/ / Recipe for pancake cake with sour cream with photos and tips

Recipe for pancake cake with sour cream with photos and tips

It is difficult to find someone who would be indifferent toto the sweet. A variety of sweet desserts are not only tasty, but also increase the level of the hormone of happiness in the human body. In this article, we will describe the recipe for a pancake cake with sour cream.


Pancake cake with sour cream, whose recipeyou'll find out later - this is an excellent dish for a festive meal or just to please your family with something delicious. It is also an excellent option for Shrovetide, if you are pestered by ordinary pancakes.

Pancakes, of course, - a universal dish, becausethat of them you can cook many dishes, both sweet and not, or just eat with sugar or some kind of jam. And enough one or two ways to prepare pancakes in order to create a huge number of different yummies. Especially, when for so many years of existence of these flour products housewives came up with a lot of different fillings, starting with salted fish and caviar and finishing with fruits, berries and creams.

Cake of pancakes

The basis of the dish is pancakes, cookedin the usual way in a frying pan. They can be baked both by the yeast recipe, and by the most common. The thickness depends only on the wishes of the hostess, but depending on it the number of pancakes required will fluctuate. If you cook thin, you will need about 20-25 pieces.

Turning to the filling, your flight of fantasy begins.You can choose or come up with any content of the cake. It can be sweet or salty. For example, you can grease pancakes with condensed milk, jam, jam or cook some cream. The most popular creams for a pancake cake: sour cream, custard, cottage cheese, butter with condensed milk and so on. Also, in addition to some kind of slip, you can put fruit or berries between pancakes.

As for dishes with a salted filling, thenThey will prepare the same way. Just instead of sweet, use mushrooms, greens, liver, fish, vegetables. In short, everything that only your heart desires. And it will all be necessarily delicious. Such a cake can be cut into pieces and served as a small snack.

You can serve on the table as in a coldand slightly warmed up. But do not use it immediately after preparation, as puff products require impregnation. The best option is to make a cake in the evening, since it needs to be left to soak for six hours, and it is already possible to try it safely in the morning.

Pancake cake with cream of sour cream

In this article we will show and tell the recipepancake cake with sour cream with a photo. It is prepared easily and simply and does not require much effort or special skills. So, what is required for the recipe?

Dough for pancakes:

• Milk is a glass.
• Flour - 400 g (see for consistency).
• Some salt.
• Sugar - about 140 g (if you like the messenger, then add more)
• Eggs - 3-4 pieces.
• Mixture for raising dough or hydrated soda - 5-10 g.
• Margarine - half-packs.

For a cream it will be required:

• Sugar - 140 g.
• Sour cream - 500 ml.
• Cocoa (can be used as an ornament, if desired).


When all the necessary ingredients are purchased, thenboldly take up cooking delicious dessert. It's very simple, and we hope that this recipe for pancake cake with sour cream (step-by-step recipe) will be useful and understandable to everyone.

1. The first thing to do is bake pancakes.For this, sugar is whipped with eggs in a homogeneous mass. Then add the baking powder or the soda ash, as well as the melted butter (note that it should not be hot). After that, add the flour and milk parts, mix thoroughly. The amount of flour and milk can vary, so it's best to look at the consistency. The dough should be liquid, like kefir with low fat content for example.

Recipe for pancake cake with sour cream
2.After you have coped with the test, you need to start the process of frying. There will already be a little more difficult, but do not be scared ahead of time and stop working if the first pancake did not work out. In the future, the principle of frying will be understood, and everything will turn out perfectly. On the heated frying pan add a little oil for frying and scoop the dough so that it spreads over the entire diameter of the pan. Next on a slow fire fry pancakes for one or two minutes on each side and set them aside cool. Do not grease hot pancakes immediately, because then the whole cream will drain.
Recipe for pancake cake with sour cream with photo

3.So, pancakes are cooked and cool, which means that you should start to prepare the cream. The very name "Pancake cake with sour cream" (recipe) speaks for itself, and it is immediately clear that the basis of the filling is sour cream. It is necessary to mix sour cream with sugar and beat to a homogeneous consistency. That's all. The cream is ready.

Pancake cake with sour cream recipe
4. To pancakes were all the same shape and size, you can cut them with a knife, attaching a round plate. So the cake will look more neat and beautiful.


Now you can begin to build a fullcake. To do this, every pancake is smeared with cooked sour cream and overlap each other. For decoration or inscription on the cake, you can mix sour cream with cocoa, boil a little in a saucepan and embody your fantasies in reality.

The obligatory step is a complete impregnation of the cake. Therefore, after the preparation should be left for impregnation, preferably in a cool place and at night.

Recipe for pancake cake with sour cream recipe step by step

Here's an easy recipe for a pancake cake with sour cream. You will succeed.

Now you know how to use the basic recipepancake cake with sour cream. However, it can also be made with condensed milk or with bananas. How to do it, read below. As you can see for yourself, there is nothing complicated. However, despite this, it turns out very tasty.

Cake of pancakes with sour cream and condensed milk

Who does not like condensed milk?And if still in combination with sour cream and pancakes, then just lick your fingers. If a regular cream based on sour cream is fed up, but completely no desire to remove it, then this recipe for a pancake cake with sour cream and condensed milk is for you.

The process of cooking pancakes can be seen in the description of how to prepare a pancake cake with sour cream, the recipe of which is indicated above. Let's proceed directly to the cream.

To prepare the cream you will need:

• Condensed milk - a can.
• Fatty sour cream - 200 g.
• Liquor - 40 g.
• Vanilla extract - 10-15 g.
• Syrup (for your taste) - 40 g.

Manufacturing process

Recipe for pancake cake with sour cream and condensed milk

Whisk the sour cream with the condensed milk untilhomogeneous consistency. Then add all the remaining ingredients and mix well. As soon as the cream is ready, you can proceed to spread the pancakes and assemble the cake.

Do not worry if the cream is a bit thin. It thickens after a few hours in the fridge.

Cake of pancakes with cream based on sour cream and bananas

We would like to present you another pancake cake with sour cream and bananas. Thanks to them, the dish acquires a rich banana flavor, which is very popular with fans of these fruits.

Again, the process of cooking pancakes to describe notwe will, since you can see it above, where the recipe of a pancake cake with sour cream is described. However, there is one nuance: in this kind of cake should, in addition to all the ingredients, add a crushed banana to the cream.

For the manufacture of cream we will need:

• Sour cream - one package.
• Sugar powder (to taste).
• One large ripe banana.

Whisk all the ingredients together in a homogeneous consistency, and the cream is ready. The next step is to spread the pancakes and assemble the cake.

Pancake cake with sour cream and bananas
Agree, in all three recipes there is no complicatednothing, especially in the preparation of cream. And thanks to the delicate taste of pancakes and sour cream, the cake takes on an extraordinarily fascinating taste. We hope that our recipe for pancake cake with sour cream is very helpful to you. After all, this is a universal dessert, which can be safely given to try for children either on a festive table or just to please your family. Try to cook this cake and you definitely will not remain indifferent. Bon Appetit!

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