/ / Business to sell thermal underwear - is it worth starting?

Business for selling thermal underwear - is it worth starting?

Ideas for the sale of thermal underwear have long ceased to be just ideas, but embodied in reality. However, in such a business it is necessary to know that the goods are seasonal and are not intended for every customer.

Therefore, those who buy thermal underwear wholesale it is necessary to immediately establish links with the shops of hunting and fishing, and also offer it in the departments next to skis and other winter sports products.

Why is the demand specific?

The thing is that this linen is used onlythose who work for a long time on the street, or are without movement. It is useful to security and escort officers, workers at the construction site or people whose profession is associated with constant trips to nature. Otherwise, the clothes are rather hot and ordinary consumers are unlikely to take it in large quantities. Even if a man is freezing, he will not put on clothes under an office suit, so that he can then be removed at work. This should be understood, and therefore understand that these sales need to be motivated.

Where to place advertising

Если клиент занимается зимними видами спорта, goes to a dacha in a cold train, he will certainly take a set of clothes just in case, the main thing in time for him to offer. Most often, such travelers are at stations, and therefore, advertising must be placed in close proximity to the platform and paint about the miraculous qualities of the laundry. In this case, you can even sell women's thermal underwear wholesale, because lovers of sports and trips are of different sex.

Why sales will be low

In addition, it is necessary to conclude contracts withhunting and fishing stores for the sale of related products, that is, this linen. Since the price of a good set is high enough, not everyone will buy it for themselves. This must be realized to calculate the implementation plan. You can try to advertise it among the goods and clothes of winter sports, but there the percentage of buyers will also be low due to the fact that the clothes themselves are rather warm, and there is no reason to buy underwear or underwear.

Do not be engaged in a pure business for selling thermal underwear, but this may well be an accompanying product. In addition, you can offer home jersey or clothes for hobbies and sports.

What should be the conditions for a good implementation of this business idea?

Things to consider:

  • It is desirable to organize business in a big city, where there is a mass of willing with high solvency;
  • It is necessary to organize a high-quality advertising campaign on pre-sale, emphasizing the advantages of this product;
  • Large selection of models and sizes at an affordable price for the buyer;
  • Places where linen will be taken as a companion product for travel, travel.

Exit - sell as part of overalls

Most often the underwear is popular with peoplewhich have a problem with vessels, such as the IRR, which is why they are constantly freezing. The second option is working on the street for a long time when there is no opportunity to warm up (shift workers, road workers, builders, railway workers, etc.). Talk with heads of enterprises and organizations about possible wholesale supplies of thermal underwear as part of working clothes, and then business will flourish.

As you can see, to organize a businessDirections are possible, and it may even be profitable, but it is necessary to invest in advertising, and the sale of the product, maximum attention and means. Just waiting for sales in the mall from people is useless, especially since this is a seasonal product, and it will be difficult to trade them. However, if you want to lead this direction, as a concomitant business is quite possible, but we must take into account that the cost of a really high-quality thermal underwear is quite high.

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