How to boil potatoes

As you know, potatoes in Russia was considered "secondbread ". Dishes from it exist an immense amount. Here are just some - boiled, mashed, fried, steamed, deep-fried. You can enumerate endlessly. This article describes how to boil potatoes for use as a stand alone dish or as part of others. Good advice will help you get more delicious food.

how to boil potatoes

The first recipe: how to boil potatoes for puree

To get a lush and delicious garnish bettertake varieties with a high content of starch. Wash the tubers and peel. Cut into pieces of the same size and pour cold water, slightly salted. After boiling, remove the foam and cook for 20-30 minutes. When cooking puree, the most important thing is not to miss the right moment of softness of the tubers. When they are digested, the mass can turn into a cloudy, dense mixture. Potatoes should be brought to full readiness. After kneading with a crush and adding milk and butter to the mixture, whip the mash with a mixer. The garnish will turn out surprisingly airy and without lumps.

The second recipe: how to boil a young potato

Since the skin of the fruit is rather thin,boil the tubers without cleaning them. Rinse the young potatoes well under running water, if necessary, use a brush to remove dirt more. With a knife, cut the tubers into equal parts. To potatoes are not strongly boiled during cooking, it is better to lower it into already boiling water. Check the availability with a fork. Serve the young potatoes hot with butter or sour cream, sprinkling finely chopped fresh dill.

how to boil a young potato

Recipe the third: how to boil a potato in a uniform

For this method of preparation,small tubers provided that they are not damaged. Potatoes infected with various diseases, in which there are internal black point or veined defects, will not work. Straw the tubers thoroughly with baking soda. Very often boiled potatoes in uniforms burst during cooking, so it should be lowered only into boiling water, while forked in several places. The duration of cooking depends on the grade and the content of the starch. More friable and fragrant potatoes are obtained with a high content of this substance. During boiling, keep an eye on the process, as ready-made tubers can instantly fall apart. Potatoes in a uniform are usually served hot to salted or marinated fish.

how to boil a potato in a uniform

Recipe Four: How to Boil Potatoes to Make Pirozhka Fillings

The most common "filler" isit is the mass of boiled tubers. To obtain the filling for pies, the recipe for cooking mashed potatoes is taken as the basis. It is very important after the full availability of the tubers to thoroughly drain the remaining water. As an additive to the crumbly mass, fried mushrooms, minced meat, liver, boiled eggs, chopped greens and aromatic spices can be used to produce different flavors.

Recipe five: how to boil potatoes for salads

This vegetable is often the main ingredientmany salads. Boil it usually beforehand, so that the tubers are completely cooled before grinding. It is possible to cook potatoes both in the purified whole form and in the peel.

Enjoy a fragrant boiled potato - a versatile dish of Russian cuisine!

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