/ / Hotel from the horned bunny: German beer Wolpertinger

Hotel from the horned bunny: German beer Wolpertinger

The first thing that shock when you look at beerWolpertinger is his absolutely crazy label. It depicts a strange, angry hare with fangs and deer-like horns. Many of those who have tasted this drink for the first time, honestly confess that they acquired it precisely because of this horned hare - it seemed too unusual and colorful. What kind of taste hides behind spectacular packaging? And does the quality of the product correspond to a rather high price by Russian standards?

beer wolpertinger

Name and legend

It turned out the first time to pronounce the name?Rejoice! There are not many people like you among Russian speakers. The word "wolpertinger" has German origins - it's not surprising, because beer is German. And with their quivering attitude to traditions, the Germans are famous all over the world. So the old character of alpine folklore became the "face" of the beer brand, and at the same time the name was given to him. Meet: before us is the very hare with horns, popularly known as Wolpertinger.

Do not think that the appearance of a miracle beastDue to the hallucinogenic effect of alcohol, thanks to which one of the local people was seen. "How many have been drunk by those who invented this?" - often amateurs ask beer lovers unfamiliar with the origins of the legend. In fact, biologists, hunters and other researchers of wild alpine nature talk about a disease that sometimes hares suffer. On their heads are formed outgrowths resembling small horns. Apparently, some papillomas suffering from an ancient rabbit and became a prototype of the legendary character.

wolpertinger beer reviews

Taste and color

Wolpertinger beer is produced in cans with capacityon 0,5 liter. Class lovers note that the taste is soft, unobtrusive, with light hints of malt, cloves, straw, banana. Expressive aftertaste the product does not possess. However, objectively consider this a drawback or a virtue is not worth it - rather, it's a matter of taste. Wolpertinger beer has a high density and a thick golden-honey color. Its lush, firm foam also impresses those who reasonably consider it a sign of a high quality drink.


Unlike many other stories about the wonderfulGerman beer, rooted in the fabulous Middle Ages, the history of Wolpertinger started just about a hundred years ago - in the family brewery Kaiser. Moreover, once the recipe, along with a portrait of a terrible hare, was safely lost. Later it was rebuilt.

Today Wolpertinger - beer, producerwhich strictly follows the recipe. The drink is prepared from the best ingredients, and the fermentation process lasts exactly six weeks - as the Bavarian beer law of 1516 demands.

Wolpertinger beer in numbers

The density of the drink is 11-12%, depending on the variety. Fortress of beer is small - 5about. This drink is supplied not only in banks,but also in kegs with a capacity of 20 liters, designed for pubs, which are fed to the spill. The cost of one half-liter bank in Russia is on average 150 rubles.

wolpertinger beer manufacturer

Opinion of the people

Let's be honest:Wolpertinger beer is not such a common product in our region. If you intend to taste this drink, you will have to chase a horned hare. Most likely, he will be found in a large hypermarket or alcohol boutique.

Those who happened to taste this beer delicacy,note that he is worth his money. From the first sips it becomes clear that this is not just a creation of local brewers, which can be bought in any stall, but a real German delicacy. Another Wolpertinger - beer, reviews of which often refer to the horned hare. Many are attracted by catchy packaging, due to which beer is often bought for special occasions or special friends who love everything unusual. And the most ardent admirers of this drink even invented a rabbit with deer's horns Russian name - Krolen.

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