenian baklava

A bit of history

В кухне каждого народа можно услышать отголоски his fate. For historical reasons, Armenians, like the Greeks, Bulgarians and many other peoples, lived for many centuries under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. Almost all of them cook baklava or baklava. The Armenians also have several interesting recipes for such baking. In particular, unlike the Greeks, they prepare it from yeast, not from the test-filo. Consider one of the most famous recipes of the Armenian baklava.

What will be required

Dough for Armenian homemade pakhlava is prepared from:

  • 75 ml of milk;
  • 3 g of dry yeast;
  • 3 g of granulated sugar;
  • 250 g of flour;
  • 1 eggs;
  • 1/4 tsp. salts;
  • 75 g of sour cream;
  • 25 g of butter.

To prepare a filling for Armenian baklava, you will need:

  • 130 g of walnut kernels;
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon in powder form;
  • 125 g of granulated sugar.

The filling is prepared from:

  • 50 ml of water;
  • 75 g of honey.

In addition, to decorate and lubricate the surface of baking will need:

  • 60 g of oil;
  • 50 g of kernels of nuts;
  • egg.
cooking process

Recipe for Armenian baklava with a photo

To prepare the dough, proceed as follows:

  • in a small bowl mix sugar, yeast and milk and put in a warm place for 10 minutes;
  • in a large bowl, knead the dough from flour, melted butter, eggs and sour cream and salt;
  • add milk to the dough with yeast and mix it;
  • cover with a towel and put in a warm place for an hour and a half.


Home Armenian baklava recipe which you already know, are usually prepared with walnuts. Sometimes, almonds, peanuts or a mixture thereof are also used.

To make the filling, the nuts are put in the oven and calcined. After they cool, grind in a blender. Add the powdered sugar, cinnamon and mix.

Поднявшееся тесто делят на 13 равных частей и form the balls. Cover them with a towel, so as not to get worn. The last two join to make a big ball. It is rolled out so that it is a bit larger than the oiled large round shape on which they are going to bake baklava. The thickness of the test bed should be about 1 cm.

Melt the butter and lubricate the surface of the layer that is in the mold.

Thinly roll out the second ball of dough and put on the previous one. Sprinkle 1/10 portion of the nut dry stuffing.

The same is done with 9 other balls. And the filling is applied to the last, having receded 2-3 cm from the edge.

slicing baklava

Decoration of baklava

Photos of the Armenian baklava cause a desire to stasiscook and taste this sweet treat. Not least this is facilitated by the attractive appearance of this oriental walnut pie with honey.

To give the baklava the traditional look in the form of an ornament that can be seen on Armenian carpets, proceed as follows:

  • dough that goes outside the mold at the edges is cut off, leaving 2 cm;
  • grease the edges with a beaten egg
  • roll out the last ball of dough;
  • cover them with baklava;
  • grease the remaining egg whorl;
  • with a sharp big knife that a few minuteskept in cold water, cut the round baklava in diameter so that 8 sectors of the same size were obtained, trying to ensure that the knife did not reach the middle layer;
  • then each sector is cut so that 3 diamonds and 3 triangles are formed along the edges of the mold;
  • pick neat halves of walnut kernels and put one at the center of each rhombus, lightly pressing so that they do not fall off the pie.
baklava on a plate


Baklava is cooked in the oven or in the oven,heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. First the form is sent there for 15 minutes. Then take it out and pour it with melted butter, before cutting it to the end. Again send the form to the oven.

While the Armenian baklava is baked, preparefill. For honey pour boiled and slightly chilled water and mix until homogeneity. Take out the baklava and pour 1/3 of the potting. Again, send the cake to the oven for 10 minutes.

Ready baklava is allowed to cool.Take the cake out of shape. Beautifully spread on a large tray in this order, in which pieces were lying during baking. Once again pour the remains of syrup. Leave to cool and soak. You can serve to the table in 20 minutes. However, it will be better if the cake lasts about 1 hour.


Along with the traditional walnut-honey pie, another variant of this delicacy is being prepared in Armenia.

Generally arishta, or as it is called in someregions, rsta is a special kind of home-made noodles, from which pilaf is made and used in the preparation of soups. It is believed that it was invented in Persia. At least, this is evidenced by the translation of the word رشته, which in Farsi means "strips" or "threads".

baklava with walnuts

What will be required

To prepare the dough, take:

  • ½ kg of flour;
  • 50 g of butter and sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 250 g of sour cream;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt and the same amount of baking powder (can be replaced with a mixture of citric acid and baking soda).

The filling is prepared from:

  • 350 g of any peeled nuts, as a rule, walnuts;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 4 tsp. cinnamon in powder form;
  • 2 tbsp. l. confectionery crumbs;
  • a little cardamom powder.

To fill, you need to take:

  • 1/2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water.

In addition, for the assembly will take another 100 g of butter.

How to make dough for Arishta

Recipe for Armenian baklava with a test in the form of noodles is easy to implement. To prepare the dough you need:

  • to grate the egg yolk with sugar;
  • add softened butter;
  • grind everything to homogeneity;
  • in another bowl, whip the whites and combine them with pre-whipped sour cream;
  • combine with the egg-and-oil mixture;
  • pour baking powder;
  • salt;
  • knead the dough, gradually adding wheat flour;
  • The stasis is divided into several parts and rolled into strata with a thickness of about 2 cm;
  • leave them to slightly weather-beaten;
  • roll each roll, cut into noodles and laid out on the table.
paglav with peanuts

How to cook stuffing and "assemble" baklava

In order to get confectionery crumb a piecenoodles are baked and dried in a preheated oven for 2-3 minutes. Next, prepare a complex filling, the method described above. When it is ready, they start assembling baklava:

  • shape of the size of a large soup plate lubricated with melted butter;
  • densely lay on the bottom of the mold 3 layers of noodles, oiling, each perpendicular to the previous;
  • lay on top of a thin layer of filling;
  • cover with aryshta;
  • lay out the filling and repeat all the same actions 3 times, not forgetting to smear the layers with oil.
  • After applying the latter, they smear the egg with pakhlava;
  • cut with several diagonal lines and sent to a very heated oven;
  • prepare the fill as described in previous recipes;
  • after 5 minutes take out the baklava from the oven;
  • pour it with melted butter and put it in the oven again for 20 minutes, turning the heat down to medium, and after another 10 minutes - to weak.

Remove the mold from the oven and deepen the cuts. Pour syrup over it. Leave for 10 minutes. Remove from the mold, spread on a dish and serve.

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