/ / Recipe: chopped cream cake. Option of chopped cake with condensed milk

Recipe: chopped cake with cream. Variant of chopped cake with condensed milk

Do you know how to make chopped cake?Why is it called that? If not, we recommend that you read the article. We offer you a recipe - a chopped cake "Napoleon". It can be cooked on a regular day, and on the occasion of a holiday. We wish you success in the culinary field!

brief information

Russian mistresses began to make minced cakesstill in the century before last. The name of the dessert was due to the method of preparation. Let's dwell on this in more detail. So, the frozen chunks of butter along with the flour were chopped to the state of grain. For this was used chaff. This tool is still in the arsenal of many housewives.

Chopped dough has a number of advantages.First, it rolls out well. Secondly, it makes excellent baking. Thirdly, the dough is suitable for making cookies, cakes, pastries and other sweets.

Chopped Cake Recipe

Recipe: Chopped Napoleon Cake with Cream

Grocery list:

  • very cold water - 6-7 st. l .;
  • 300 g pack of frozen butter;
  • flour of any kind - 2.3 cups;
  • ½ tsp salt and 2 tbsp. l regular sugar.

For the cream we take:

  • medium-fat milk - 400 ml;
  • powdered sugar - enough 8 tbsp. l .;
  • egg yolks - 4 pieces;
  • 150 g pack of butter (should lie down for 30 minutes at room temperature).

Cooking process

  1. We spread on the table all the ingredients that a recipe provides. We will have chopped cake with custard. He will give the dessert a special softness and tenderness.
  2. Frozen piece of butter cut into pieces. Pour flour over the cutting board. Put the pieces of butter on top. We take a cut in hand and begin to chop these two ingredients.
    Minced cake recipe with photos
  3. As a result, we obtain the following result - flour withsmall pieces of butter (no more than a pea). In the hill it is necessary to make a recess. From the side it resembles a Vulcan. Gently pour cold water into the well. Knead the dough by hand. We do this quickly so that the oil does not melt. We collect the dough in one and place in the refrigerator. In 40-60 minutes we get.
  4. Let's do the cream. In a bowl, combine the egg yolks with powdered sugar. Beat them using a whisk.
  5. In a saucepan with a thick bottom pour milk in the rightquantity. We put on the stove. A little heat. Bring to a boil is not necessary. Pour the milk into a bowl in a thin stream where the yolks are whipped with powder. All this is poured into a saucepan. Set the fire to minimum. Stir the contents of the pan. As soon as it thickens, turn off the fire. Boil the mixture can not. The resulting cream is transferred to the bowl. Allow to cool completely.
  6. From the cooled dough we make a log, which is cut into 10-12 pieces. One of them is left on the table, and the rest is put in the fridge.
  7. On a silicone mat, roll out a circle of dough (the optimum thickness is 1-2 mm, and the diameter is 20-25 cm).
  8. Send the cake to the baking sheet, and then topreheated oven. At 200 ° C it will bake for a few minutes. Readiness is determined by color. Once the cake has become pale golden, it can be removed. We shift it to the chopping board. It is not necessary to bake all 10-12 cakes. 3-4 pieces are enough to assemble a cake.
  9. We need to finish the cream. To do this, we drive into it the oil, which has lain at room temperature.
  10. Put the first cake on the dish.We cover with cream. So do with all the cake layers. Also, do not forget to coat the side of the cake. Top sprinkle with pieces of dough left after baking and cutting the cake. Now we send it all in the fridge. If you made dessert in the evening, then let it stand there the whole night. Then you can serve chopped cake to the table. The recipe from the photo clearly demonstrates how the finished "Napoleon" with cream should look. Have a nice tea party!
    Recipe for chopped cake with condensed milk

Recipe for chopped cake with condensed milk

Necessary ingredients:

  • one egg;
  • 0.4 kg of wheat flour;
  • boiled condensed milk - one can;
  • 300-gram pack of butter;
  • plain water - ½ cup.

detailed instructions

Step number 1. Pour flour on the table. Put 200 g of frozen butter on top. Using chop chop these ingredients. If it turned out a small mass, similar to the grits, then we did everything right.

Step number 2. In the hill of flour and butter make a recess.Break the egg there. We start mixing the dough, gradually pouring in some water. Making a circle out of dough. We remove in the refrigerator (necessarily on the middle shelf). In half an hour we'll get it.

Step number 3. Cut the cooled dough into pieces (future cakes). One part is left on the table, while others are put in the fridge.

Step number 4.Roll a piece of dough into a round cake plate, which is placed on a baking sheet. Pierce it with a fork in several places. Sent to a heated oven (200 ° C). When the cake is reddened, remove it.

Step number 5. What else needs to be done? Put the finished cakes on the table and wait for them to cool down completely.

Step number 6. Let's make a cream. To do this, in a bowl from the banks lay out condensed milk. Add oil. Beat using a mixer.

Шаг №7. Самое время собирать торт.Each cake is thoroughly coated with condensed milk cream. We put them on each other. The upper part of the cake is left unchanged. After all, it is necessary to put a load on it (heavy plate or lid). What are the next steps? Cake with the cargo is removed in the refrigerator. There dessert should stand at least 10-12 hours. We will only need to lubricate its surface with the remaining cream. Walnuts, coconut chips and grated chocolate are suitable as decorations for the cake.


Now you know the recipe - chopped cake"Napoleon". The technology of its preparation is able to master the hostess with any experience. We hope that you will appreciate another version of chopped dough cake - with condensed milk.

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