/ / Cheese soup with chicken: recipe with photo

Cheese soup with chicken: recipe with photo

Soups and borsch are daily guests onour kitchen. And what a dinner without a plate of fresh, hot and fragrant soup. Harcho, soup noodles, fish, buckwheat, cabbage soup - they succeed each other in a kaleidoscope of days. And there comes a time when they all get a little bored and want something new. The recipe for cheese soup with chicken will be an excellent option for diversifying your menu.

cheese soup with chicken recipe with melted

Complexity complexity

Most owners do not undertake to cook cheesesoups, because they believe that special skills are required for their preparation. In fact, this is only an appearance. You just need to learn the cooking technology, after which everything will become simple and understandable. The recipe for cheese soup with chicken quite satisfies hunger. This dish, due to the high-calorie components that make up the composition, is very satisfying. A small piece of cream cheese and fresh herbs gives an appetizing look.

The soup has a thick consistency, thereforeto a variety of cream. They are often served in a cafe with crackers. If liquid soups are served before the main dish, then this version of the first course may well replace a full dinner.

Soup in French

This is the simplest recipe for cheese soup with chicken.He is not much different from any other, which every housewife prepares every day for his family. Vegetables, meat broth, butter for roasting. The only difference is the cheese flavor of the taste, which gives a special charm.

You can cook in a multivarque or in a conventional saucepan, there is not much difference in this.

  1. First of all you need to boil the broth.To do this, take a pair of thighs or a breast weighing 300 g. Put into a pan and boil for 20 minutes. Periodically remove the foam. By the end of this time, you can add laurel leaves and a few black peppercorns. Add half a bulb and salt.
  2. Simultaneously, clean 4 medium potatoes. You need to cut them with arbitrary bars.
  3. Pour the potatoes into broth and cook until ready.
  4. Preheat the frying pan. Melt it with 50 g of butter. Fry one carrot and a pair of onions, cut into strips.

Preparation is coming to an end.Remained the last subtlety, which determines the uniqueness of the recipe. Cheese soup with chicken should be refilled to make it so creamy and tasty. Therefore, take the meat out of the pan and cut it into cubes. We return to the pan meat, fried vegetables and two melted cheese. Now you need to add greens to taste and close the lid for 5 - 7 minutes.

cheese soup with chicken recipe with cheese

Soup with cheese and croutons

It differs not only in its thick texture, but also in itsa pleasant crunch. Judging by the reviews, many note that this is the most delicious cheese soup with chicken. The recipe with cheese in this involves the use of hard varieties. This allows you to achieve a piquant and original taste and light malleability.

The best supplement to such cream soups aretoast. But here they are a full-fledged component of the ready-made dish. And the dish is prepared very easily. To do this, you need two liters of chicken broth. It can be welded on the basis of the breast. Meat is removed, and when it is slightly cooled, cut it with brusochkami.

While you need to warm up the oven.Dice the white bread and send it thoroughly dry. At this time, break the egg into a cup and rub 150 grams of cheese. Salt and pepper and stirring, pour this mass into the broth. It remains to add green parsley and dill. When serving, it is necessary to spread a little crackers into a cup and pour hot soup. After that, you can serve on the table.

Cheese Soup Recipe with Melted Chicken Cheese

Soup in the Multivariate

This recipe for cheese soup with chicken with meltedcheese can be prepared even without your participation. Upon returning home, you can quickly fill it up and enjoy a wonderful taste. Turn the device on the "Hot" mode. While the bowl is warming up, it is necessary to cut one head of onions and one carrot with straw. Fry until golden brown.

While vegetables are fried, it is necessary to cut into cubes6-8 potatoes and 300 grams of chicken. Turn on the frying mode for 15 minutes. Pour boiling water, season with salt and pepper. Now turn on the "Soup" mode for 20 minutes. If there is no time and you need to leave, then safely leave the preparation to the kitchen assistant. Upon returning home, add 250 g of processed cheese and turn on for another 5 minutes. If you are at home, then 20 minutes before readiness, you will need to add cheese and put the program.

Buckwheat soup

This groats go well with cheese and chicken.The recipe for cheese soup with melted cheese is simple, but it turns out to be satisfying and bright. The benefit of buckwheat is hard to overestimate, but here it is intensified by chicken broth. It turns out a light and nutritious dish.

Today you need a three-liter pan.Boil 600 g of meat, it can be one leg. Finished meat must be obtained, remove the cuticle and bones and cut the meat with brusochkami. In a frying pan fry the grated carrots and a couple of onions. Add the chopped garlic. In the chicken broth, add five chopped potatoes and boil for five minutes.

After that, add 150 g of buckwheat andCook for 15 minutes. Send the roast in the soup, add salt and pepper, bay leaf. Before cooking, add 150 g of processed cheese. This completes cooking.

recipe of cheese soup with mushrooms and chicken

Original soup with black rice

This is another great cheese soup with chicken.The recipe with the photo allows you to evaluate its interesting and very appetizing appearance. First of all, you need to boil 400 g of chicken meat. Most often they take fillets. After 25 minutes it must be removed from the pan and cool a little. Pre-sliced ​​300 g of potatoes, 150 g of carrots and 50 g of onions must be folded into broth and boil for 10 minutes. After that, chopped meat is returned to the broth.

Now the most important thing.When all the ingredients are ready, add 150 grams of pre-boiled black rice. Add 250 g of processed cheese, sprinkle with herbs and leave to stand for several minutes. Rice gives the original purple color of the soup, which is diluted with the milk color of the cheese.

cheese soup puree with chicken recipe

Soup with mushrooms and chicken

Recipes of cheese soup can be transferred toinfinity. But the unique creamy-mushroom flavor of the soup is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. The preparation does not take much time, and the ingredients are very simple and not too expensive. These are the indisputable advantages of using this recipe.

  • Cut 200 g of chicken fillets in small strips, fold into a saucepan and boil for 20 minutes. So you get rid of the need to cut the meat.
  • Preheat the frying pan. Fry 150 g of onions to golden color, add 300 g of champignons, season with salt and pepper, and then fry until done.
  • Ready-made fillets can be removed from the pan and disassembled or left in this form.
  • Cut 300 g of potatoes and send to broth.
  • Add the fried onion and mushrooms, and also the meat back into the broth.
  • Add 200 g of processed cheese and cook until dissolved.

Instead of fused, you can take any hard cheese. The taste of this will not be worse, although it will change somewhat.

recipe for cheese soup with chicken

Cream soup

Not everyone likes this option.But if you consider yourself among its lovers, then definitely try this cheese soup with chicken. The recipe is also suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases. It is delicious and nutritious, but does not create a load of inflamed mucous membranes.

You can use any combination of products,starting from potatoes, chicken and cheese and ending with the addition of cauliflower, broccoli and any others. The only difference from the classic variant is that after cooking, the vegetables and meat are crushed in a blender, and then added back to the broth. Decorate with greens and add croutons.

soup with croutons

Crackers - an indispensable component of the dish

Indeed, without them, soup loses most of itits charm. Therefore, take time and cook homemade croutons. Most often white bread goes to this dish, but if you like gray, then take it, it will not be worse from it.

The simplest option is to cut into cubesbread and dry it in the oven. But if you want to surprise your home with original taste, then you have to try a little. The first option is to make garlic croutons. For this, the bread can be rubbed with a clove of garlic or sprinkled with dried garlic. The second option is good because it does not burn in the oven. So you will get spicy crackers.

There is an even more interesting way of serving the dish.In this case, soup is cooked without cheese, crackers roast in the oven, and the cheese is melted on a steam bath. After that, the croutons are dipped in a viscous mass and laid out on parchment for cooling. On the table served hot soup in plates and separately - cheese-garlic breadcrumbs. When added to a hot broth, the cheese begins to melt and gives off its stunning taste.

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