/ / How to cook pork tongue in jelly and marinade

How to cook pork tongue in jelly and marinade

How to cook pork tongue, if you bought this particular product? This delicacy requires a special approach.

how to cook pork tongue
In order to know how to cook properlypig language, you need to consider that this is a fairly fatty product. And also that it must be pre-boiled. Very successfully the combination of this by-product with vegetables, eggs, greens.

How to cook a boiled pork tongue in a jelly?

Soak the by-product in a kilogram weightcold water for several hours. Then rinse, cook for two hours with carrots, onions, pepper and salt. Before you cook a pig's tongue, it does not need to be peeled. Just cut off excess fat and veins from the blunt edge of the product. After boiling, the peel is easy to remove, having smeared the tongue with ice water. At the root, cut off any irregularities and try to give the product a cylindrical shape, slightly leveling it with a knife.

how to cook boiled pork tongue
Slice neat slices, put on a dish(it should be deep enough, because the language still needs to be filled with broth). You can decorate with asterisks of carrots, peas, favorite vegetables and herbs - in jelly it will all solidify and will look very aesthetically. Now you can do broth. You can take chicken or beef, at your discretion. It is better to clarify the broth with the help of egg white. First, boil it and prepare the egg. Separate the yolk and set aside. Protein whisk with a drop of vinegar and pour into broth. Stir. Turn off the heat and cover. Fifteen minutes later the broth with the formed flakes of protein should be filtered through gauze, folded in half.
how to cook a pig tongue
Before you cook a pig's tongue, you needfirst make jelly. In the broth, dissolve the gelatin (fifteen grams for every two cups of liquid). If it is normal - first soak for forty minutes before completely dissolving. If soluble - dilute immediately in a hot broth. It is possible to put chopped garlic for the time of soaking, this will give the dish an aroma. Only then it is necessary again to filter out a liquid. On a dish with the tongue cut, pour the broth with gelatin, put in a cold place to freeze. Serve with horseradish and mustard. A dish with a tongue can be dipped in hot water for a short time and remove the jelly from the mold.

How to cook pork tongue in marinade

You will need two medium-sized languages.Each approximately seven hundred grams. Steep them in cold water for one hour, then rinse, separate veins and films. Pour the tongue with fresh water, boil. Remove the first broth and repeat the procedure. Cook for about two hours, spices and salt to add at the very end. Whether the tongue is ready, you can determine by sticking the plug into the thickest part of the product, it should come in easily. Under cold water, peel, cool. Bake three red paprika in the oven to the scalding. Put the vegetables in a closed pan or in a bag for a while, this will help peel them. Then cut into strips and mix with sliced ​​tongue. Add three cloves of garlic and pour marinade from the juice of baked peppers with soy sauce, vegetable oil, 9 percent vinegar, sugar and salt. A day later, serve as a cold snack.

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