/ / Vase yourself with tires: for free, creative, fun

Vase with your hands from the tire: for free, creative, fun

Each summer resident or owner of his own courtyard thinks about how to decorate your site, while spending a minimum of funds.

a vase of your own with a tire
Crafts from tires with their own hands (photo), for example a fence made of old rubber orstairs of tires, sandbox, original tables and chairs, swings, sports equipment, figures of fairy-tale heroes, flower beds, sculptures decorate the yard or house, help the owner to show individuality. Such hand-made articles are worthless, they can be worked on by the whole family. "Trampoline" of old tires, a rubber man, acting as a gymnastic wall, swans, cheburashki, bears will not only decorate the yard, but also provide a safe space for safe children's games. And the old rubber can easily replace expensive flowerpots and flower beds. Here are some ideas of original and not very complex vases that can be used to plant fresh flowers, bouquets or compositions from natural material.

Vase with your hands from a tire from a big car

handmade crafts

It will require several oldtires from large trucks. It will not be a vase, but rather a vase, which can be installed in the garden and plant flowers in it. The easiest way is to mark the wheel with chalk and cut out the pattern: petals, waves, any other intricate shapes. It is not necessary to remove the rubber from the rim. With a jig saw or a very sharp knife, the ramp is scraped according to the pattern, turned and painted with any water-resistant paints. After that, the ramp is filled with earth, and the autoclub is ready.

 from tires with their own hands
If you take a few tires, set one in one according to the principle of matryoshka, then from the tires you can make a wonderful flowerbed consisting of several tiers, or a vase.

Vase with your hands from the tire to decorate the room

For such a product, you can take a smaller ramp.Work with him about the same as in the previous case: the rubber is cut and twisted. Then the rubber is carefully covered with white or any light paint, on top of which color patterns are applied in the style of "Gzhel", "Khokhloma", etc. It turns out a beautiful big vase. With their hands from the tire can be built and small vessels for flowers. You can take the rubber from a bicycle ramp or a motorcycle, insert a suitable plastic bottle into it.
Rubber, which should be twice as longbottles, cut into strips that fold in the form of petals, weave into patterns, wrapping them with a bottle. If you do not want to mess around with homemade clothes, you can make a simple vessel for flowers from a segment of an unnecessary bicycle camera or tires. You just need to cut off the desired length, solder the lower end and use another piece of rubber and two nails to attach the elongated vase to the wall. It can be colored, pasted with river stones, beads, pieces of glass, even painted beans. Since it is difficult to pour water in a vase attached to a wall, this vase with its own hands from a bicycle tire is more suitable for dry compositions. Especially good rubber vases look complete with tables and chairs, also made of tires.

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