/ / How to cook tilapia in the oven? Oven baked tilapia - the best recipes

How to cook tilapia in the oven? Oven baked tilapia - the best recipes

Tilapia (another name for it is tilapia)considered a smart fish. With her behavior, she very much resembles our pets, but this does not prevent anyone from enjoying her wonderful taste. It relates to freshwater fish from the Cichlid family. Her body is compressed at the sides, not very long, but tall. The color is monochrome, gray-silver, sometimes even green. This fish has a large head with large round eyes and long fins.

Its homeland is Asia Minor; it was from there that a person spread tilapia throughout Africa and Asia. There are many different types of it.

how to cook tilapia in the oven

Many people on our planet appreciate this fish forgreat taste. Today, many farms of different countries with great pleasure breed tilapia. Experienced cooks from all over the world can offer you a wide variety of recipes for preparing this fish, because you can not only cook it, but also simmer, bake, fry in a frying pan or grill.

Tasty dish

Tilapia baked in the oven owes you very muchlike not only the taste, but also ease of preparation. Its meat contains quite a lot of protein, as well as vitamins and a whole set of trace elements. Pregnant women and children should definitely use this type of fish. Unless, of course, there are no contraindications and individual intolerance.

tilapia baked in the oven

There are some researchers who claim thatTilapia meat is very harmful for health, because it contains the wrong ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 (1: 3). But these experts did not take into account the fact that the fish contains a small amount of fat, which means that it can not do any harm. In one hundred grams of tilapia, only about 96 kilocalories. After talking a little about this mysterious form, you can begin to describe the recipes that will allow you to cook very tasty dishes from it.

So, how to cook tilapia in the oven?Simple enough. But do not forget that it has a very low fat content. Therefore, if you want to make it juicy, then add water, wine or any sauce to it. And when you bake, cover it with foil. Let's take a look at simple, but rather interesting recipes.

What is necessary?

To cook tilapia in the oven, we need:
- 300 g of tilapia meat;
- Tomato juice or pasta 60 ml;
- garlic - about four cloves;
- one large onion;
- olive oil (2 tablespoons will be enough);
- dried oregano seasoning - two teaspoons;
- sunflower oil - one tablespoon;
- Black pepper with salt to taste.

Cooking process

How to cook tilapia in the oven?Make the marinade: finely chop the garlic, cut the onion into half rings and combine with vegetable oil and mix. Add in the resulting mass of garlic. Tilapia meat coated with marinade, as well as salt and pepper. We spread the fish fillet in a cooked form, oiled. It should be alternated with all the onions, pouring tomato. Cooking tilapia fish in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

cook tilapia in the oven

By the way, instead of tomato juice or tomato you cantake any other sauce. With such fish, and other vegetables are well combined, which ones to use - decide for yourself. Cooked fish can be perfectly eaten as a separate dish. It goes well with any side dishes. This recipe, tilapia fillet in the oven, will appeal to all your friends and household members. They will be pleasantly surprised by the taste of this dish and, most likely, will ask you to reveal the secret of cooking.

Fish with potatoes

There are plenty of recipes on howCook tilapia in the oven, for example, with potatoes. Despite the many ingredients, the process of creating a culinary masterpiece is quite short. In order to prepare the dish "Tilapia with potatoes in the oven", you will need:

  • Naturally, the fish itself. It is advisable to choose a fillet (meat, cleared of bones and spine), about one kilogram.
  • Potatoes - 800 grams.
  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg.
  • Two spoons of sunflower oil.
  • For an amateur - cumin, one teaspoon will be enough.
  • As much ground paprika.
  • Of course, salt to taste.

tilapia fish in the oven

For cooking marinade need garlic, clovesfour. In order not to use vinegar, take citric acid (about 4 tablespoons), as well as greens (parsley), olive oil, cumin, paprika and salt to taste.

Cooking process

How to cook tilapia in the oven?First make a marinade. To do this, we blend all the components using a blender so that we have a homogeneous mass. Fillet of fish must be rinsed with warm water, and then salt and pour the ready marinade. And now you need to leave so that everything is soaked for about twenty minutes. Clean potatoes, wash and cut into circles. We put it in a saucepan and sprinkle with cumin, salt, paprika, and pour with oil and mix. Then we put everything that we have on a baking sheet.

tilapia fillet recipe in the oven

Now we cut tomatoes into rings and arrange themon top of the potato. Cover the baking sheet with aluminum foil and place in the oven. Vegetables need to cook at 180 degrees for twenty-five minutes. After everything has been baked, we take the baking sheet out of the oven and spread tilapia on the potatoes and tomatoes, pour the marinade that we have left, add some oil and send the fish back to the oven for fifteen minutes. This is an independent dish, you can add some fresh salad to it.

Another recipe

Tilapia baked in the oven, it turns out verydelicious, and most importantly - healthy! Many fish lovers often experiment with cooking vessels. Someone uses pots, pots and more. But the most delicious and juicy fillet is obtained using aluminum foil.

tilapia with potatoes in the oven

It shortens the cooking time, and the dish is better baked. Now we will tell another cooking option, it is called “Tilapia in foil”. In the oven we will cook again.

What do you need?

So, we need:

  • fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • one pepper is Bulgarian;
  • two tomatoes;
  • greens to give the dish a special flavor;
  • spices - on a pinch;
  • two spoons of sunflower oil.

Cooking process

Tilapia wash and dry with napkins.Pepper and tomatoes cut into medium-sized cubes. Shred the greens and mix everything, then fill with oil. Form, where we will cook the fish, with aluminum foil bedding and grease with sunflower oil. And only then lay out tilapia. Put vegetables on top and cover the dish with foil.

tilapia in foil in the oven

Now you need to put the form in the oven,heated to 180 degrees for about thirty minutes. To make the vegetables brown and the extra juice goes, you need to remove the foil ten minutes before the food is ready.

Tilapia baked under a carrot-tomato hat

This is a simple and tasty dish. It is often served in a cafe, but you can cook this dish at home. This is not particularly difficult. So let's get started.

To prepare this dish, we need:

  • three pieces of tilapia fillet;
  • one carrot;
  • one medium onion;
  • ½ lemon (squeeze juice out of it);
  • three art. spoons of ketchup.

Cooking process

The first thing we do is clean and finely cut onions.After that, fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then wash and clean the carrots, three on a coarse grater, fry, stew for three minutes under the lid. After that we add tomato ketchup to carrots and onions, mix everything well. At this time, sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice, pepper, salt. Then put the fish in the pan, pour a little vegetable oil, and on top of tilapia lay out the carrot-tomato mass with a hat and send to the oven for 25 minutes. Mashed potatoes are a great side dish for such a tasty dish.

Tilapia with cheese

This tasty and juicy dish will appeal to those who are not very fond of fish. The combination of products creates an amazing flavor composition.

We will need:

  • 300 g of tilapia;
  • 100 grams of pineapple (canned);
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sunflower oil;
  • spices to taste;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 100 ml of canned pineapple syrup;
  • 100 g onions (leek);
  • 200 ml of cream (35% fat).

Cooking process

We take the form, we coat with vegetable oil.Cut the fillet in half, put it in a container, salt and pepper. Onion cut into rings. Sprinkle them with fish. Chop rings of pineapple to get small pieces, then lay them on the fillet (two). Then three cheese on a coarse grater. Then sprinkle them with pineapples. Then mix the syrup with cream and pour our dish. We send the food to cook in the oven for 35 minutes.


You have learned several recipes for cooking tilapia in the oven and will delight the whole family with delicious dishes from this wonderful fish. Enjoy your meal!

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