/ / A simple recipe for the Prague cake with condensed milk

A simple recipe for cake "Prague" with condensed milk

Many culinary products have their own history."Prague" cake, a step-by-step recipe with condensed milk which will be described below, is no exception. He first appeared in Soviet times thanks to the culinary V. Guralnikov. Its name was given to the cake in honor of the fashionable restaurant in those days "Prague" and very quickly gained popularity among Soviet people. The cake was made strictly according to GOST, although it was not patented anywhere. This is due to the fact that a similar confectionery product already existed in the Czech Republic. V. Guralnikov learned about it from Czechoslovak culinary specialists who came to the capital to exchange experiences. However, to prepare a real cake "Prague" (the recipe with condensed milk is described below) was very difficult, so the Soviet culinary invented a simplified version, borrowing from the original only a chocolate biscuit and glaze.

recipe for Prague cake with condensed milk

"Prague" cake from Guralnikov

The original recipe for "Prague" cake with condensed milk- not at all light in performance, but the result is delicious. The confectionery product consists of cream impregnated with cream and sprinkled with chocolate fondant biscuit cakes. Some mistresses of the recipe for the Prague cake with condensed milk (photo above) are slightly modified, replacing the fondant with the usual frosting of melted chocolate.

Cooking sponge cake for cake

Ingredients for biscuit:

  • eggs - 6 pcs .;
  • cocoa - 35 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • soft butter - 45 g;
  • high-grade flour - 115 g.

Recipe cake "Prague" with condensed milk requiresmindfulness. For example, in order to get a good biscuit, the products must be meticulously measured and have the desired temperature. To prepare the cake, first carefully separate the yolks and proteins. Next, measure out half the sugar and mix with the yolks at room temperature. The resulting mixture is whipped with a mixer until it brightens and increases in volume. Then comes the turn of proteins. They are recommended to be taken chilled. Squirrels begin to beat at minimum power, gradually increasing momentum. When the foam appears, begin to pour sugar gradually, while continuing to beat. When the mass becomes white and dense - the squirrels are ready.

Sift flour into separate dishes, addcocoa and mix well. Then the protein mass is mixed with the yolk and the dry chocolate mixture is gradually introduced. Gently stir. The butter is melted, cooled and also added to the sponge cake. Oven set to warm up to 200 aboutС.An oiled baking dish sprinkled with semolina or flour. The dough is poured into it, smoothed and sent to the oven for half an hour. The first half of the time the oven is better not to open. Otherwise the sponge cake may fall.

Prague cake recipe with condensed milk without sour cream

Cooking cream

While baking biscuit, you can do the preparation of the cream.


  • condensed milk - 150 ml;
  • water - 25 ml;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • soft butter - 1 pack;
  • cocoa - 10 g;
  • vanillin.

Egg yolk is combined with water and whipped slightly.whisk. After pouring condensed milk and mix until smooth. The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath and boiled, stirring regularly, until thick. The finished mass is cooled. Meanwhile, soft butter is whipped with vanilla sugar. This should be done carefully, so as not to "kill" the oil. If this happens, it is heated in a water bath, cooled in the refrigerator and whipped again. The finished oil mixture is combined with the yolk, mix well, add cocoa and once again stir until smooth. You can use a mixer to ensure that there are no uncoupled cocoa lumps left.

Prague cake recipe with condensed milk photo

We make a cake

Cake "Prague" (recipe with condensed milk without sour cream)almost ready, it remains to combine it and cook fudge. Well cooled sponge cake is cut into 3 cakes and smeared with each cooled cream. The top of the cake is covered with any fruit jam and filled with fudge.

Chocolate bar for making fudgemelt in a microwave or over low heat. Then add the egg, mix and gently injected powdered sugar (about 100-150 g). Mix the mixture with a mixer. The result will be a thick chocolate mass with a glossy shade. It is hot applied over a jam. All, cake "Prague" (a recipe with condensed milk without sour cream) can be served to guests. However, some hostesses prefer to bake such a cake after all with the addition of sour cream.

Recipe cake "Prague" with condensed milk and sour cream

Prague cake recipe with condensed milk

The taste of this version of the cake is no worse than the previous one, and it is much easier to prepare. First, make a biscuit.

Biscuit products:

  • eggs of chicken - 2 pieces;
  • raw condensed milk - 1/2 banks;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • low-fat sour cream - 1/2 tbsp .;
  • cocoa - 30 g;
  • baking soda - 10 g;
  • flour - 200 g

Proteins and yolks are placed in a deep container.add sugar and beat with a mixer for at least 10 minutes. During this time, the mass will become lighter and increase by a factor of 3. The soda is quenched with sour cream and poured into a bowl. Condensed milk is put in the same place, mixed and sifted flour and cocoa are added. Knead the biscuit dough. The baking dish smeared with any fat, spread the dough. Put in a cold oven and turn on, warming up to 180 aboutC. Bake for 45 minutes.

Prague cake step by step recipe with condensed milk

Another cream recipe

The cooled biscuit is cut into several pieces andsmeared with cream. A simplified recipe for a cake "Prague" with condensed milk requires a less sophisticated cream. For its preparation, a pack of soft butter is mixed with half a can of condensed milk and 30 g of cocoa. This mass and smear cakes. For the glaze, the chocolate bar is crushed, a couple of spoons of milk are added and melted over low heat. The resulting mass is poured over the top of the cake. Homemade recipe for a cake "Prague" with condensed milk recommends letting the product soak for a couple of hours.

Bon Appetit!

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