/ White beans: the benefits and harm. Useful properties of beans and contraindications

White beans: the benefits and harm. Useful properties of beans and contraindications

В природе нет больше продукта, способного встать on a par with meat in terms of protein content. If there were no beans, then most likely there would not be so many vegetarians among us. Let's look at the useful qualities of beans, find the existing contraindications to its use in food, as well as analyze the subtleties of its preparation.

White beans: composition

100 grams of the product contains:

  • 7 grams of protein.
  • Coarse fibers capable of removing harmful and toxic substances from the stomach.
  • Folic acid, preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
  • Amino acids (lysine, tyrosine, arginine, tryptophan).
  • Calcium and magnesium, useful for strengthening bones and teeth.
    Beans composition

If we consider in detail a product likewhite beans, the benefits and harms of its use are unequal. There is a clear predominance of positive qualities. White beans have a higher protein content than any other varieties of product. Some of the amino acids, in particular arginine, can reduce the sugar content in the body. This is especially useful for patients with diabetes. The calorie content of the product is low, 100 g of beans contain only 102 kcal.

What is useful beans?

Grain beans, despite beingdietary product, has one important feature. The fiber in its composition is able to remain in the stomach for a while and provide a feeling of satiety. Vegetable protein is absorbed by 75%. This figure is higher than that of animal proteins. The benefits that the body brings beans, the composition of amino acids and vitamins are invaluable. Regularly using this product, people:

  • Increase your immunity.
  • Improve the body's resistance to various infectious diseases.
  • Get a properly regulated metabolism.
  • Strengthen the nervous system.
  • Forget about inflammatory processes in the liver.
  • Do not have problems with the digestive tract.
    Bean Recipes

Let's look at how the body actshuman bean white. What are the benefits and harms of its consumption? It is worth noting that the list of positive qualities of the product will be much longer. In addition to the points already listed, the use of beans will help to normalize the function of the urogenital system, will contribute to the removal of kidney stones, and will also prevent the appearance of tartar. In addition, this valuable product has healing properties. White beans are especially good for people with regular constipation. It seems the vegetable squirrel can sing odes endlessly. And even traditional medicine turned its attention to this valuable product. With the help of beans you can heal from various diseases, as well as get a general recovery.

Features of canned food

Люди полагают, что очень удобно покупать готовую beans in jars, add it to the main dish, and use as a side dish. When buying a finished product, remember that white canned beans have a high salt content, as well as acetic acid. To improve the quality of the dish, before use, the liquid in the jar must be drained and the beans washed. Excessive consumption of canned product leads to increased gas formation.

How to choose and store beans

So, we came to the conclusion that the natural productwill give us much more benefit than canned. Choosing beans in the supermarket, special attention should be paid to the quality of the appearance of the goods. Do not allow rot or particles of mold on the surface of the bean. Such a product is already spoiled, its use will bring nothing good. It is usually stored in a dry dark place, for example, on a shelf in a kitchen cabinet, placed in a glass container tightly closed with a plastic lid.

Boiled beans

Есть еще один вариант хранения, но для этого pre-boiled beans need to be boiled. Boiled beans are cooled and placed in a plastic bag, and then sent for storage in the freezer. A large amount of boiled beans can be immediately divided into small pieces.

Proper preparation of the product

Значительный вред организму фасоль способна bring only raw, as it contains oligosaccharides - these are the best "friends" of abdominal distention and increased gas formation. Also in its raw form, there are some toxic substances in the product. It is not at all scary if you know that with proper heat treatment all toxins simply disappear. So, we reveal some secrets of proper preparation of fruits:

  • Before cooking, the beans must be soaked in cold water for at least 10 hours.
  • Part of the toxins left with cold water, and the rest will be drained immediately after the first boil. Then again pour cold water, immediately adding 3 spoons of vegetable oil.
  • Cooking is done for a long time with a large amount of water on low heat, without stirring in order to avoid cracking the fruit.
  • In no case when cooking does not need to salt the beans. Recipes and cooking tips in one voice assert that salt destroys the appearance of the dish. We will salt only after we turn off the fire.
    White Canned Beans

Thus, the white beans, the benefits and harms of which are separable only by the thinnest edge of culinary wisdom, will be properly prepared.

What to use

Микроэлементы, которыми так богат этот Great product, will be better absorbed in combination with vegetables. Especially good beans "friends" with vegetables rich in vitamin C. From an aesthetic point of view, beans look good in salads. Especially beautiful are the cold appetizers, where the spectacular white-red bean appears.

Recipe for salad "Sharp"

For cooking we take:

  • Boiled beans - 300 g
  • Crab meat - 100 g
  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Green parsley.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt, ground black pepper.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.

Traditionally, not to waste time on cooking, forLettuce is recommended to buy canned beans. Recipes with boiled beans almost never occur. Try a cold snack with boiled beans, because the taste of the dish will only improve.

White bean red

Crush crab meat, send in a salad bowl.There we put the beans and chopped tomatoes. Chop the parsley and squeeze the garlic. Before filling with mayonnaise and mixing everything, do not forget to salt and pepper. This salad is well served, sprinkled with croutons.

In addition to tomatoes, the beans in the salad goes well with cucumbers (both pickled and fresh), cheese and boiled chicken. "Not friendly" with potatoes.

Taste beans

Если бы все полезные продукты были бы так же tasty as beans! People coming home after a busy day get a great dinner in the form of dishes with beans, as well as easy digestion in the intestines, which is especially important before bedtime. Probably, there is not a single person who would be categorical with respect to beans.

Beans useful properties and contraindications

Единственное, что может разделять любителей этого product, so these are different gastronomic biases in favor of one or another species. Someone likes to complement the vegetable stew with beans broken in half asparagus pods. White beans and asparagus in one dish delicately complement each other. Red bean beans are most often preferred because of the bright color, bringing a little aesthetics to the dish.

White beans: useful properties and contraindications

We have already said a lot about the beneficial propertiesit was the turn to mention the existing contraindications. Beans contain a substance such as purine, so it is undesirable to use the elderly and those suffering from gout. The list of diseases, the presence of which bans the use of beans, complements peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, nephritis.

So, we addressed the question of whatwhite beans. The benefits and harms from its use, as we have noticed, are unequal, the positive qualities of the product prevail. We made sure that the beans on the table are irreplaceable, if, of course, to cook it correctly.

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