/ / Cake "Monastic Cottage": recipes with photos

Cake "Monastic Cottage": recipes with photo

"Shalash", "Cherry honeycomb", "Pyramid", "Roof" -all this is the name of the same cake "Monastic Hut". It is under this name that this dessert is more known to compatriots. This delicacy surprisingly combines the unobtrusive sweetness of sour cream and unsurpassed sour fillings.


Today we know a huge amounta variety of recipes for the cake "Monastic Hut", but beginners in confectionery art are best to start with the traditional way of cooking. Moreover, the classic version of this delicacy combines refinement, tenderness and unsurpassed aroma.

Such a delicacy will not leave you indifferent eventhe most sophisticated gourmet. Therefore, if you want to surprise your loved ones with this culinary masterpiece, take on the traditional cake recipe "Monastic Cottage" with cherry and sour cream. In addition, to prepare this dessert, despite such an intricate name, is not so difficult - even, on the contrary, very easy.


In fact, this cherry dessert is sobeautiful, fragrant and delicate, that it is simply impossible not to fall in love with it. It is enough just to look at the photo of the cake "Monastic Hut", so you want to cook it and enjoy a unique taste. And if you look at a proven recipe and small secrets, then the result will surely exceed all your expectations.

How to make a cake

You just need to know how to competentlyprepare the dough and make it so that the tubes are perfectly soaked, and the filling does not leak out of them. At the same sour cream should keep the shape well and not blur. And in the process you will help a simple recipe for the cake "Monastic Hut" with a cherry.

Grocery list

Of course, in the first place you should prepare all the products necessary for the preparation of dessert. In order to make a dough for a cake, you will need:

  • 4 cups of flour;
  • 250 g of sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt;
  • 250 g of butter or margarine;
  • soda and vinegar to quench it.

And to prepare the cream, take:

  • 600 g of sour cream;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • 100 g of sugar.
Making a cake

In addition, you need about 800 g of cherries.It can be used literally in any form: boiled, canned, fresh, candied or frozen. This dessert, in fact, is good. To prepare a cake "Monastery Cottage" according to the traditional recipe, it is best to stock up with cherry jam, which is considered the best kind of filling. After all, just such berries, cooked in their own juice, have a rich taste and do not flow out of the tubes. Therefore, if you have a stock of cherry jam in your arsenal, use it to make a cake "Monastery Hut". But if you did not find such a delicacy, take fresh or frozen berries.

Margarine or butter, taken for dough, should beup to use keep in the refrigerator. In other words, it is not worth it to get the product in advance, as is usually the case with other types of baking.

As for kitchen appliances and appliances, you may need a mixer or whisk, rolling pin, pastry parchment, food film.

Preparation of a filling for a cake "Monastic hut"

First of all, a dense sour cream and cherry filler are made to create this dessert, and then you can start kneading the dough, baking the tubes and forming a treat.

If you are stocked with cherry jam, then merge withberries all liquid and be sure to cut out of them bones. By the way, this filler is the easiest to prepare. So jam has many advantages for making such a cake.

How to prepare a filling

Cherry from compote will also be beautifuloption, but its taste will not be so saturated, and the delicacy itself will turn out less fragrant. If the berries are sour, then it is advisable to sprinkle them with a small amount of sugar and leave in the cold, so that they let the juice and soaked with sweetness.

If you chose the option of making a cake fromfresh cherries, be sure to go through it. Set aside only ripe berries of a dark burgundy shade. Keep in mind that the red cherry, which often turns out to be immature, is quite sour, so for the preparation of a cake, "Monastic House" is completely useless. To begin with, remove the bones from the berries. To do this, you can use a special device, a simple pin or any other improvised means that are convenient for you. Process the cherry with a sugar, with a proportion of 1 to 1. Leave the berries to the side for a couple of hours, so they let the juice.

Then transfer the cherry into the saucepan and put onslow fire. Continuously stirring, bring the mixture to a boil and keep at this temperature for 5 minutes. In principle, in this way, you will prepare a kind of jam for a few minutes. With the help of noise, remove the berry from the saucepan and put them on a plate to speed up the process of cooling them. Cherry, processed in this way, will turn out to be quite sweet, rich and unobtrusive to your liking, and when baked will release quite a bit of juice.

Cream Cake

A perfect option for making thisdessert is considered home-made sour cream. But if you only have a store product at your disposal, please note that it must be fresh, with a fat content of at least 25%. Transfer the whole sour cream to gauze, folded several times, and tie it to the knot. Place this package over any container - in this condition, serum will gradually flow out of the product. True, this will take some time. In this form, sour cream should be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and best of all - for the whole night. After the whey dries, the product itself will become very thick and look more like soft cheese. This is the result you need.

Keep in mind that for sour cream cake"Monastic hut" is not suitable for ordinary cream, which is often prepared for many other desserts. It is very important that the mass for this dessert is thick enough, not blurred and perfectly held shape. That is why such complex manipulations as the expression of whey are really necessary for the preparation of a quality cake.


So, sour cream, spared from excess liquid,put into a deep container and whip the mixer at low speed. Then in small portions add sugar and vanillin to it. Although it is desirable to grind the sand before use, it is much easier to work with such a consistency. Beat the mixture until the powder completely dissolves.

Finally turn on the maximum speed of the mixerand treat the mass for a few minutes to give it splendor. Cooked sour cream cover and put in the refrigerator, so that it thickens and cooled down properly.

Dough for cake

First, sift flour into a deep bowl, so that itEnriched with oxygen and more easily amenable to kneading. At the top of the resulting slide, make a hole and put oil in it. Carefully mash it with a fork and grind with flour. Then add to the mixture sour cream, salt, sugar and soda, which is extinguished with a few drops of vinegar. Carefully mix the dough with your hands or blender. As a result, you should get a very dense mass, which must be wrapped in a food film and placed in a refrigerator.

Recipes of the cake

After half an hour, take out the dough and divide it into15 identical pieces. Each of them should be rolled out with a thin oblong layer. Now came the turn of the prepared cherry. Put a neat row of berries on the rolled cake and roll it with rolls, covering the edges. Prepare a baking sheet by making it with baking paper. Transfer the formed rolls to a sheet and send it to the oven.

Bake for 10 minutes at 180degrees. During this time, "logs" for sour cream cake with cherry "Monastic Hut" should be browned. Finished tubes get out of the oven and allow them to cool slightly. Now you only need to form a house of rolls. It is impossible to fold a figure out of warm blanks - the cream will simply heat up and flow, and the structure itself will disintegrate.

How to assemble a cake

Assembling dessert

First on the serving dish should be laid outgenerous layer of sweet mass, and on top to place 5 tubes. With each subsequent "floor" the number of rolls should decrease by one. Each layer should be carefully lubricated with cream. In the end, cover the sides and the top of the resulting house with a mass.

Try to make sure that the walls aremore or less smooth - this will help you an ordinary knife. Send the cake to the refrigerator to soak the tubes for a few hours, and it is best to leave it there for the night.

Traditional Cake Recipe


Before serving, it should be slightly embellishedformed hut. For this perfectly suited grated black chocolate, which is perfectly combined with the cherry. You can also use chopped nuts or candied fruits.

This preparation of the famous "Monastichut "is over.Your guests will surely be delighted with the culinary masterpiece you cooked, by the way, on the cut this cake looks no less attractive.

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