/ / Beef tongue: recipes with photos

Beef tongue: recipes with photo

Recipes with beef tongue are quite popular in Russia. This meat product is considered a delicacy. Moreover, it has a rich vitamin and chemical composition.

Beef tongue with the right preparation will be gentle and tasty, from it you can prepare delicious snacks, salads, first and main dishes. In boiled form it is perfect for sandwiches.

How to boil the tongue?

This delicacy can be spoiled if it is wrong to approach the cooking process. There are several rules that you should pay attention to when buying this product on the market or in the store:

  • must be fresh;
  • not very dense;
  • with a pink tinge;
  • when you press a finger on it, the structure is quickly restored;
  • absence of bloody puddles (evidence of freezing).

Before you start preparing a language, you need itWash and remove all films. During cooking, the first broth merges. For cooking, a large saucepan is used, because the tongue will swell during cooking.

tongue of beef boiled recipe

Recipes with beef tongue give step-by-step recommendations on the correct processing of the by-product, so to prepare it you need to use the steps that are indicated below.

A tongue weighing up to 1 kg should be boiled at least2 hours, only then it will become soft and juicy. A product weighing more than 1-1.5 kg should be cut in half and cook about 3-4 hours, and it should be lowered into already boiling water. Water does not salt, otherwise the tongue will turn out to be tough.

All the spices are poured into the pan 15 minutes before cooked. Beef tongue fits well with the roots of parsley and celery, you can send a whole bulb and several laurel leaves to the broth.

To the skin after cooking well removed, you need to place the tongue in cold water for several minutes.

Under sour cream sauce

This dish can be served both in a cold and hot way, any garnish will suit it.

In advance, boil the tongue of a small size. Middle bulb clean, grind small cubes and fry in a pan with two tablespoons of butter until golden.

beef tongue in sour cream sauce

In the prepared onions, place 200 g of sour cream, slice the tongue in cubes not more than 1.5 cm thick and fold into the saucepan. Pour the creamy onion sauce and cook for 10 minutes.

Serve the dish, having previously decorated it with chopped fresh herbs. As a garnish classic mashed potatoes are perfect.

Recipe for salad from beef tongue with a photo

This dish will take about 90 minutes to cook. It includes fairly expensive products, but the result will meet all expectations. We will need the following ingredients:

  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs .;
  • language - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh and pickled cucumber 1 pc .;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • red caviar - 30 g;
  • greenery.

Vegetables need to be washed thoroughly. Carrots, potatoes and eggs boil until cooked, cut into the same small cubes. Grind the greens.

salad recipe with beef tongue with a photo

Cucumbers chop a cube, like boiled vegetables.For the preparation of a by-product, the recipe of boiled beef tongue is used, which is presented above. The finished tongue is cut into cubes of medium size.

This salad refers to one of the variations"Olivier", only instead of boiled sausage or meat put a tender beef tongue. Red caviar can be added at will, but with it the dish acquires an original and piquant taste.

All the ingredients are neatly mixed and dressed with mayonnaise. Served salad or portioned, having issued a cylindrical mold, or in a small salad bowl.


This recipe for cooking beef tongue will require a little patience and time, and you can enjoy the delicate taste of the dish.

First, the byproduct is boiled.The recipe for cooking boiled beef tongue is given above. Please note that the broth does not pour out. The tongue is cut into thin slices. 150 ml of broth is cooled, mixed with 20 g of gelatin and is set aside for swelling. Do not forget to mix occasionally! After 10-15 minutes, add another 700 ml of broth, put on a slow fire and torment, not bringing to a boil.

When gelatin is completely dissolved, a small amount of broth is poured into the molds and sent to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Pre-cooked carrots and eggs cut into rings.

tongue beef recipe step by step

Forms get out of the refrigerator, a littleFrozen broth put on a circle of carrots and eggs. You can add a small sprig of parsley. Pieces of language are laid out in the form of a flower and filled with the remaining broth.

Forms are sent until it is completely solidified infridge. Before serving, lower them for 30 seconds in warm water, and then turn them over to a small plate. The filler should fall out carefully, without damaging the edges.


This step-by-step recipe with beef tongue can be used by any hostess. Snack turns crunchy and satisfying. For its preparation, 300 g of boiled tongue is used.

The tongue is cut into slices 0.5 cm thick.For cooking batter, you need to beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Slices are well dipped in the egg and sent to a heated frying pan with vegetable oil.

beef tongue in batter

The tongue is fried for 10 minutes on each side until a beautiful golden color appears. Served on a dish decorated with fresh vegetables and herbs.

"Tsarskaya Hunt" salad

It includes a lot of satisfying products:

  • boiled tongue;
  • 1 boiled chicken fillet;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g of pickled mushrooms;
  • 1 grenade;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greenery.

Tongue, chicken and eggs cut into small cubes. Marinated mushrooms (depending on the type) shred straw or cube.

Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl,add 100 g of low-fat mayonnaise. Top with finely chopped greens. From the pomegranate, take out all the grains and lay them evenly on the greens, covering almost completely the lower layer.

For decoration it is better to use a flat dish of medium size.


A recipe with a delicious beef tongue will help to prepare a great main dish - julienne. We will need:

  • 2 small beef tongues;
  • 1 onion;
  • 400 g of champignons;
  • 2 tablespoons butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 400 g of hard cheese;
  • 200 ml of creamy cream.

It is necessary to boil two small beef tongues in advance and cut them into small cubes.

1 onion and 400 g champignons shredded small cubes and fried in a pan until the appearance of a ruddy color. For roasting, a good butter is used.

400 g of any hard cheese, grate on a largegrater. In the prepared forms for roasting or coconut milk put the cheese on the bottom in a small layer. On top of the neatly laid out language, the next layer are fried mushrooms with onions.

Beef cooking recipe

Then you can start preparing the sauce.In the saucepan, dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of butter and fry in it 2 tablespoons of flour. In this mass, gradually add fat cream (200 ml) and, constantly stirring, simmer the sauce until thick. The main thing is not to boil.

Fill the finished sauce on the layer with mushrooms, topsprinkle with the remaining cheese. Forms are sent to a preheated oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. This recipe with beef tongue with a photo will become a favorite in the festive menu.

Battered tongue

Such a snack can surprise any guest at the celebration. Ingredients:

  • 1 language;
  • 4 things. carrots;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 3 cloves garlic;
  • mayonnaise.

The tongue is boiled and cleaned. Carrots are cooked until ready and cleaned.

Cut the tongue along in two parts, carefully cut out the middle. 100 g of hard cheese, grate on a large nozzle and mix with 3 cloves of crushed garlic. Season the mixture with mayonnaise and salt.

Spoon the tongue with a cheese salad and combine the two halves.

Dough (you can buy ready-made puff in the store) thinly roll out, on the entire surface, lay a smooth layer of grated boiled carrots.

beef tongue in dough

Top the crushed herbs from above, press a little with hands. In the middle, place the stuffed tongue and wrap it in dough. Grease the surface with whipped yolk.

Bake the roll in the oven at 180 ° C until golden brown. Allow the dish to cool completely, then cut into slices. Before serving, decorate the tongue with lobules of fresh vegetables.

Salad in Chinese

This dish has a piquant taste, let's studyrecipe. With beef tongue, you should do this: boil 400 g of by-product in water with the addition of soy sauce, peel and cut into small pieces.

Middle red onion cut into small half rings, add to the threaded tongue and pour 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce. The language should be still warm. Set aside for marinating.

Fresh cucumber and a large sweet pepperpeel, cut into medium-sized cubes, chop 2 cloves of garlic with a knife or pass through garlic. For refueling 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce mixed with 1 tsp. sesame oil and a little podsalivayut.

Put the tongue on the plates and the vegetables on top. Season the salad with 1 tsp. sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Pasta with tongue

Elegant casserole will please all family members. In advance, boil two medium beef tongues. Any pasta (250 g) boil until half-ready in water with the addition of salt and 1 tsp. sunflower oil.

Discard the paste in a colander, rinse with coldwater and leave for draining. At this time, you can take sauce: 1 tbsp. Melt butter in the saucepan, gradually enter 3 tbsp. l. flour and fry, constantly stirring, until the appearance of a nut smell.

Finished the sauce remove from heat, pour 100 mlhot, but not boiling cream, mix well. Sauce season with your favorite spices and salt to taste. For the baking form, grease with butter, pour a small amount of sauce on the bottom and spread it over the entire surface.

On top of an even layer laid out pasta, on them - sliced ​​beef tongue, on top - the remaining sauce. 150 gr of any hard cheese grate and sprinkle the casserole.

The form is sent to the oven for 20 minutes at 170 ° C. Before serving, the casserole is cut and adorned with chopped fragrant greens.

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