/ / Tubules with condensed milk - it's delicious!

Tubules with condensed milk - it's delicious!

Perhaps, in our Soviet past in every familyon weekends, baked or wafer tubes, or cookies in molds - nuts, squirrels, mushrooms. At least, for me, the tubules with condensed milk are a memory from childhood.

Those Tubbling

tubes with condensed milk
ki, which sell in stores, are completely different from domestic ones, and they have a completely different taste.

On New Year's relatives gave meelectric wafer, and now my children on the weekends are required to prepare the tubes in the waffle iron. Surprisingly, I found out that there are a lot of recipes for the test for waffles, and we even had a favorite.

Most often we prepare wafer tubules with condensed milk according to such a recipe: 200 grams of butter; 200 grams of sugar; 200 grams of wheat flour; 5 chicken eggs.

In a small saucepan (or saucepan), melt the oil slowly. The flour is sieved through a sieve - so it will be saturated with oxygen, and the tubes with condensed milk will turn out to be tender and crunchy.

Tubes in waffle iron

Whisk the egg with the mixer (before the formationlush foam). We pour butter into the eggs, mix and continue to beat, gradually add sugar, then flour. The dough as a result should be homogeneous, without lumps, and liquid enough.

Turn on our waffle iron and wait until sheHeats up. Sometimes I come across a tip to grease the plates of electric wafer with vegetable oil. This is already superfluous, since the dough is already fat enough (thanks to butter).

Now proceed directly to bakingwaffles. How much test to pour? You will understand this in the course of cooking. Here it is necessary to adapt: ​​one spoon may not be enough, and one ladle - a lot.

Bake our wafer to golden color, remove it from the wafer plate and turn it into a tube. Wait until the wafer cools, it is impossible: it will become brittle and will not collapse.

When all the wafers are ready, we will take care of the cream. For him, the following ingredients are needed: 200 grams of butter; one can of condensed milk; any nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds).

what can be prepared from condensed milk

Condensed milk or immediately buy cooked, orwe boil it for a day and a half or two. This is a simple matter: you need to lower the jar into a pot of water and leave to boil over a small fire. The main thing - do not forget to pour water and turn off the oven in time, so you do not have to wash off the condensed walls and ceiling. Ready to evaporate the condensed milk in a bowl, cool, add soft butter and mix thoroughly.

Using a pastry syringe (oran ordinary polyethylene bag) we fill the tubes with thickened cream. Nuts grind (it is more convenient to do this blender), then sprinkle them with open edges of wafers. Tubules with condensed milk are ready for serving!

What can be prepared from condensed milk and wafer tubules yet? I advise you to make a delicious cake. He will not leave indifferent children or adults.

Prepare the tubes with condensed milk, as described above,only without the addition of nuts. In addition, we make sour cream. The recipe is simple: whisk with a mixer 500 grams of sour cream with one glass of sugar until the cream thickens. We dip the tubules with condensed milk into it and lay them on a dish in the form of a woodpile. We decorate the cake with chopped nuts or confectionery powders.

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