/ / How to make a delicious filling for pies?

How to cook a delicious filling for pies?

Pies baked in the oven - is part of the Russianthe kitchen. With what they are not cooked: with cabbage, eggs, potatoes, meat, fruit. Appeared and options, peeped in the West. Today we will tell how to make fillings for pies that diversify the family tea. Consider both the classic options and new, but no less interesting.

Cabbage filling

cabbage pie

Stuffing for cabbage pie is made very simple. There are several options, let's start learning how to prepare it with the most primitive.


  • small forks of white cabbage;
  • vegetable oil (odorless) - to the pan;
  • salt and pepper.


With a sharp knife you need to cut the forks into fourpieces, so the slices are thinner. We remove the middle part - stalk with thick bases of sheets. We shred each part with thin long slices, removing rough, thick streaks from sheets, they may simply not fry.

In the preheated oil in the pan lay outchopped cabbage, salt and pepper, cover with a lid, leave to languish on low heat to let the cabbage limp. After that add the fire, fry the filling for the cake to ginger color. Everything, you can fill the cake and send it in the oven.

Cabbage and egg stuffing

cabbage pie

Stuffing for pies from cabbage and eggs will turn out gentle, soft, almost air. Both children and adults will like this baking, and it is also very easy to cook it.

For preparation you will need:

  • small white cabbage forks;
  • five chicken eggs;
  • salt and pepper;
  • oil (odorless) - to the pan.


Cabbage, as in the first version, you need to split, remove the middle and chop into thin slices. Fry as written in the previous recipe.

Eggs need to boil "in the bag" (when the yolkslightly boiled over). To cook this way, after boiling, you need to reduce the heat and cook for three minutes. After the readiness of the eggs is immersed in cold water - let them cool completely, it will be much easier to remove the shells.

We rub the peeled eggs on a coarse grater, ship to cabbage, add a little more salt, mix well.

In this filling for the pie, you do not need to add extra spices - just salt and black pepper (a little), that's the beauty.

Cabbage filling with tomato

cabbage with tomato

This recipe for the filling is also very simple, but very different from the classic one. From the products you will need:

  • white cabbage forks;
  • two spoons of tomato paste and the same amount of mayonnaise;
  • favorite seasoning (a mixture of 10-12 vegetables is ideal, it is already salty);
  • salt, if unsalted seasoning is used.

Cooking stuffing for cabbage pie

Вилок делим на четыре части, убираем середину, shred In vegetable oil, let it become soft. Add seasonings, add salt as needed, put pasta and mayonnaise, mix. Stew under a closed lid for twenty minutes on low heat, so that it is extinguished rather than fried.

This filling is suitable for yeast dough pies, it will not be combined with puff pastry.

Potato and ground beef stuffing

pie with potatoes and meat

There is nothing difficult to prepare, and the cake is suitable not only for tea drinking, but also for a hearty dinner.

Products for one pie filling:

  • three hundred grams of pork (you can take fatter or lean, as you like);
  • bulb of medium size;
  • six potatoes;
  • salt and pepper.


Meat with onions must be twisted into mince, salt and pepper (more so that the potatoes turn out salty), pour in a glass and a half of water, mix.

Peel the potatoes, cut them into rounds(thin), spread on the dough in one or two layers (depending on the size of the pan). Put mince on top - all over the potatoes). Meat should be laid out just on top - the juice will soak the potatoes, it will be perfectly cooked, and if you put the meat down, the potato can remain crispy (unbaked). Top cover with a second sheet of dough, pinch the edges.

Egg + Chives

green onion

The filling for pies with egg and green onions is ideal for cooking in the summer when it is full of greenery. For winter, it will be a pricey pleasure, and the winter onion is not so tasty.

Ingredients for filling:

  • seven chicken eggs;
  • a large bunch of green onions (as a result, it should be as much in volume as eggs);
  • half a pack of butter;
  • salt.


Some put onions in the filling, just hiscut, we offer to cut it, melt the butter, put onion in it until it is soft (do not fry!). So all bitterness will come out, only pleasant taste and aroma will remain. It is worth to let it in butter, it will give the filling an incredible taste.

Eggs need to boil hard boiled - after boilingcook for seven minutes. After cooling, cut into small cubes, and you can grate on a coarse grater. Mix eggs, onions, along with the oil in which it was sprinkled, salt. The filling is ready!

Egg + rice

egg and rice cake

This is a classic filling for pies in the oven and fried pies. It is prepared simply, the ingredients will be in the kitchen of every hostess, and the whole family will like this dish.

Take for cooking one pie:

  • six chicken eggs;
  • two hundred grams of round rice;
  • small onion or half of the middle;
  • half a pack of butter.

Boil eggs hard-boiled, cool, clean, grate on a coarse grater or chop finely.

Boil rice until cooked, do not salt. Knock into a colander, rinse with starch, to become crumbly.

Cut the onion as small as possible, melt the butter, sprinkle onion in it until soft. Make sure not to fry - it will ruin the taste of the filling.

Mix all ingredients, salt to taste. You can fill the cake.

Rice with canned fish

canned rice

How to make a filling for the cake of rice and canned food? Easy peasy! We will need:

  • two hundred grams of round rice;
  • jar of canned mackerel in oil;
  • small onion or half medium;
  • a quarter of a pack of butter;
  • black pepper - on request;
  • salt.

Rice need to boil until tender, drain, rinse, to get crumbly.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, put the finely chopped onion into it, and add to the softness.

From canned food to drain all the liquid, pieces of stoned, crushed with a fork or break into small pieces.

We mix all ingredients, we carefully salt, as canned food is already salty.

Potato and salami stuffing

Men will like this interesting filling, as it is very nourishing. To cook it, you will need:

  • six large potatoes;
  • half a kilo of salami;
  • two hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • dill (bunch).

Cooking process

Potatoes need to be washed well, boil "in uniform". After cooling, peel and grate on a coarse grater, evenly put on the dough.

Put the chopped dill on top of the potatoes, thin slices of salami on top (it can be in two or three layers).

We rub cheese on a large grater, spread it evenly over salami. Close the filling with the second sheet of dough, pinch the edges.

The beauty of the filling is that the salami juice will soak the potatoes, and the cheese - the top dough, you get a real crunch!

Apple pie filling

pie with apples

We looked at several fillings from differentingredients, among which were not sweet. We will correct the situation and will please the sweet tooth. Let's start with apple pie. Immediately make a reservation that this is not a classic recipe. What is interesting about it? Let's get a look.

For the filling, we need:

  • three big sweet apples;
  • a can (400 grams) of 20% sour cream;
  • three large spoons of sugar.

We will make an open pie. Roll out the dough, put it on a baking sheet, create high walls.

Apples are cut in half, remove the core. Together with the skin, cut into thin slices or cubes, spread on the dough.

Sour cream should be placed in a bowl, add sugar to it, mix well. Using a spoon, spread the mixture on top of the apples, lubricating the entire surface.

From the test strips we create a mesh over the filling, lubricate it with a raw egg, send the form to the oven.

Raisin filling

Prepare a sweet filling, very fragrant!Many people do not like to bake sweet cakes, as sugar begins to flow out and burns, leaving behind an unpleasant aroma. We will teach you to cook sweet cakes so that sugar does not flow out!

We will need:

  • one hundred grams of raisins from seedless grapes;
  • four tablespoons of honey (you can use jam, if there is no honey);
  • a tablespoon of flour (add it to any sweet stuffing: jam, jam and other - they will not flow out!).

Raisin must be well washed, then pourwater and leave for a couple of hours. After soaking, put it in a metal cup or saucepan, put the same honey, turn on the slow fire. Stirring well, wait until the honey starts to boil. Add flour, mix well, remove from heat. Wait until the filling has cooled, then you can fill the cake with it.

Lemon Pie

lemon pie

We want to offer you a recipe not only toppings, butand pie in general. The dish is very fragrant and tasty, it is adored not only by children, but also by adults. To prepare such a dessert is as simple as possible, the ingredients are ordinary, nothing special!

To make a cake, you will need:

  • three hundred grams of the simplest square cookies, which are sold in packs;
  • six tablespoons of sugar;
  • a bank of condensed milk;
  • one hundred grams of margarine (special for baking);
  • four egg yolks;
  • one big lemon;
  • lime peel;
  • four egg whites.

Cooking process

Cookies should be placed in a deep bowl, okCrumble it. Margarine cut into pieces, put to crumbs cookies, add two spoons of sugar, mix everything well, you can grind with a fork.

This is a kind of dough. We spread it in the form in which you will bake the cake, send it to the oven heated to 180 degrees for ten minutes. The base should redden slightly.

Condensed milk needs to be combined with four yolks, beat with a blender. Next, squeeze the lemon juice, put the zest from the lime, beat again.

The resulting cream is poured onto a ruddy base, sent to the oven for fifteen minutes.

Яичные белки нужно взбить в крем, постепенно introducing four spoons of sugar. Put this cream on the cake, again send in the oven for five minutes. It may take about seven minutes, you need to look at the readiness of the meringue.

Next you need to let the cake cool, leaving onkitchen table. When its temperature reaches room temperature, we remove soak and infuse in the refrigerator. It will take a little time to do this - one and a half hours will suffice. In order to avoid impregnating the cake with foreign smells, cover it with a plastic bag and on top with a clean towel.

As you noticed, the process of cooking suchThe dessert is completely simple. But the taste of this creation will delight not only children, but also adults. Try to bake this cake at least once - and it will become a “guest” on your table!

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