/ / 71 account. 71 account

71 account. 71 account

At each enterprise, from time to time, there is a need to provide cash to employees for various purposes, such as:

• advance for travel expenses;

• advance payment for administrative and economic needs, purchase of inventory items, spare parts, postage and representation expenses, as well as all kinds of fees.

71 account

So, let's see who is entitled to receivemeans for the report, what are the reasons for this, how to properly issue documents and accounting operations for the issuance of money, and also correctly write up an advance report on the costs incurred.

Accountable persons - who are they?

There are cases when an inexperienced or negligentthe accountant issues a cash amount to the representatives of the supplier or the customer and assigns it to 71 accounting accounts. Basically, this is the sin of small businesses, believing that in this way they paid off with the creditor or paid the order. This is a gross violation of statutory regulations.

Accountable persons are necessarily employeesenterprise. In addition, the issuance of money for the report precedes the conclusion with the employee of the contract on liability, which determines its measure and stipulates the rights and obligations of the parties.

71 account

As a rule, the circle of materially responsible andaccountable persons is established by the head, issuing an appropriate order, annually updated. Accounting for calculations on accountable amounts reflects 71 accounts.

Travel expenses

Accountable monies for travelexpenses are issued from the cashier's office or transferred to the employee's card on the basis of a written application with a resolution of the head. Of course, in this case, there is no need to conclude an agreement on liability, since any employee of the firm can go on a business trip, and the management order is the basis for the trip, and the account is reflected in the operations 71.

Basis for payment of funds under report

Such extradition is regulated by the current legislation, and the main rules of this operation are the following:

• it is forbidden to issue documents for the payment of money for a report, if the employee did not report for the amounts received earlier;

• money is given out on application, endorsed by the manager with a note on the amount of the amount and the period for which it is issued;

• a report on the expenses incurred is drawn up and signed within 3 days after the end of the business trip or the expiry of the term set by the head.

account 71


So, after the costs are incurred, orcoming from a business trip, the employee must report within 3 days and submit to the accountant an advance report of the form AO-1 with the attached documents proving the consistency of the spent expenses.

In the advance report, the totals are counted, and the result is output:

• There is no balance of money, as all funds have been spent;

• There is a balance, since the expenditure is less than planned;

• Overruns of issued funds, as they are expended in a larger amount.

The balance is returned to the firm's cashier by PKO, and the amount of overspending is issued in the hands of the RKO. All accounting operations for reporting amounts reflect 71 accounting records.

In case of non-observance of the rules established by the legislation, the amount of reporting assets is withheld from the salary or is reflected as a shortage and is subsequently recovered by a court decision.

posting account 71

How the account works

The account under consideration summarizes information onCalculations with employees on funds issued under the report. These amounts are included in the debit of account 71, corresponding to cash accounts, for example, 50 - "Cashier". Documented amounts of expenses are debited from the credit of account 71 to the debit of expense accounts, for example 10 - "Materials", etc.

Amounts returned by employees are written off fromloan account 71 in the debit account 94 - "shortage." Subsequently, these amounts are written off from the loan 94 to the debit of account 70. If deduction from wages for any reason is impossible, then account 73 is debited and the question arises of reimbursing the enterprise for the damage inflicted.

journal account for account 71

It should be noted that analytical accounting is being conductedseparately for each employee with mandatory deduction of monthly totals. Mechanized accounting using the "1C" program allows you to compile the necessary document in terms of issued or written off amounts, set a time range or specify a list of accountable persons, all data is united by an account card 71. The accountant must report for each amount issued, drawing up an advance report within the allotted time . Analytics is combined into a journal-warrant for account 71, which is drawn up at the end of the reporting period.


Each advance report is processed by the accountant from the data transfer to account 71. Postings reflecting the operations for accounting of the reporting amounts:

• Дтт 71 - К-т 50 - the reporting sum is given out from cash desk.

• Дтт 71 - К-т 51 - the sum is transferred from the settlement account to the card of the employee.

• Дт т 41 - К-т 71 - purchase of goods from the accountable amount.

• Дт т 10 - К-т 71 - purchase of materials.

• Дт т 26 - К-т 71 - general business expenses are written off, for example postal services are paid.

• Дт т 20 - К-т 71 - Travel expenses are written off.

• Дт т 50 - К-т 71 - the rest of the accountable amount was contributed by the employee to the cashier.

• Дт 70 - К-т 71 - the rest of the accountable amount is withheld from the salary of the employee.

• Дт т 94 - К-т 71 - the employee did not report about the spent expenses in the established term.

• Дт. 73.2 - Кт - 71 - deduction of shortage from the employee.

• Dt 91.2 - KT 71 - allocation amount of shortage for other expenses, if recovery is impossible.

Features of account №71

The account is active-passive.Above we considered the traditional accounting entries on account 71, when it appears as active, that is, it is debited with the receipt of money and credited at write-off of expenses. As a passive account is used less often, but such cases happen.

account posting 71

For example, there is no money in the box office, but to go tobusiness trip is necessary, and the employee agrees to use personal finance with the condition that on return the travel expenses will be paid. In this case, the wiring of the D-t 20-K-t station 71 is compiled.

In this case, there were expenses before their payment, and the enterprise undertakes to reimburse them. In this example, 71 accounts are passive.

If the company is a VAT payer

If the company is a VAT payer andaccumulates the amount of tax paid for goods or services on account 19 - "VAT", then when purchasing materials or paying for services out of reporting amounts, it is necessary to reflect the amount of VAT by the posting of the D-t 19 - K -t 71 - to the amount of tax paid.

Reason for writing off costs

Taking an advance report, the accountant checkssupporting documents. This can be invoices, invoices and invoices for the acquisition of property, cash and commodity checks, confirming the payment for all kinds of services, i.e., primary documents, which are the fundamental basis for assigning costs to 71 accounts.

The main requirement for economicoperation in accounting is a written confirmation of the transaction. In other words, all expenses indicated in the advance report must be justified and confirmed by primary accounting documents, correctly issued, with filled in requisites, necessary signatures, seals and stamps. Expenses that are not confirmed by documents or confirmed by undocumented securities can not be accepted and reflected in the accounting, and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. An employee from his pocket will pay such costs.

Therefore, the accountable person should seriously approach the issue of issuing an advance report, in a timely manner, demand correctly filled out documents for the expenses incurred.

account card 71

Accountant's actions

The accountant who receives the advance report checksarithmetic calculations, the availability and processing of documents of excuse, in a special section makes notes on the reflection of expenses, verifies 71 accounts, confirming the posting by their painting. Then he writes out a cash or cash order for the amount of discrepancies between the amount issued and spent, hands him to the cashier and closes the advance report.

What you need to remember when tax audits

The period for which the accountable person is issuedfunds for economic purposes are not established by law. It can be determined by the head of the organization. However, the law does not interpret this as a duty of the director. When determining the term, the employee must report on the expenses within 3 days after the expiry. And if the deadline has not been established, then even for a long time not reporting on the accountable amount, it can not be violated. Therefore, if the company does not determine a similar deadline, the tax authorities' claims regarding the long-term presence of the accountable amount on their hands will necessarily be presented, although they can not be considered justified.

Identifying such cases, the tax authoritiesthey qualify them as receiving an interest-free loan, demanding to determine the amount of material benefit that arose from the employee, to include it in the composition of his income and to withhold personal income tax.

debit account 71

Such a tax claim is illegal, sincethe concept of material benefit established by Art. 212 of the Tax Code, does not include the situation described above. In accordance with the Tax Code material benefit is the income received:

• from savings on interest for using the funds of credit institutions;

• from the acquisition of property or services under a civil law contract;

• from the acquisition of shares or other securities.

The arguments of the tax authorities in this caseare illegal, since loans in credit institutions are formalized by the contract, and the issuance of the accountable amount is carried out upon application. But in the interests of the company's management - to properly issue documents for the issuance of funds under report in order to avoid claims of inspection bodies.

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