/ / Delicious turkey baked in the oven in foil: the best recipes, cooking features and reviews

Tasty turkey baked in the oven in foil: the best recipes, cooking features and reviews

Turkey baked in the oven in foil is very juicy and fragrant. There are many recipes for its preparation, and we will discuss some of them in this article.

baked turkey in foil

Turkey fillet in soy sauce

Unfortunately, not every hostess cancook the bird fillet without overdrying it. Therefore, we recommend using our recipe, which, among other advantages, is simple and affordable. So, first prepare the following ingredients:

  • Turkey fillet - 700 grams.
  • Spices - three teaspoons.
  • Soy sauce - five tablespoons.
  • Salt - to taste.

How to bake turkey fillet in the oven in foil:

  • Rinse the meat thoroughly and dry it with a paper napkin. After that, make a knife a few deep cuts, so that the flavor of the spices absorbs better.
  • Choose your favorite spices - this may be marjoram,basil, ginger, garlic powder or just a mixture of herbs for chicken. Grate the turkey fillet from all sides with salt and spices, and then pour the meat with soy sauce.
  • Wrap the piece in foil and send it in the fridge for three hours.

When the meat is marinated, send it to the oven.(without removing the foil) for 50 minutes. If you want the fillet to be covered with a beautiful crust, then open it a quarter of an hour before the timer rings. When the turkey is ready, let it cool slightly and cut it into slices. You can serve any crumbly porridge, salad or pasta as a side dish.

how much bake a turkey in the oven in foil

Turkey under the cheese coat

This dish will be appropriate in various cases. For example, you can serve it for a festive table, cook it for a romantic dinner or a family dinner.


  • Turkey breast - 500 grams.
  • Soy sauce - four tablespoons.
  • Mozzarella - 150 grams.
  • Dijon mustard - one tablespoon.
  • Olive oil - one spoon.

Turkey breast, baked in the oven in foil, is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Process the fillet and cut it into portions.
  • Pour the meat with teriyaki sauce and leave it to marinate for one hour.
  • Cut the foil into several pieces. In the center of each place the meat, and then fold the edges. As a result, the finished design should resemble a boat.
  • Sprinkle cheese with each serving and send the fillets to a preheated oven.

How much bake a turkey in the oven in foil?In our case, the whole process will take 35 minutes. Beautiful and tasty, judging by the reviews, the dish goes well with steamed vegetables and any fresh vegetable salad.

and turkey thigh baked in the oven in foil

Turkey thigh with vegetables

Low-fat turkey meat is rich in protein, tryptophanand contains many essential trace elements for the human body. That is why experts recommend this meat for baby food and nutrition of athletes. And we want to share with you a simple recipe that will surely go into your regular menu.

Required products:

  • Turkey thighs - two pieces.
  • Provencal herbs and salt - one tablespoon.
  • Ground black pepper - a teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - three tablespoons.
  • Potatoes - one kilogram.
  • A small vegetable marrow.
  • Bulgarian pepper - two pieces.
  • Bulb.
  • Eggplant.
  • Champignons - ten pieces.
  • Garlic - to taste.


How to cook vegetables with mushrooms and turkey thigh baked in the oven in foil:

  • Vegetables process, wash and peel.
  • Cut potatoes into cubes, onions into half rings, Bulgarian pepper into strips, and mushrooms, eggplant and zucchini into small pieces.
  • Grease the baking dish with butter and place the onion in the bottom. Place the rest of the vegetables mixed with salt and spices over it. Close the form with foil.
  • Wash your hips and make a few of them.knife cuts. Put the garlic cloves into the “pockets” that you need to pre-cut into two or three pieces. Grate the skin with herbs, salt and spices.
  • Fold the foil in the shape of boats and put the meat in them. Try to make so that the juice in the cooking process could not flow out.

Preheat the oven, and then send the vegetables and poultry into it. Cook food for 40 or 50 minutes, and then immediately arrange them into plates.

Turkey fillet under vegetables in foil

If you need to quickly prepare lunch or dinner, then use our recipe. For this dish will need such products:

  • Two onions.
  • 200 grams of champignons.
  • One carrot.
  • Four potatoes.
  • 300 grams of turkey fillet.
  • 50 grams of butter.

Turkey baked in a foil with vegetables, cooked quickly and very simply:

  • Treat mushrooms and vegetables, peel all products. Cut potatoes into cubes, grate carrots, finely chop onions, and cut champignons into plates.
  • Rub meat with salt and sprinkle it with your favorite herbs.
  • Place the fillet on the foil, lay it on the vegetables in layers, then the mushrooms. On top of the "coat", put the pieces of butter and pour a little water.

Connect the edges of the foil so that you get a bag, and then place the blanks in a preheated oven. After half an hour a delicious and healthy dinner will be ready.

baked turkey drumstick in foil

Baked turkey drumstick in foil

A distinctive feature of this dish is honey-mustard marinade, which gives the meat a special taste. As they say reviews hostesses, guests are delighted with the original dish.


  • Turkey drumstick
  • Honey - two tablespoons.
  • Soy sauce - four tablespoons.
  • Mustard - one tablespoon.
  • Salt and ground pepper.

How does a turkey leg cooked baked in a foil oven? Read the recipe for the original dish here:

  • Wash the drumsticks, dry them and make some deep punctures in the meat with a knife.
  • Rub the turkey with salt and ground pepper, wrap it in foil and send to bake.
  • Cook the icing from honey, mustard and soy sauce.
  • After half an hour, remove the bird from the oven, unfold the edges of the foil and pour the legs over the sauce.

Cook the dish for another quarter of an hour. Put your foot on the plate and separate the meat from the bone. Serve the treat while it is hot, with honey sauce.

baked turkey breast in foil

Turkey fillet roll in foil

Surprise guests with an original dish made according to our recipe.


  • Turkey fillet - 300 grams.
  • Carrots - one piece.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Ground allspice - one pinch.
  • Garlic - two cloves.

A delicious turkey baked in the oven in foil is made like this:

  • Peel carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
  • Cut the fillet lengthwise into three or four thin layers. Put the blanks on the boards overlapping each other.
  • Salt and pepper meat. Spread carrots and finely chopped garlic on it evenly.
  • Roll up the fillet roll and secure the design with a string.
  • Wrap the blank with foil and send it to the hot oven for half an hour.

When the timer rings, turn the roll andreturn it to the stove. After another quarter of an hour, the dish can be taken out and cut into pieces. This treat can be served hot or as a cold snack. If you wish, you can fill the roll with any vegetables or mushrooms.

Turkey Baked Turkey Foil Recipe

Turkey baked whole in foil

How to surprise a large family at the holiday table? Housewives are advised to offer guests baked turkey stuffed with vegetables, fruits and aromatic herbs.

Required products:

  • A whole turkey is about eight kilograms.
  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Onions and carrots - two each.
  • Celery - four stalks.
  • Two oranges.
  • Three sprigs of thyme.
  • One bay leaf.
  • White wine - one glass.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Six liters of purified water.
  • 125 grams of salt.
  • 120 grams of sugar.
  • Four cloves of garlic.
  • Three tablespoons of allspice peas.
  • One stick of cinnamon.
  • Spice blend (Italian and French herbs, peppers mix).
  • One orange.
  • Two onions.


How correctly cooked turkey, baked in the oven in foil? The recipe for a festive dish will be described in detail below:

  • Treat the bird's carcass, remove the insides and cut the neck.
  • Далее приготовьте маринад.To do this, pour water into a deep container, put into it the garlic passed through a press, peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, sliced ​​onions and orange. Place the bird in this sauce and put it in the fridge for a day.
  • The next day, the turkey should be thoroughly washed and dried with napkins. After that, leave the bird at room temperature for another hour.
  • Vegetables and fruits cut into slices, and then fill the carcass with them. Do not forget to put there the fragrant thyme.
  • Cover the baking sheet with two layers of foil, put the bird on them with the breast up.
  • Using a cooking brush, carefully blot the skin with melted butter.
  • Pour the wine onto the foil, and then lift it up.
    whole turkey baked turkey

Bake the bird should be at a temperature of 220degrees How to calculate the time correctly? For this there is a simple formula. One kilogram is equal to 30 minutes. So our turkey should be cooked for about four hours. 40 minutes before readiness pour the bird with the remaining butter. Do not forget to check the readiness of the birds with a toothpick. If pink liquid flows out of the puncture, the dish needs more time in the oven for a while. If the juice is clear, then the turkey can be reached. To make the meat even more juicy, cover the finished bird with a towel and let it “walk” for 40 minutes.

Oven baked turkey can be your signature dish. Embody our recipes in life and delight loved ones with new tastes!

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