/ / Raspberry jam with cinnamon

Raspberry jam with cinnamon

At the end of summer, a delicious berry begins to ripenraspberries. Jam from it turns out very sweet and fragrant, besides it serves as an excellent medicine for colds in the winter. Of course, the forest berry is much tastier than the store, but finding it is not so easy. But in the market you can find raspberries, which growers have grown on their sites. Variety berries are very large, juicy and sweet.

How to make jam from raspberries, which you canto eat in the winter? First, you need to carefully review all the collected berries - they can be a little white worms. Purified raspberries are weighed, one kilogram of fresh berries is taken with a kilogram of sugar. It is put in a saucepan, poured with water and stirred. Put the sugar on a small fire and cook the syrup until it completely dissolves. In the finished sweet syrup berries are covered, and after boiling, the raspberry jam is kept on the fire for 10 minutes, periodically removing the magnificent pink foam.

Banks are prepared, preferably half-liter orvolume of 0.75 liters. Sterilize them over a saucepan with boiling water for 5-10 minutes, lids boil. This jam is well stored in the basement, in the usual and "Khrushchev" refrigerator, so you can use the cans with twisting lids.

Ready jam is laid out on cans and immediately rolled. After the sunset they can be decorated - put on the lid a square of colored fabric and tighten with an elastic band or a lace.

Raspberry jam can be made moreoriginal and fragrant. To prepare, you need a kilogram of fresh berries and as much sugar, several hard cinnamon sticks. First, you need to prepare the sugar syrup as described in the previous recipe. When the sugar completely melts - fresh berries are covered and 1-2 cinnamon sticks are put, boil for a quarter of an hour on medium heat. Before sipping, the jar is allowed to cool slightly, then poured over pre-prepared jars, take out the cinnamon sticks and tighten the lids with lids.

For the winter you can cook not only jam from raspberries. Very delicious and sweet turns sugar berry, without undergoing heat treatment, it retains all vitamins and nutrients.

To sugaren raspberries for the winter, you need to takekilogram of fresh berries, sort them out and rinse if necessary. Then they need to fall asleep in a saucepan and grind with a blender. When the whole berries do not remain, in puree from raspberry add 1.5 kg of sugar, and carefully mix until a homogeneous mass. The berries are allowed to stand, periodically stirring once every half an hour, and when the sugar is completely dissolved, roll it into sterilized jars. Since heat treatment of berries is not carried out, they should be stored in a refrigerator or other cool place.

Good housewives are popular jamfrom a raspberry «Pyatiminutka». You do not need to spend a lot of time preparing it, but in addition, it stores a lot of vitamins and a natural natural taste of berries.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" made of raspberries is preparedas follows: fresh ripe berries are picked and rinsed with cold water. Brew syrup - a kilogram of sugar is poured into a saucepan, add a little water and mix so that all the sugar is moistened. On a small fire put the pan and, when the crystals completely dissolve, add the berries. Fire is turned on for the maximum when the raspberry jam starts to boil, mix it and remove the pan from the plate. They take off the sweet foam that has formed and rolls raspberries into jars until it has cooled down.

The most delicious is jam from raspberries, when for him they take ripe sweet berries. If desired, you can experiment and mix raspberries with some other.

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