/ / Carrot salad with garlic

Carrot salad with garlic

Salads are just the dish thatthe largest amount is eaten at the table. The process of destroying salads goes somehow unnoticed. Therefore, they need to prepare a lot, diverse and interesting. In this case, the table covered by you, will always please the guests. Below you will find recipes for salads, in which the main ingredients are carrots with garlic.

I should say a few words about the usefulness of theseproducts. Garlic - a culture that has a myriad of health benefits. Moreover, he is credited with the ability to resist evil spirits, vampires and protect people from evil spirits. But special attention deserves the effectiveness of auxiliary treatment of garlic cardiovascular diseases, ailments of the gastrointestinal system, colds.

As for carrots, it is notable for the presence of vitamins A, B, C, E. It improves the condition of the teeth, digestion, helps with anemia, beriberi and has a beneficial effect on vision.

For those who follow the figure and do not wantplump, the danger can be carrots with garlic and mayonnaise. The problem is concentrated in the high-calorie mayonnaise, but since the benefits of the other ingredients are gigantic, you just need to change the dressing sauce. For this role, vegetable oils, especially olive oil, are excellent.

Carrot salad with garlic №1

Ingredients: 5-6 large carrots, 1 large glass can of canned, 5 cloves of garlic of small size, 1 packet of mayonnaise, salt to taste.

Carrots grind, naperving on a large segmentgraters, we pass garlic through garlic. Mix the two previous ingredients and add the rest, mix. Before serving, lay out on green lettuce leaves and decorate with chopped parsley.

Carrot salad with garlic №2

Products: 5-6 pieces of medium-sized carrots, 3 celery roots, 2-3 cloves of garlic, vegetable oil (can be olive), salt, parsley, vinegar to taste.

Crush the carrots with celery, rubbing ona shallow section of grater, and garlic to overflow. Mix everything, add vegetable oil, salt, vinegar. Sprinkle with herbs and serve the salad with chilled.

Bulgarian carrot salad with garlic

We will need: 5 carrots, three tablespoons of butter, garlic in the amount of 3-4 cloves, a few sprigs of parsley and salt to taste.

Carrots should be rubbed with noodles (there arespecial graters for this), put everything in a saucepan and pour three glasses of water, then stew. In the process, grind garlic and parsley, add salt. The next step is to melt the skillet in butter and fry the garlic mass on it. After two minutes, add the stewed carrots and fry again. As a side dish, you can boil potatoes.

Carrot salad with garlic and lemon juice

We take 4 carrots, 2 cloves garlic, juice 1 lemon, a full handful of chopped walnuts, salt, sugar.

Carrots should be grated on the large sideGraters, from above we sprinkle with juice of garlic, let promarinuetsja. We pass garlic through garlic, add to carrots along with salt, sugar to taste. We fill the salad with sour cream, decorate the prepared dish with walnuts.

Salad with boiled carrots and garlic

Necessary components: two apples, two carrots, 50 grams of peas (green, canned), one clove of garlic and to taste salt, black pepper.

Carrots cook, then grate, applescut in small pieces. Both products are mixed, add green peas, salt, chopped garlic, season with mayonnaise. You can decorate a salad with carrot, apple and parsley.

Thus, you can change the taste every eveninga favorite carrot salad or immediately impress guests with an abundance of dishes from this product. In any case, it is a delicious, nutritious dish, fondly loved by many people.

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