/ / We make vegetable pilaf on the stove and in the multivark

We make vegetable pilaf on a plate and in a multivark

Vegetable pilaf is very popular among those who adhere to vegetarian food, and also fasts during religious holidays.

vegetable pilaf

It should be noted that nothing complicated inthere is no such preparation. Moreover, having made it by all the rules, you will not even notice that it completely lacks meat product. To make sure of this, we propose to prepare this dish yourself.

How to cook vegetable pilaf quickly and deliciously?

Such a dinner is done several times faster,than the one that is prepared with the use of meat ingredient. But, to get a really delicious vegetable pilaf, you will have to try. First you need to prepare the following components:

  • onion bitter large - 2 heads;
  • croup of long-grain rice - 2.5 cups;
  • carrot juicy and large - 2 pcs .;
  • oil any refined - about ½ cup;
  • salt fine, pepper fragrant black and other fragrant spices intended for the preparation of pilaf - apply at discretion;
  • tomato paste - about 2 large spoons;
  • green fresh - a few twigs;
  • garlic large - 1 head.

Preparing Components

Vegetable pilaf, the calorie content of which is muchLess meat, you should start cooking with rice processing. Long grain grains need to be sorted, and then rinsed well in a sieve until the water is clear. After this, it is necessary to start preparing the vegetables. They should be peeled and crushed. Bitter bulb bulbs should preferably be chopped in half rings, and carrots should be cut into strips. As for the head of garlic, it only needs to be washed well, but not cleansed of the husk.

vegetable pilaf in the multivariate

Roasting ingredients

To taste the quality of vegetable pilafdifferent from meat, to it it is necessary to add aromatic roasting. For its preparation, it is required to heat the refined oil very strongly in a frying pan, and then pour into the dishes carrots and half-rings of onions. Having spiced the ingredients with spices and salt, they must be roasted until they become golden in color. At the same time, vegetables can remain a bit harsh. In the future we will still cook them together with rice.

Heat treatment on the kitchen stove

After the roasting is cooked,you should start cooking the whole vegetable dish. To do this, the products must be put into a thick thick-walled pan with oil, and then pour rice previously washed with rice. Add to the ingredients tomato paste, greens, garlic in the shell, as well as salt and flavored spices. Now all should be carefully mixed. Further, the homogeneous mass must be leveled with a large spoon and pour boiled drinking water to them. This liquid should cover the dish by 1.6-2 centimeters. In this composition, vegetable pilaf should be brought to a boil, and then cook under a tightly fitting lid for 25 minutes. During this time, rice croup will become soft and absorb all the aromas of spices and roasting.

How should I serve to the dinner table?

После того как плов будет готов, его необходимо stir to a friable state, and then again close and stand, wrapped in a blanket, about ¼ hour. At the end of this time, the dish should be spread on plates and served for dinner with a salad of raw vegetables and greens.

vegetable pilaf calorie content

Another way of cooking

Vegetable pilaf in the multivark is obtained as satisfying and tasty as the dish that was cooked with a cooker.

If you want to make this dinner not only withthe use of cereals and vegetables, but also with the use of a protein product in the form of chickpeas, then the vegetarian pilaf should be prepared somewhat differently. For him we will need:

  • bulbs large - 2 heads;
  • croup of long grain rice - 2.5 cups;
  • carrot juicy and large - 2 pcs .;
  • oil any refined - about ½ cup;
  • salt fine, pepper fragrant black, zira and basil-apply at discretion;
  • chickpea - ½ cup;
  • large ripe tomato - 1 pc .;
  • green fresh - a few twigs;
  • garlic large - 1 head.
    how to cook vegetable pilaf

Processing of ingredients

Before making vegetable pilaf in a multivariate,it is necessary to thoroughly process all the main products. To begin with, it is required to wash the long-grain cereal and chickpeas. In order to make cooking of the second component you need much less time, it is recommended to soak it in ordinary water and hold it for 24 hours.

Also for pilaf you should separately clean and chop the carrots with onions. As for the tomato, it must be peeled off, and then chopped into a blender.

Heat treatment

To make a delicious pilaf, you should pour in a bowlmultivarka refined oil, and then lightly fry in it carrots and bulbs. It is desirable to carry out this procedure in the baking mode. After the vegetables are browned, they need to add chickpeas, rice croup, as well as tomato gruel, salt, pinch of zira, pepper and basil.

Mixing the components, they should be leveledspoon, and then deepen the dish uncooked head of garlic and sprinkle all the food with herbs. Next, the ingredients need to be poured hot water (2 centimeters above the components), close tightly and cook in the quenching mode for about 45 minutes. This time should be enough to become soft and chickpeas, and rice cereals.

vegetable pilaf for the winter

Some nuances

Few people know, but the dish presented can beharvested even for future use. Vegetable pilaf for winter well saves when you do not have time to cook a hot dinner for a long time, and the guests are already on the threshold. By the way, such a canned product is often sold in stores.

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