/ / Salmon in the oven: a recipe for good housewives

Salmon in the oven: a recipe for good housewives

One of the most refined and delicious dishes isSalmon in the oven. Recipe can be chosen any, but the result will be able to surpass all expectations and please the most picky lover to eat. Just choose a chilled fish, with a shiny skin and red gills.

You need to start with the simplest recipe - "Ginger salmon in the oven". The recipe is quite simple and fast.It is necessary to cut the fish into portions, marinate it in a mixture of pepper, lemon juice, grated ginger and salt. Fold the whole into a cut foil and put it on the fridge for half an hour. After this, you need to send the packages to the preheated oven for twenty minutes. Served dish with any side dish. On the festive table can be served in foil.

One of the most festive recipes will be one inwhich is baked entirely of salmon in the oven. The recipe is basic, but it will take time to prepare it. The main rule: you can not use a large number of condiments, otherwise "leave" the unique taste and aroma of this delicious king fish. Average salmon (3-4 kg) by weight and rinse with paper towels to remove unnecessary moisture. Cut several lemons into thin slices. Cut a piece of large-sized foil, put the fish on it and carefully cover the salmon inside and outside with a mixture of salt, honey and pepper. Now it will be necessary to lay lemon rings inside, under the fish and on the upper surface in one layer; wrap tightly the foil, but leaving the air space inside the bag, and send it to the refrigerator. It will take at least 10-12 hours for the fish to be marinated. Salmon in the oven should be at least an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. This dish is always hot.

"Juicy Salmon in the oven". The recipe for cooking quiteUneasy, because you need to correctly calculate the ratio of fish and side dishes. Fish cut into portions, the thickness of which should be at least four centimeters. Steaks need to be marinated with a mixture of salt, lemon juice and pepper. Now prepare the vegetables: the onion is cut into half rings; tomatoes in small cubes; carrots are rubbing large; dill finely shredded. All the vegetables will need to be mixed, like a salad, with the addition of a small amount of salt. Now on slices of foil stacked vegetables, and on top - salmon. The received envelopes are sent to the baking tray and baked for twenty minutes. Then they get out of the oven and stay cool for five minutes. Then you can serve directly in a foil with a variety of side dishes.

"Aromatic Salmon" It turns out, if in a marinade to add twigsrosemary. It is necessary to cut portioned pieces; make a mixture of olive oil, salt, lime juice, lemon, pepper and rastolchennyh sprigs of rosemary. Each piece should be coated and left to marinate for a day. Then in a frying pan, which can be put in the oven, fry the fish on one side and send it to bake. Salmon is cooked very quickly, will get a beautiful golden crust and just a unique aroma. At this time, you can prepare the sauce from a mixture of sour cream, salt, chopped green onions and dill.

The most festive and very refined dish is "Salmon in the oven with cheese and tomatoes". Рыбу нужно замариновать традиционной смесью lemon juice, pepper and salt. Now you need to cut into slices tomatoes, grate the cheese large. Spread the steaks on a greased baking sheet. Each cover with mayonnaise, then put the tomato, mayonnaise again and the top layer should be grated cheese. The dish should be baked in a preheated oven for no more than twenty to thirty minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Garnish for such a salmon can be almost any.

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