/ / Lagman from chicken cooked in a multivark

Lagman from the chicken cook in the multivark

Lagman is an Uzbek dish, but increasinglyprefer to cook housewives of all nationalities, regardless of traditions and customs. And why? Yes, just delicious, quick and original. There are a lot of lagman recipes. Each housewife prepares this dish in its own way, trying to give it a unique taste and aesthetic appearance. But today we will choose the preparation in the multivariate. Why? This option is the easiest and fastest and will be most suitable for those who do not have enough time for culinary delights.

What is the lagman made from?

So, the lagman from the chicken.It is a mixture of vegetables, noodles and meat. Most often noodles are cooked separately, sauce with vegetables and meat is also prepared separately. When served, the cold noodles are filled with hot broth. Meat can be used any, although originally traditional for lagman was considered lamb and beef. But nowadays many housewives have perfected this recipe and are using for lagman and chicken, and pork, and even rabbit.

Preparation of lagman from chicken
If you do not want to spend a lot in the kitchentime, you can stop your choice on a faster version and make a lagman from a chicken. Its preparation will take much less time than cooking a similar dish of beef. But by taste, he will not give in at all to recipes with pork, lamb or beef. Vegetables can also be used different, at your discretion, but the obligatory ingredients are onions, carrots, radishes, garlic, tomatoes. Potatoes are not always added. If you like more food, then you can put the potatoes, if you prefer an easier option - cook without it.

Lagman from the chicken in the multivark

Required Products

Preparation of a lagman from a chicken will require from youpurchase of a number of products. Basically it's vegetables. Here is an approximate list of products and their quantities needed for this oriental dish (you can expand it and add other types of vegetables, such as eggplants or zucchini).

  • chicken meat (it can be a whole chicken (not very big), cut into small portions or fillets) - 500 grams;
  • onion - 2 pcs. (you can add leeks);
  • carrots - 2-3 pcs .;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs. (you can take fresh or frozen);
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • radish green - 1 piece;
  • pepper bulgarian - 2 pcs. (you can use frozen cuts);
  • garlic, salt, pepper, bay leaves - to taste;
  • greens (you can add and during cooking, as well as sprinkle a ready-made dish);
  • Lagman noodles (you can buy it ready or make yourself).

Preparatory stage

At this stage, you can pre-boil the noodles.The cooking process is almost the same as cooking conventional pasta. After the noodles are ready, rinse it with cold water and add the vegetable oil (sunflower, olive). Thoroughly mix and put aside. Further, the lagman from chicken requires preliminary cutting of vegetables. To make the appearance of your dish aesthetic and an appetite, cut vegetables and meat neatly and beautifully.

Lagman from chicken
You need to cut the chicken into portions (if you have it whole), if you decide to use the fillet, just cut it finely.

Onions cut into rings, carrots and potatoes cubes.Radish is better to grate on a grater (it is possible on large). Bulgarian pepper, herbs and garlic finely chop. Fresh tomatoes scalded, peeled off them and finely chopped. Now you can start the cooking process.

Lagman from the chicken in the multivark

In principle, the preparation of the lagman is practically the same, regardless of whether you are using a multivark or cook in a stove on a stove.

Pour a little bit on the bottom of the multi-cook potvegetable oil and pour out the prepared onion and carrots. Turn the multivark on the "Baking" mode and fry the vegetables. After obtaining a golden color, add the pieces of chicken and continue the roasting. Next we add tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper and radish. Lastly, we fall asleep with potatoes, add water and salt to taste. Turn off the "Baking" mode and turn on, depending on the type of multivarker, either "Quenching" or "Steamer" mode. We follow the countdown on the scoreboard, when there are 5 minutes left until the end of cooking, you can add spices - greens, peppers, bay leaves, garlic. That's it - the lagman from the chicken is ready! Bon Appetit!

Lagman from chicken recipe photo

How to serve?

When served in a deep bowl or bowllaid out in advance boiled noodles. Since it is cold, vegetable sauce (lagman) should be very hot. Fill noodles with gravy. What density will be your dish: more noodles or broth - decide for yourself. From the top you can sprinkle with herbs - parsley, dill, kindza. It is also used according to your taste and discretion. And if you serve traditional Uzbek cakes to the lagman, then it will be very tasty, just lick your fingers!

Try to cook at home lagman from chicken. Recipe, a photo of a ready-made dish and our recommendations will help you with this!

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