/ / Lemon cupcakes with meringue and lemon kurd

Lemon cupcakes with meringue and lemon kurd

Cupcakes - lemon, strawberry, cream andchocolate - now popular with the sweet tooth of the whole world. They first appeared in America. It happened in the nineteenth century. Mini cakes, decorated with air cream, icing or fruit, are simple to prepare and perfectly replace the usual desserts. Today, the focus of our attention is lemon cupcakes. The recipe from the photo below describes two types of such delicacy.

lemon cupcakes

Basic recipe

Классический вариант капкейков обычно включает a small set of ingredients. Butter, flour, eggs and sugar are almost always found in any kitchen. The components of the recipe can be changed. And then the output will appear new types of dessert. The addition of spices alone will help create a completely new mini-cake sound. However, most often the cupcakes differ in decoration, acquiring due to it not only external features, but also other flavors.

So, for a slightly upgraded basic recipe, you will need:

  • Mixed with baking powder is usually flour - 2.5 cups.
  • Butter (butter) - 200 g
  • Sugar (it is better to use fine or even powder) - 1 cup.
  • Eggs - 3 pieces.
  • Milk - half a cup.
  • Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon or vanilla on the tip of a knife.


In the first stage, soft butter is whipped with powder.and vanilla. Then add eggs to the mixture - you need to enter them one by one. The next stage is the addition of flour and milk. They can be introduced in parts, alternating with each other, so that the consistency does not become too thin or dry in the process of kneading.

 cupcakes recipe with photos
Когда масса станет однородной, её раскладывают по tins. You can use silicone, paper, ceramic or metal - it does not matter. The main thing is that the last two types of dishes from the above options are pre-lubricated. Forms are filled with dough by two thirds.
lemon cupcakes

Cupcakes are baked for 15-20 minutes at 180º. Finished products are left briefly in the forms. Then they are taken out, cooled and decorated.

Lemon cupcakes

Experienced housewives have a question like ordinary mini cakes.turn into lemon, is unlikely to cause difficulty. To do this, add in a classic set of ingredients zest. Lemon cupcakes are good in themselves. They can be served without any extra decorations. An interesting option is to decorate cupcakes with thin, elegantly curved ribbons of zest. You can go another way: with lemon flavor and taste perfectly combined, for example, meringue and custard. In short, the possible options for delicacy are limited only by the culinary imagination. And, by the way, it is also possible to make orange cupcakes.

Lemon cupcakes with meringue

Great decoration option for almost anytype of cake - gentle meringue. Protein mass is applied to the surface of the cupcakes after baking. And for the preparation of meringue will need sugar (225 g) and proteins of three eggs.

lemon meringue cupcakes

The ingredients are mixed in a suitable container.On the stove put a pot of water for a water bath. The container with the protein mass should not touch the surface slightly boiling liquid. The sugar base of the meringue is sent to a water bath and constantly stirred until it warms up to 45º. Then the mass is whipped with a mixer until strong peaks are formed. With the help of the pastry bag meringue decorate the finished cupcakes. And send them to the oven preheated to 200º for about 4-7 minutes. The finished meringue will become ruddy and crispy outside.

Lemon Kurd

Интересный вариант мини-тортов можно приготовить, if you use a kind of custard - lemon Kurd. In it, traditionally used milk is replaced with lemon juice. Kurd is not an easy dish to prepare, but attention and a little patience will help to quickly deal with it.

For the manufacture of the cream will also need watera bathhouse. The water should boil gently and not reach the bottom of the main container of about 2 cm. Sugar (3 tbsp.) And lemon zest (about 1 tsp.) Are combined in a suitable container and ground. Then 2 medium eggs and one lemon juice are also sent there. The container with the contents put in a water bath. The mass must be constantly stirred, gradually it will begin to thicken. It will take about 7 minutes. The Kurd, which has reached the consistency of sour cream, is removed from the heat and allowed to cool for 10 minutes. Then add butter at room temperature, about 20 g, and mix everything. Kurd is ready.

lemon Kurd cupcakes

Cupcakes with filling

To make cupcakes with lemonKurdish, you need to fill in the cream already prepared mini-cakes. To this end, a funnel-shaped or circular recess is made in each product with a knife. The main thing is not to damage the bottom. The holes are filled with a Kurd, and the top is cut off from the “extra” flesh. Then it is put on the cream in the form of a cap. These cupcakes are great with meringue. Protein mass is applied on top of the cap. And mini-cakes are sent to the oven for 5 minutes to make them brown.

Kapkeyki, the recipe from which photo is given above,You can safely cook for the holiday instead of the usual cakes. Based on the above description, it is not difficult to make variants of muffins with orange or traditional custard. Lemon cupcakes (with zest) can also be considered a variant of the basic recipe. With the help of various decorations of them it is easy to make new independent desserts.

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