/ / Incredibly delicious and simple salads on the holiday table

Incredibly delicious and simple salads on the holiday table

One of the main problems of preparing forSolemn event is a beautiful table decoration. In this case, salads will be a good decoration, and you can create beautiful original dishes from the simplest components. For this you need a little imagination, and come to the aid of recipes for cooking such dishes as delicious and simple salads on the festive table. Their main difference is the beautiful design that will make the celebration unforgettable. All guests will not only be full, but also surprised by the appearance of food. At the same time recipes do not suggest the presence of special culinary abilities. It can be simple assorted vegetables, beautifully and unusually decorated.

tasty and simple salads on the holiday table

Features of preparation

Перед тем как приготовить невероятно вкусные и simple salads on the holiday table, it is necessary to determine the components used, their compatibility, as well as dressings. Only then the dishes are especially tasty. It is recommended to use seasonal products, for example, in winter, hot dishes go well, and in summer - vegetable salads with greens. Salads from fruits with a dressing of sour cream, ice cream or yogurt are also original. The main feature of the design of the holiday table is that all dishes should be different among themselves. This is achieved through refills and various ingredients.

Simplicity is the key to success

When there is little time before the solemnevents, cooks pick up simple delicious salads for the holiday table (recipes are given in the article). It can be snacks from meat or vegetables, cooked according to the classic recipe. Familiar salads "Caesar", "Mimosa" or "Olivier" can become a real work of art, if they are beautifully and unusually decorated before serving. They are very easy to prepare, it does not take much time. A few hours before the event they are put in the fridge. Before serving, season and decorate.

simple and tasty salads on the holiday table

Originality of dishes

The celebration should be put not only delicious andsimple salads on the holiday table, they should be different originality. Many recipes include ingredients that make the dish unique. You can surprise guests with warm salads from meat products. It is easy to prepare them, only it is necessary to select such components, which in combination will create an unusual taste. In this case, the ingredients may be incompatible with each other, but in a salad they will merge into an ideal composition.

Также придать блюду оригинальность можно thanks to a special feed. For example, to place it not on a common dish, but to use salad rings to form a portion for each guest separately. Another option is to lay out the components in layers, in which a certain form of lettuce is formed, for example, in the form of a slice of watermelon, heart or flower. In any case, it depends on the culinary fan’s imagination how to arrange delicious and simple salads on the festive table, the recipes of which will be discussed below.

simple tasty salads for the holiday table recipes

Salmon Salad with Crackers

This dish turns out incredibly tasty, salted salmon gives it a special piquancy.


  • lettuce;
  • coriander;
  • 5 pieces of bread;
  • 380 grams of salted salmon;
  • 5 small cucumbers;
  • 4 tablespoons natural yogurt;
  • caraway.

Such as this salads on the festive table -delicious, light. Simple recipes make it possible to cook them in a short period of time. First, the bread is cut into cubes of small size, send them to the pan and fry for two minutes. Coriander and cumin are heated in a frying pan for about two minutes, then they are pounded in a mortar and mixed with yogurt. Lettuce coarsely chop or tear leaves with hands, salmon and cucumbers are cut into cubes of small size. All components are placed in a beautiful dish, poured over dressing and mixed.

festive table salads delicious easy simple recipes

On a note

Trout can be used instead of salmon.But best of all, when fish is salted independently. To do this, take two trout or salmon fillets, sprinkle sea salt on the bottom of the dish, which is tightly closed, put one fillet. On top of the fish again sprinkled with salt, mixed with sugar and chopped dill, put the second fillet and again sprinkled with salt. All this is pressed, closed with a lid and left in a cold place for two days. From this fish salad is especially tasty.

Sausage and Parmesan Salad


  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 5 sausages in a natural peel;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 1 onion head;
  • 70 grams of cheese;
  • 0.5 tablespoons teaspoon sweet mustard;
  • salt.

Such tasty and simple salads for the festivethe table (recipes with photos are given in the article), like this one, is very easy to prepare. Its originality lies in the fact that it combines such components, which, as it seems at first glance, are not quite combined in a dish. But the taste of the salad is excellent. First, sausages with the peel are boiled for a few minutes, removed and cooled. Eggs are peeled and finely chopped. Onions put in a blender and chopped. Celery finely chopped, grated cheese grated. In a bowl, mix onion, mustard and lemon juice, add mayonnaise and cheese. All this is well mixed, added to the mass of celery, eggs and sliced ​​sausages, sprinkled with salt and seasonings, mixed and sent to a cold place for fifteen minutes just to let the salad cool.

 incredibly tasty and simple salads on the holiday table

Bean and Ham Salad

The highlight of this salad is its serving not in ordinary plates, but made of cheese with a ruddy crust. This unusual dish will surprise many.


  • 250 grams of beans;
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise;
  • 2 gherkins;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 350 grams of ham;
  • 240 grams of hard cheese;
  • 1.5 tablespoons mustard;
  • 30 grams of lemon juice;
  • 3 processed cheese;
  • salt and seasonings.

This tasty and simple salad on the holiday tablewill surprise every guest, as he is served unusually. First, rub the grated cheese. Cheese chips are spread over the entire bottom of the pan, roasting it until golden brown. It takes about five minutes. Then the pan is removed from the stove, the cheese is slightly cooled and the resulting pancake is placed on the jar, pressed and left to cool completely. This should get a cheese basket in shape. Such "plates" must be prepared as much as you plan to invite guests. Pepper, ham and cucumbers cut into strips, add cheese, grated on the grater. From mayonnaise, juice, seasonings and mustard make a dressing, pour it to the salad, mix and fill cheese baskets.

delicious and simple salads on the holiday table cooking recipes

Salad "Two hearts"

Similar tasty and simple salads for the festivethe table can be served at various celebrations, for example, on March 8, Valentine's Day, wedding, and so on. It turns out very beautiful, so it will delight many guests.


  • 4 potatoes in uniform;
  • 2 gherkins;
  • chicken fillet;
  • 220 grams of prunes;
  • 300 grams of fresh champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 220 grams of hard cheese;
  • 100 grams of walnuts;
  • pomegranate seeds and mayonnaise.

Simple delicious salads on the holiday table,The recipes we are reviewing are very easy to prepare. It needs only a little time and fantasy. This dish is prepared in the same way as the Mimosa salad, only the ingredients here are slightly different. In addition, this dish is made in the form of a two-tier heart: the bottom is large, and the top one is a bit smaller. The potatoes are peeled and grated, the cucumbers are finely chopped, the fillets are boiled and cut into strips. Prunes are crushed, mushrooms are fried with onions, eggs are cut into slices. Grate carrots and mix with crushed garlic. Cheese is grated, nuts are chopped with a knife. All components are laid out on each other in layers, each of which is smeared with mayonnaise. First put potatoes, cucumbers, chicken, prunes. Then mushrooms, again cucumbers, eggs, carrots, cheese and nuts. Having arranged the salad in the form of hearts, they are sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. The finished dish put in the cold for one hour.

delicious and simple salads on the holiday table recipes with photos

Meat Festive Salad


  • 200 grams of ham;
  • 200 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • 1 Beijing cabbage;
  • 230 grams of carrots in Korean;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 1 handful of walnuts.

Cabbage chopped, spread in a dish.On top, put sliced ​​ham, carrots and chicken breast, cut into pieces. Beat eggs, add two spoons of table water and a pinch of flour, fry two omelets from this mass, which are then cooled and cut into strips. Walnuts are crushed, added to the workpiece. All these ingredients are filled with mayonnaise and salt, mixed and served.

Salad "Caprice"


  • 1 can of champignon;
  • 350 grams of ham;
  • 350 grams of boiled tongue;
  • 2 sprigs of greens;
  • salt and spices;
  • 250 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 4 pickled gherkins;
  • mayonnaise and mustard.

These tasty and simple salads on the holiday table(the best recipes are collected in this article) many hostesses prepare with great pleasure for their guests. In this salad, first tongue, boil fillets and cut into cubes with ham. Mushrooms and gherkins cut and put to the meat. All other components are also combined together and seasoned with mustard and mustard.

Thus, for the holiday you can cookvarious salads, which will be originally decorated and will delight every guest. In addition, simple recipes can be useful in this case. It is worth the culinary show a little imagination, and he will create a masterpiece that everyone will remember for a long time.

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