/ Marinated chanterelles. Recipes

Pickled chanterelles. Recipes

Chanterelles are not only beautiful mushrooms, but also verydelicious. And to enjoy their delicious taste both in the autumn period and throughout the year, it is necessary to prepare marinated chanterelles. The recipe for these mushrooms does not really cause you any difficulties, because even inexperienced hostesses can cope with it.

Pickled chanterelle


Chanterelles attract lovers of "quiet hunting",because they are unusually tasty, but the main thing is not even that. These mushrooms never have wormholes, they are not susceptible to attacks by worms, besides their flesh does not accumulate radiation, which leaves them always edible, even in raw form.

Dishes from chanterelles

From this type of mushroom you can cook a variety ofdifferent dishes. Chanterelles are fried, stewed, salted, added as fillings in pies, eaten even in raw form and dried for the winter, and frozen. But they are especially delicious in a pickled form.


The process of pickling can be different, the main thing is to observe some general rules.

  • Mushrooms are best collected in late August and September. During this period their structure is more elastic and dense, they are not so loose as after the season of autumn downpours.
  • Keep the collected mushrooms for more than 10 days is not worth it, it's better to process them in the next week after assembly.
  • Chanterelles after harvesting are sorted and sorted bydimensions. The larger ones must be cut, and the smaller ones should be left unchanged. This should be done to ensure that all mushrooms are blamed the same way.
  • The legs of the chanterelles should be cut off, only hats are left for cooking.
  • If the prepared mushrooms are rinsed under cool running water several times, this guarantees a long preservation of the marinade, which means that it can be stored for a year or more, without fear of spoilage.
  • Preparation of pickled chanterelles is possible only in an enamel or glass container. These are the only materials that will not eat the vinegar, which is part of the marinade.

Pickled chanterelles - recipe

Pickled chanterelles. Recipe

Before you start pickling mushrooms,carefully rinse the chanterelles, remove all the wood debris - leaves, ground, sand, trim the legs and lightly dry the mushroom caps in a dry frying pan or in the oven on the baking sheet for 15 minutes. After the performed procedures, you can proceed to the very process of pickling.

Chanterelles with spices

3 kg of dried mushrooms will be needed:

  • A couple of glasses of water.
  • Three large spoons of salt.
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar.
  • A glass of vinegar is 9%.
  • ¾ cup vegetable refined oil.
  • Carnation - at will (not everyone loves this seasoning).
  • Peas of sweet pepper and bay leaf.


  1. Washed, peeled, dried chanterelles should be boiled in water for 20 minutes, periodically removing the formed foam. Next, mushrooms are thrown into a colander, drain the water and wash the chanterelles with cold water.
  2. In a separate container, marinade from allcomponents that are included in the formulation. After the liquid boils, put into it prepared chanterelles and cook them in the marinade for literally 5 minutes.
  3. After the time of the mushroom has been disintegrated,prepared in advance jars, pour over the chanterelle marinade, roll up the lids. Turn the jars with mushrooms upside down, after complete cooling, the pickled chanterelles are stored for storage in a cool place.

Following the same method of cooking, you can pickle chanterelles using other types of marinade. The brine is designed for 3 kg of prepared mushrooms.

Marinated chanterelles for the winter

Method one:

  • One and a half glasses of water.
  • Two glasses of 9% vinegar.
  • Four tablespoons of salt.
  • Two spoons of sugar.
  • Laurel leaf, pea pepper, carnation.

Method two:

  • Two glasses of water.
  • Three tablespoons of salt.
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar.
  • One glass of vinegar 9%.
  • A glass of vegetable oil.
  • Pepper peas, laurel leaves.

Marinated chanterelles for the winter with carrots and onions

To prepare mushrooms in this way you will need:

  • Three kilograms of prepared chanterelles.
  • Two and a half liters of water.
  • Four tablespoons of salt.
  • Five spoons of sugar.
  • Black and sweet pepper peas.
  • Two onions of medium size.
  • Two medium carrots.


  1. Rinse, peeled, dried french fries for 20 minutes, drain the water and wash the mushrooms again.
  2. Pour into an enameled water container, lay outmushrooms, chopped onion, carrot straws and other ingredients included in the recipe, except vinegar. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes, do not forget to remove the emerging foam.
  3. Then add the vinegar and cook all together for no more than 3 minutes.
  4. Finished chanterelles, along with vegetables, put in pre-sterilized jars, close the lids and leave until completely cooled, after which the conservation can be removed for storage.

Preparation of pickled chanterelles

Marinated chanterelles - a royal appetizer, juicy,appetizing and incredibly tasty mushrooms will please you on a cold winter evening. Chanterelles can act as an independent dish, and also as an additive to various salads.

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